I am not sure when but eventually, we get some rest. I’m relieved that Shaylo at least understands why I did what I had, and I can understand why she doesn’t agree with it, but at least she knows. It wasn''t cold in the night, but I wake before dawn to find that we are both still in our dresses and are snuggled up to one another. The extra warmth is not required, but it is welcomed. I hardly move and just look around but see no signs of Sitrus. Last night after Shaylo was caught up to speed on her late husband she asked about Sitrus. Straight up she had asked if he was following us and without being certain as to how much she overheard in the lounge washroom I sort of beat around the bush and said without sounding over condescending, “What do you think?”
She had given me an uncertain look and as loud as she could yell, she calls out, “Sitrus” and listens and again, “Sitrus, I know that you’re there.” She listens. I never said that he was following us; I never said anything about his whereabouts. I won''t say anything to her about it. She eventually gives up on calling Sitrus out of hiding, and I am a little surprised that he has not revealed himself. He hears her. He is using his cover to his own advantage. He could be out of earshot and instead will track us from a distance. Who knows with Sitrus?
Shaylo eventually settled and cuddled up next to me last night and this morning I wake to her head resting in my lap. I guess at some point I had been rubbing her head because my hand lightly place almost cradling the crown of her head. Looking down at her, I have a moment to look at her more intimately. I can imagine that her beauty was key to getting her to the prestigious role of a wife to an important man. I wonder if she had any knowledge that her husband could be as brutal as he was or if she even saw that side of him. I knew who he was, as a servant to Rosaleen, but I had no idea Rosaleen had robbed him of a powerful position. He was the right-hand man to the imposter King Wolfrim and Rosaleen thought that her stepfather had chosen Shrago to be her undercover bodyguard while traveling on her ship and acting out the position as a server to onlookers. His charade sure had me fooled. After being attacked by him I know that he was not a gentle creature and that he took what was his and let those around him know when he was not happy. Shaylo is a strong woman and last night was the first time that I saw her lose her edge. As brutal, as Shrago was to me, he was still loved by Shaylo. I wonder how they were together. I have a tough time visualizing it, two strong people mentally, physically, and seemingly fearless; their bond must have been intense. I sit there and feel bad, but not sorry for ending Shrago''s life. I don''t feel sorry because it was his decision to be brutal, not mine. I feel bad because I have developed some sort of backwards friendship with Shaylo and wonder if I had known her outside this setting if I would have had a good relationship with Shrago?
Shaylo stretches and opens her eyes, looks at me while calm in her element, but I can''t tell if she has moved passed the fact that it all stems down to me. Her eyes have an element of strength in them, but there is also sorrow. I have said everything that I needed to. It is up to Shaylo to choose if she wants to forgive me.
“Did you rest?” She looks up and asks while stretching.
“Yes” I answer in a whisper.
She lifts her head from my lap and gets up carefully. She starts pacing slowly back and forth, arms crossed and head down to the ground. She is thinking through something, what I told her last night, or she is going through our plan for today with travel. Back and forth she slowly walks, stretching her limbs out of rest. I leave her alone for a few minutes and sit back letting her work in silence.
After some time has passed, in a faint voice I say, “Shaylo?”Royal Road is the home of this novel. Visit there to read the original and support the author.
“Can you just shut up for a second and let me be.” She answers curtly.
I get up from my spot at the base of the tree, cross my arms and walk off in the opposite direction to the park. I duck and creep around branches and manage to get around the obstacles. I walk to a clearing that provides a clear view of the ocean. There is a bit of a cliff here. I am about ten feet above water level. It is a grey day; the waves are crashing against the cliff and the wind is strong which is good in a way because it is in our favor if we are continuing in the same direction. My arms are crossed as I stare out into the open. I am longing for my mother, sisters and Sitrus. I hold my pearl on its chain. It rests around my neck. I am brought back to the North Shore. The day my sisters and I uncovered the pearls and feel comfort with that memory. Shaylo has not tried to kill me. Her reaction: although intense, it went well. I had anticipated a fight. I turn to walk back but when I turn, Shaylo is standing in my path.
She snaps, “Do you think you can just walk off like that?” Her eyes are burning into mine.
Surprised, I tread carefully, “Shaylo I… I thought you wanted a few minutes to yourself?”
She spits back at me, “I asked for you to be quiet, not to leave.”
“We are leaving now suit up.” She barks; I comply to avoid confrontation.
We both strip down leaving the dresses behind by tucking them into the crevice of the base of the tree. She takes off. Leaping into the air in one bound. I follow. We travel all day, soaring at cloud level. She pays little attention to me as we fly, and well, she is paying little attention to anything for that matter except for the direction that we are traveling. I don''t bother trying to make an attempt at conversation. It is best to leave her alone and let her grieve. My mind wonders off to Sitrus as we glide, pondering where he is? I have not caught a glimpse of him. He is good at what he does. We touch down momentarily for a break to relieve ourselves, drink and eat. The stop is of no interest, just another small, unoccupied island. Then we are off again and still, Shaylo has said nothing, I am not sure if it''s Shaylo''s silence that bothers me, or that I am just missing the companionship of others, maybe a bit of both. I am feeling anxious with the thought of getting there, not only for the main reasons, but for knowing that there will be others there to talk to also. Let me be clear that I am not mad at Shaylo for the way she has come at me, or for her silence. I know that being upset effects people differently. I am just anxious for new company and hoping to see Ashlea.
It is rolling into the evening, and we are still on the move and can see the city in the horizon. The city grows larger as we approach. The buildings appear large, and most seem to be comprised of glass because the buildings reflect the sky and right now, it is a grey color with a faint orange as the sun is starting to set. The city, despite its size is like all the others that I have visited, in that it is next to the ocean. The only differences are instead of the more natural settings of the small island towns, it has city walls and is a glass jungle. It looks foreign to me, but pretty. The shore is surrounded by many ship docks and the ones that catch your eye are the docks for the larger ships. In the distance, you can see the Palace erected on a hill, which makes it look that much grander. Its white stonewalls make it look like a sandcastle in a sea of sparkling water.
Shaylo dives down as we approach. I follow. More things come into focus, small boats in the water, building details and people. Just off to my right something catches my eye, Rosaleen''s ship! My heart flutters, knowing that my sister is nearby. I don''t need Shaylo anymore to guide me and I am not playing any more games with her. She knows the truth about Shrago and what is even better in a twisted way is Rosaleen has not docked ship yet meaning her confronting King Wolfrim has not commenced, which means that neither Shaylo nor anyone for that matter has confronted this imposter, King Wolfrim. Shaylo is a lost cause; let her warn the imposter. I know I don''t have the physical strength to stop her on my own unless I can lead her back to her enemies. Shaylo is still ahead of me; this is my chance, if Shaylo chases me it might work out that Rosaleen''s people can catch her if they see me coming? It is a chance, and it needs to happen now. I make a break for it.