I don''t believe Shaylo was asleep, but I also don''t think that she bothered to pay any attention. Newlyn does not say a word and just unlocks my stall, motioning me to follow. We go around to the main house where I had stayed that first night and enter through the front door. She proceeds upstairs to the same bedroom from my first night here and she starts a bath, I say nothing.
“I''m not mad at you Taylan.” I hear her words, but don''t believe her and it really doesn’t put me at ease because my heart is thumping out of my chest. “Get out of your clothes and into the tub.” I don''t hesitate and do just as I am told. I sink into the warm, soothing water. She sits on the step of the tub.
“Your injury is completely healed; I don''t see the mark.” Instinctively I touch my neck and relax a bit by her distraction.
“Yes, it doesn’t hurt anymore.” I answer softly.
“You know that you have been doing well with this project. Sit has provided me very insightful information that you were able to get out of Shaylo.”
“Thank you,” I answer shyly.
“What happened today with Shaylo won''t ever happen again.” Newlyn asserts herself.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“She has been warned that if she ever acts in the way that she did it would be her last.” I swallow slowly and know exactly what that means. Newlyn is the wolf in sheep’s clothing just as her daughter.
“Taylan don''t be frightened, people who do terrible things have terrible things happen to them, and I know that you are not like Shaylo.” I am at a loss of words, and she continues, “With her outburst today we know that her weakness is Shrago. I need you to stay clear of mentioning him.”
I find my voice, “Newlyn, can I ask you something?”
“I don''t think there is anything else that we need to get from her that would be useful for Rosaleen. I am sure that both Shrago and Shaylo were the only ones who were resolute informants to King Wolfrim, and the only ones on the ship that participated in the things that happened to you and your family.”
“Is this a hunch you are working off of, or are you defending her?” Newlyn looks down at me.
“I have nothing to gain in defending her. Look at what happened when I hinted at abandoning everything she knows.” I am not sure if Sitrus or Shaylo admitted to Newlyn what I had just divulged to her just now, it is a calculated risk that I take in this discussion. “Shrago’s safety is the main thing that is important to her. She worries about him constantly.” This is a half-truth, and I almost believe my own lie.
“You know Taylan, I find myself constantly underestimating you and Ashlea.”
My ears perk up, “You’ve seen Ashlea?”
She pours some warm water into my hair, “No, but I have heard news from the ship. They are halfway to the Thresolon. Soolena has been putting a lot of work into Ashlea’s training. I hear Ashlea is a quick learner, just like you and a natural in the work that they have given her.”
I hold onto every word. This is the first news I hear of Ash since she has left. “What do they have her doing?” Newlyn enjoys my company; it is hard to tell if she is acting. Newlyn could have easily had a servant bathe me, but she chooses to do this work herself. She considers me a replacement to the missed time that she would have had with Rosaleen. It feels odd considering that I am a young adult, and I am being held here against my wishes, but what makes me get through this is the fact that I do welcome the company even though it’s under queer circumstances. In some sort of twisted way, I accept Newlyn as a fill in for me missing my own mother.Stolen content warning: this content belongs on Royal Road. Report any occurrences.
Newlyn fills me in on Ashlea''s work. She has taken on the role of being a protector for Rosaleen, and I find out that she has become an excellent flyer. She is good in the skill of stealth, she has become a skilled shooter, and she is mastering the discipline of knives and swords. Newlyn gushes over my sister explaining that Ashlea is the perfect apprentice. Newlyn points out that Ashlea is not someone that would normally come to mind as being a protector and admits that her daughter, Rosaleen has a good eye. Ashlea is small just like me, and people overlook her, which is such a huge advantage.
I reflect aloud, “I never thought Ashlea would ever take on a serious roll because she is such a fun loving spirit, but I can see how she would be good with learning because it all sounds exciting, and it is her nature to care for the ones that she loves. She would want to do all that she could.”
Newlyn asks, “Did you ever see yourself becoming an informant?”
I chuckle and can''t help rolling my eyes, “I don''t think that I’m any good, but to answer your question, I never thought that I would be picked to do this sort of work.”
Newlyn lathers up some soap in her hand and washes my back, “My dear I don''t think Rosaleen picked two better people.”
“Thank you.” I feel myself flush, “Newlyn, what are you having me do after tonight?”
She rinses the soap from my body and hair, “You are going back to the stall next to Shaylo to continue with the act. I understand your logic that, there is not much more to gain, but I can''t let her go just yet. I can''t risk any warning of alarm to King Wolfrim. I don''t want to do away with Shaylo because I want revenge; she helped in breaking my family apart. I want to keep her here and make her pay. Let''s face it she owes me.”
“How much longer do you think I will need to keep up this act?” I ask.
Newlyn ponders a moment, “I don''t think it will be for much longer. It depends on how fast Rosaleen carries out her mission.”
I instantly deflate; everything that is required of me is constantly changing. I had no choice, or say in the matter, but I had the impression that this act would only be a matter of weeks, but with Newlyn elaborating on it, this could take months. This also means that I won’t see Ashlea for longer than I had anticipated.
Newlyn gets up from sitting on the step and holds a towel out for me. I step out of the tub and into it. The feeling of being clean is wonderful, but I am having a tough time enjoying it because I feel like Ashlea has been pulled even further out of my grasp.
“Cheer up Taylan, this isn''t forever. You are going to keep close watch on Shaylo and see to it that she stays put.” Newlyn approaches the dresser to retrieve some clothing. Instead of pulling out a fancy gown, she retrieves another simple grey outfit for me. The only good thing about it is its clean and dry. I dress myself, and Newlyn approaches me and brushes my silky hair that is reflecting a dirty blond color. It must be the mix of the warm wood tone in the room and the grey outfit.
“Such beautiful hair,” Newlyn says admiringly to me, “Stay put for a moment. I''ll be right back with some food for you.” Newlyn closes the door behind her, and I hear the lock click shut. I wonder if Sit said anything to her about my own escape attempt. Adrenaline starts pumping in my veins, still remembering what Shaylo had said about the soap. I race around the room looking for things that would improve my living situation in the barn. There is some soap at the tub, candles, clothes, and towels. I open the dresser, there is a variety of clothing, undecided as to what to take I go to the closet and open it. My eyes set its sights on a flying suit hanging there for the taking. How am I going to do this; I want this suit. I take the suit from the hanger. To my surprise, there are two. I look back at the door and listen. All I can hear is silence. I close the closet door and retreat into the washroom, closing the door for a moment. I must do this fast; I take my top off and instead of putting the suits under my clothing I just wrap the garments around my stomach, tying the legs to the arms so that the fabric is snug against my skin. I take the linen top that Newlyn set out for me, put it over top and check myself in the vanity mirror to make sure that there is no evidence of the loot beneath my clothing, or any odd bumps; so far so good. I flush the toilet and wash my hands to make it seem like I was using the washroom and go back into the room just as Newlyn is coming through the door to the bedroom.
“I made you and Shaylo a sandwich let’s get you back to the stable.” We leave the house. She walks me back to my stall. Newlyn does not stay to chat and just locks the stall door behind me and leaves. I have the sandwiches. I quietly walk to Shaylo''s stall and peek over.
I don''t see her. Where is she? “Shaylo” I whisper.