Shaylo roars, “Out of the water!” We make it to the sand and turn to face the water, just beyond the drop a giant creature breaks the surface, black in color, then several others follow as the first, and come crashing down.
In complete wonder I ask, “What are they?” They are not large fish, sharks, or whales.
Shaylo breathlessly answers, “Manta Rays, they are harmless. Do you want to see?”
Feeling a little weary, my curiosity outweighs my nerves, which are screaming at me not to go. Putting my fears to rest, we carefully and slowly go back into the shallows, to the edge of the drop off. I dunk my head to get a better look down into the deep water and see them, these giant dark creatures, they look like giant birds that are flying through the water seamlessly and with such a graceful speed. They must be at least twenty feet wide from wing tip to wing tip and thirty feet long from the head to the tip of their long needlepoint tails.
Without warning Shaylo descends into the deep. I feel compelled to follow although I am a little reluctant. The temperature of the water in the drop off is not cold, but it is noticeably cooler after being used to the bath like warmth of the shallows. I descend cautiously, but quickly to the ocean floor and the creatures are in the distance, doing the same thing, they did before. They all seem to come together at the bottom and then ascend in a circular motion to the surface. It is like seeing an underwater tornado on the ocean floor. I see them break the water’s surface up above and then they come crashing down again. I go back to the surface for air and swim back down into the deep. On my way down the manta rays, seem to have left their tornado formation and have dispersed. One of the giant creatures spots me making my way through the water and he comes over to investigate. He moves seamlessly, not daring to touch me, his curiosity outweighs any fear he may have. I can move at a nice speed underwater; my fingers and toes are webbed to my first knuckle, but nowhere near as quickly and as effortlessly as these creatures. His movements are effortless. In a single movement, he glides around me like a giant dark cape in the wind. He does a perfect circle, and I am at the center of it. I pause and watch this massive creature. He slows approaching close enough for me to reach out to touch him. Without thinking, I reach out and touch him as he glides by. My hand skims his underbelly. At my touch, he flaps his wings and quickens his speed away from me. I go back to the surface for another breath of air. Shaylo meets me at the surface.
I can hardly contain my excitement, “Shaylo did you see that?”
She laughs, “Do you mean when he circled you and you touched him?”
“I didn''t even know creatures like that existed?” I say breathlessly.
Shaylo says, “I have only seen them a couple of times, but never that close, only ever on board a ship looking down at them from a distance.”
“I got completely sidetracked watching them. I forgot to grab some oysters at the bottom.” I dip my face into the water peering down to see if I am in the clear to swim down without getting sidetracked again by the gentle giants.
“No worries, I picked up enough for the both of us, and even a couple of morsels of sugar kelp.” Shaylo reveals two good sized oysters, one in each hand and two long morsels of sugar kelp that look like long strands of green ribbon laced though her fingers. We go to the shore to eat and then we are back in our suits on course, back in flight. It is late in the afternoon early evening; it is hard for me to tell. We make the decision to come back down on a larger island, similar in size to the island where Newlyn''s home is. We land on the sandy shore. It is good that we decided to stop because it gives us some time to settle down for the night before it gets dark. Besides, when it is dark it would be impossible to navigate and who knows if these suits even hold a charge, or where we would end up stopping for that matter?
“I know this place.” Shaylo admits. “There is a small town not too far from here; you may have caught a glimpse of it before landing?”
“Yes, I saw something in the distance.”
“So, we are going to have to find some clothing, or even better, shelter for the night.” Shaylo says as though she is talking aloud to herself.
“I am all ears Shaylo, how are we going to blend in with these suits and get shelter with nothing to barter with?”
“Who says we are going to barter?” Shaylo says.
I am a little surprised that Shaylo would even suggest it and risk us being caught for something else.
Shaylo says, “Follow me.” Back up into the air we go, we circle the buildings from afar and once satisfied that she has a good visual of the area, I follow her to a secluded area close to the town in a forested spot.
Shaylo works through a strategy, “This is going to be too easy that it’s disgusting, the catch is, we need to do this now before it gets dark and before the shops close for the night. I spotted a clothing shop with some garments we could take what is hanging on a rack out front. I plan to just swoop in when no one is looking grab what I need for the two of us and go.”
“Shaylo, we don''t need to do it like this. We can camp out for the night. What ever happened to toughing it out? Besides, if we are so desperate for food and clothing, why don''t we just go in there like normal people? I can use my pearl necklace to barter with.” I look for the tiniest glint of reasoning in her.
“Taylan, I know that your necklace is important to you. We will be quick. We have every right to take what we need after all that we have been through.”
“Shaylo this is morally wrong these store owners have nothing to do with your imprisonment and besides, even if I were to turn a blind eye on the matter of morals the one major issue that is staring me in the face is, what if something goes wrong? What if you are recognized? What if we are caught? We are back to square one and even worse what if we are handed back over to Newlyn, then what?” Shaylo laughs at me.
“You worry too much.” Before I can argue, she is gone.
I just stand there; I have no urge to follow and be her accomplice. These shops are no different from the one my mom keeps. Why would I take part in this when it isn''t even a matter of desperation? I decide to crouch down on the roots at the base of a large tree and wait. She is right. I worry too much and really; we did manage a major escape so in retrospect a little thievery is not a challenging task when you look at what has been managed this far.
I look around. A breeze of wind comes down on me, and then Shaylo is before me with some clothing and shoes.
“I got these from the sale rack.” She brags.
“It still doesn’t make it right.” I say with my arms crossed.
“Your eyes like what they see, I can tell. Look at you; I see that you are eyeing my loot.” It is true I am the people that I have come to know all seem to have a natural sense of style and can put together things that you would never imagine would look good. Even in thievery, Shaylo manages to put together a nice outfit. I guess that comes with once having the luxury of money and time to put in a good effort. It has paid off into how she presents herself. Shaylo managed to grab a couple of none patterned dresses for us with these nifty horizontally stripped jackets to compliment them and a pair of shimmering flats.
“Did anyone notice you?” I ask.
“Yes, the store owner asked if I would like to use her change room inside. I said yes and when she turned to lead me into her store I simply leapt into the air and now I am here.” She smirks.
“I can''t believe you. Oh, wait I can, all you palace folk seem to feel that the world revolves around you. You have no boundaries, always taking what you want.”
“Doesn’t it?” She teases.
“Shaylo of all people you? You became a prisoner, have you already forgot that you need to be cautious?”
“It is only a matter of time before Shrago will rescue me, or I rescue him, or King Wolfrim takes notice once the ship has landed to realize that I am not there; a little stealing doesn’t hurt.”
“It''s just not right, that''s all I have to say.” I roll my eyes. This conversation is going nowhere and how are dresses going to keep us warm in the night? In the morning, we will just leave them behind. Shaylo hands me the clothing, we change out of our flying suits and hide them in the hollow of a nearby tree, walk through the woods towards the town.
“Why do I feel like you are letting your guard down, why now? Can''t you just wait a day until we are where we need to be?” I half ask and suggest.
“Please can you just get off it? I got the dresses to blend in; that is not letting my guard down; that is being intelligent. I have been imprisoned for the longest time and this is the only time I will get a chance to enjoy myself because once we get there, I will be right back into the work of sorting all of this out with King Wolfrim, Princess Rosaleen, and Newlyn.
“Fair enough, do you think that we might be spotted?”
“Enough about it, you’re like a dog at its bone. This is the last that I talk about this; to answer your last question, I doubt it. King Wolfrim is the front and center of all the attention, my husband and I, who are his servants, are always in the background. The only people that would recognize me are those who are actively looking for me. I’m confident that we are far ahead of them.”
“So, what were you thinking, some eats and drinks?” I ask.The narrative has been stolen; if detected on Amazon, report the infringement.
“Absolutely” Shaylo answers.
“How, we have nothing.” Is she going to have us steal again?
“You will see.” She smirks and leads the way as we walk down the path.
The forest that opens to a park with plenty of space for people to lounge, play and relax. There are nicely kept pathways. The area is beautifully landscaped with plenty of flowers, shrubs, and trees. A boardwalk starts, leading its way alongside a beach. We take the boardwalk, its dusk and the sky is a canvas of shades of pink and orange. There are plenty of people around. Some walking barefoot in the sand, others walking along the boardwalk a few swimmers are in the water. Our hair adjusts to the colors of the sky, a pinkish orange color. We settle on a park bench.
“What now?” I am anxious; I don''t want to sit around especially in knowing that Shaylo has something up her sleeve.
“We watch and wait.” She answers, ignoring my growing impatience to this entire evening.
I just don''t get it. I could care less with what happens now. I have played both sides. I am constantly mulling this over in my head. Whether I get to the Palace with, or without Shaylo is not important anymore. It was, when we were still far away, in the middle of nowhere, but today when I go over this in my head, if we were to go our separate ways my goal is to get to the Palace and reunite with Ashlea. I know that Rosaleen''s ship is destined there and even though I have never been to the city or have set foot in the Palace I am close enough that I no longer would need a guide and that I could find my way without Shaylo. What was I thinking our most valuable belongings the suits were left in a tree?
“What are we watching and waiting for?” I ask, giving into her games.
“I know some people who live in this town, and if I know them well enough, they will likely come strolling down this path.”
“Why don''t we just go to their home and knock on the door?”
“We could if we need to, but this is more convenient and besides it’s more fun when it seems like a coincidence.”
“So, who, or what should I be looking for?”
“You don''t need to keep an eye out for them; I''ll do the looking just talk with me, act interested and not annoyed.”
“I can''t believe you.” I say, rolling my eyes.
“What can''t you believe? This is me. What you saw back at Newlyn''s; I wasn''t myself. I was guarded, and I know that the way you are acting isn''t the real you because I get it and know that you are still in the middle of your own nightmare. Trust me I get it; you want to see your sister and believe me you will soon but give me this. We need to rest regardless so why not make the best of the evening?”
“I’ll drop it, I promise. On a different note, you never did explain how you were able to get a key to break us out.”
“Oh yes, I meant to tell you.” Shaylo chuckles, “It really was by pure luck and nothing tactical. Newlyn visited me and opened my stall herself.”
“Okay and what is the big deal with that?” I ask.
“Well, you know how Sitrus is obsessed with checking and re-checking the locks and locking them even when we are out of our stalls?”
“Yes,” I answer.
“Well Newlyn is not so much. She left the lock un-done and led me out to give me grief for not doing the choirs. By luck when she had me on the ground, I caught a glimpse of the key in her pocket and with a quick slight of my hand; I managed to get it without her noticing in my struggle with her.
“What do you mean by struggle, did you fight back?”
She laughs, “No I wouldn’t dare, I just shielded her blows and when she forced me down, I was able to slip in and out of her pocket undetected.”
“Wow, that is luck, I can’t believe that she didn’t even notice that she was missing the key.” I laugh in disbelief.
“Tell me about it, what’s even crazier is she didn’t even reach in her pocket to lock the lock, I guess it makes sense seeing that it was not fastened, but still, she simply just clicked it shut once I was back inside my stall and left. I took a chance waiting for you to return because the likelihood of Newlyn realizing that she was missing a key was a huge risk, increasing by the minute. Sure enough, she did not return seeking her key and it gave us the opportunity we needed to get out of there. That is why we left suddenly.” Without warning Shaylo stands, looks over my shoulder and starts waving. She hollers, “Hey Oden, long time no see!” The person she is waving to recognizes her and runs over, scooping Shaylo up in a warm long hug.
“Shaylo it''s good to see you!” He holds her at arm’s length. He is trying to choose his next words carefully, “I see that palace life has been treating you, um what''s going on with you?”
Shaylo knows that he is trying to be polite and explains so that the awkward atmosphere that this conversation is causing is put to rest. “I look a little disheveled; I know you don''t have to beat around the bush.” She winks at him.
“Has something happened?” He asks concerned and completely ignoring the fact that I am there. Shaylo explains and plays down the bad that has happened to the both of us.
“It''s a long story and I have just about gotten it sorted out, so everything is good. I’m making my return to the Palace.” Her confidence is convincing, and I believe that he accepts it as a truth.
“Join me for dinner and drinks?” He offers.
“I would love to, but Taylan and I are...” Oden interrupts her in mid-sentence.
“Don''t be silly it''s been too long since we have seen each other, please you and your friend join me, my treat.” He smiles at Shaylo; it is half-playful and half-pleading. Shaylo looks at me as if I am the one who is running the show. I take the visual queue and play her mind game.
I speak up, “I don''t see why we couldn''t put our plans aside for the evening. Thank you for the invitation.”
Shaylo smiles at me and then looks back to Oden with a smile and a nod.
“Wonderful! Well, I am going to head home and get ready. We can meet at Dregit''s restaurant in let''s say an hour. After that, it is your choice. You remember where Dregit''s is right?” Oden asks Shaylo.
“Of course, I remember, don''t be ridiculous.” Shaylo replies.
“Great, I will see you later!” He gives Shaylo a parting hug, nods to me and continues his walk. We are still at the park bench. I am in total wonder that happened as though it was somehow already rehearsed.
I ask, “How did you know?”
Shaylo smiles, “When you come to be my age you begin to realize that a lot of people stick to their routines.”
“That was really lucky of you.”
“Not really, I just remembered his routine that''s all.” Shaylo answers.
“Since we have time before we meet your friend for diner let''s talk about the Palace. So, your plan is to tell King Wolfrim what; that Rosaleen knows the family secret and that she imprisoned you?”
She replies, “Exactly,” appearing satisfied with the thought.
“So, what do you expect King Wolfrim to do, detain her or some other form of punishment?”
“One or the other or both” Shaylo grins.
“I understand that is why you want me there with you to confirm the truth to him, but how do I know that Ashlea won''t get caught in the crossfire?”
“Just tell Wolfrim the truth. He will see that the two of you were caught up in the middle of this dispute with the fact that you were taken under Rosaleen''s command after it all happened.”
“Then what happens to my sister and me?”
“Well, lots of things could happen like, you two could serve me, or you can serve King Wolfrim, or any other of the dignitaries within the Palace.” Shaylo looks at me knowing that something is amiss. “You are required to serve out your duties no matter what, and besides serving within the Palace is one of the most prestigious roles you can have.”
“Why shouldn''t I be able to negotiate my duties? I am doing you a major service with being your witness. If you reveal the warnings to King Wolfrim and mention that I helped you, why can''t you lay mention and suggest that I and my sister be discharged?”
She is surprised that I had the nerve even to ask. “That’s a big ask Taylan. Whether you serve in the trenches and win the war or assist the elite within the Palace, keep the peace, whatever you do, your superiors expect commitment. They don''t give freebies. You serve the length of your term and then you can choose to retire, or continue working, after your time is done, it is your choice if you want to continue. I can''t really help you out.”
“Could you ask him to shorten my required length that I need to serve?”
“Yes, I can ask, but I doubt it will go in the way that you hope for.”
“Just ask for me?” I plead.
“Sure Taylan.”
“It would be also for Ashlea.” I clarify.
“I understood what you meant; I will ask.” Shaylo gives me her word, but as to exactly how much that means, only time will tell.
We spend the hour walking along the boardwalk, strolling down the streets in town, taking in the sites as though we are tourists, or shoppers and not people who are on the run. We make our way to the restaurant to meet her old acquaintance. Oden is standing out in front of the entrance. We meet and all walk in together. To our delight, there has been a reservation made and no wait. We all sit down; the conversation mostly involves Shaylo and Oden catching up with the happenings of their lives. From what I gather, they have not seen each other in years. I find it hard to stay tuned in to the conversation. Shaylo and Oden are failing to include me; however, even though I am bored, I force myself to pay attention in case there is information that could be of use.
We eat, drink and within an hour, finish this part of the evening. I am tired and bored out of my mind and Shaylo seems to be having the time of her life.
Oden says to Shaylo, “How about some drinks at the lounge?” Shaylo looks at me, which catches Oden''s eye, “It will be my treat.” He finally acknowledges my presence.
“Sure, thank you.” The three of us leave the restaurant and cross the street to the lounge. It is a one-story building. The front is made of a smooth plaster and is painted a soft orange. There are skillfully placed shrubs in front; each is covered in little twinkling white lights. There are no lineups. The sound of upbeat music is in the air as well as the humming of many voices within the building. We enter; the place is full of people having an enjoyable time, some talking amongst friends, lovers putting the moves on one another and others dancing. Some are even singing to the song. The place is full, but a good full, the right amount of people. There are no lineups for drinks, tables, or the most important thing, the facilities.
Shaylo''s old friend leads us through the lounge to the bar and orders drinks for us. I have no idea what kind. I could not hear his order because of the volume of the music. Oden pays the bartender then leads Shaylo and me onward through the lounge. The theme of the white light shrubs outside carries its way into the decor of the inside. Along with a red and white color theme against honey color wood. We arrive at this cozy circular white leather covered booth with a knee-high circular wood table. The servers have reached our booth first. They are setting down our drinks as we walk up. We sit, Shaylo and Oden are already in conversation, but whatever they are talking about, I have no idea. I politely sip my drink, look in their general direction and pretend that I am engaged in the conversation. What I really want right now is to rest, but Shaylo has a second wind. I make a personal note to myself, that Oden has good taste, the restaurant, this lounge, and the drink that he ordered for me. I can taste the faint taste of sugar kelp in this sweet frosty drink, but because I am already tired, this drink makes me even more so. I finish it despite the fatigue. Shaylo and Oden show no signs of turning in for the night and I need to get up, or else I am going to fall asleep.
“Shaylo, Oden excuse me I am going to go find the washroom.” They nod, quickly returning to their discussion as I get up and walk about the lounge. I wander back in the direction of the bar, spot the washroom signs on the opposite wall, and follow them down a hallway into the bathroom. This washroom is elaborately decorated just as the rest of the lounge. Honey colored wood floor and vanity with white square sinks; the stalls are a deep red. The lamps are clever looking things that are made of what looks to be shrubs but hanging from the ceiling with those sparkly little white lights. The only other lighting is these tiny rows of bulbs over the square mirrors on the vanity. I am the only one in here, given the number of people in the lounge and decide on the second stall to the left. I finish, wash my hands, and check my appearance. My hair is a honey brown; my eyes are catching the color of the floor. I pull my hair back to look at my pearl and lightly run my fingers over what is left of the scar on my throat. Soon enough the scar will be completely gone. I am caught up in staring at my own face. Jeez, I look tired. I can''t possibly be fooling them. Regardless, there seems to be no end to this night. I finish fussing over my appearance, satisfied that this is the best I can look and exit the washroom. Slowly walk down the hall, only this time there is a man at about the halfway point leaning against the wall. I murmur. “Excuse me?” to pass, he barely takes notice, but lets me by. The attack comes from behind. I need to pay attention to my surroundings more, it is a constant reminder, and this proves to be another.