The decorations and frescoes that failed to grasp the hearts of the people of Vinea or the money of tourists were naturally eroded by the wind, saltwater, and tides, leaving an empty canvas for better artists to fill. Sear?h the novel(F~) website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality."What are those colorful small boats?" Menadion pointed at the busy canals.
"Gondolas." Solus replied. "They are the only civilian vessels issued to travel the city''s lower level. They are painted like that to make them visible during bad weather conditions and avoid accidents.
"The hook-shaped bow is used to hold a bell in case of fog and a lantern at night."
"Can we rent one? Pretty please?" Menadion said.
Vinea''s canals were well-kept and clean all year round. The only smells that came from them were saltwater and the scents of the local delicacies cooked on the spot.
"Not one. Many." Solus replied. "This way we can split up and tour the city as we like."
"Indeed." Lith nodded. "First, let''s go to our hotel."
"Thank you, dear." Elina said.
"For what?" Lith was more than puzzled since he had yet to do anything.
"For the hotel." Elina replied. "With a Warp Gate, we could easily go back home and save money. Instead, you booked rooms for all of us to allow us to immerse ourselves in the local traditions of the places we are visiting."
"Don''t mention it, Mom. It''s nothing." On the one hand, Lith was happy to be appreciated. On the other hand, he felt guilty because Elina''s first observation was something he had actually considered.
''How much of a cheapskate am I for Mom to be aware of my innermost thoughts?''
''How much of an ingrate I am for not realizing this until Elina said it?'' Kamila, instead, just felt guilty.
They were both still riddled with doubts when they reached the Mermaid Reef, one of the best hotels in Vinea. The concierge would have thrown a confused look at the weird group of six women, three toddlers, and only one man but professional pride kept him.
When he heard they were the ones who had booked four top-floor suites every objection he might have was cleared by the clink of the golden coins Lith paid upfront.
"Thank you for your patronage and enjoy your stay." The concierge bowed deeply to every guest, even the babies. "If you need anything, please just ask. The Mermaid Reef prides itself in offering only the best of services."
"Will do. Thanks." Lith didn''t know whether to be upset or happy that no one seemed to recognize him without the Magus robe. "Where can we rent gondolas without wasting time haggling or being ripped off?"
"Renting?" The man sounded as horrified and offended as he intended to. "As our penthouse guests, your rooms come with a personal gondola. Here''s the keys to your suites." The man handed them four elaborate silver keys embossed with magic crystals.
"And this is the gondola token for each room." Then the concierge passed them four silver coins bearing on one side the engraving of a mermaid singing atop of a reef, her back arched as she lifted herself on her hands, and the engraving of a gondola on the other.
"Our private dock is on the second underground floor. It''s open 24/7 and there''s always a valet at your service. You can ask him for anything and he will help you to the best of the hotel''s abilities."
"Thank you." Elina gave the concierge a polite nod. "Can we see our rooms? I want to leave a few things behind and check if Surin needs to be fed or changed before we start touring Vinea."
"Of course." Lith nodded, giving everyone their key and token.
''What in the gods'' name have I just seen?'' The concierge let all of his emotions run wild on his face the moment he was alone. ''Judging by the hair, the babies clearly have different mothers but they all resemble that guy.
''What kind of man can be so brazen to bring all his lovers together and why do I feel I have already seen him somewhere?''
The answer to his questions came when he checked the hotel register where the guests had signed the keys'' receipts.
The concierge''s eyes went wide, refusing to believe what he was reading. He took out his amulet, checking the pictures available on the Web of the Supreme Magus and his family to make sure he hadn''t gone mad.
"I see." The concierge nodded. "Larham, cover the reception desk for me for a few minutes. I need a break."
Only when he was certain that his absence would not affect the guests and the reputation of the Mermaid Reef did the concierge allow himself to faint.
Each suite of the Mermaid Reef was as big as a four-room apartment and the four Lith had taken occupied the entirety of the top floor of the hotel.
They all had an ample bedroom with a king-sized bed, a living room, a dining room, and two bathrooms. The furniture was refined and gold-inlaid while both bedsheets and drapes were made of red silk embroidered with gold.
The paintings decorating the room were of medium quality, all depicting marine-themed scenes. Of course, being on Mogar, it meant mages fighting or interacting with mystical water creatures of all shapes and sizes.
"This place is amazing. You have to try the carpets, Tista. They''re softer than a cloud." Rena said while rubbing the sole of her naked foot against the wool.
Once they were done imprinting and exploring their rooms, they went down to the hotel dock.
"Are you coming with us, Solus?" Tista asked while boarding the gondola of her choosing.
"No, thanks. I want to spend some time with my mother." She replied.
"Excellent idea." Elina stepped inside Lith''s gondola with the valet''s help. "This is a mother-child bonding trip, after all."
"What?" The valet was young and lacked the concierge''s cold blood and even with her disguise as Rhona Verhen, Menadion looked as young as Elina and could pass for Solus'' older sister at best.
"Problems?" Lith grunted, not liking how the youth stared at his mother. Your next journey awaits at empire
"No. Please, forgive my rudeness." The valet became beet red from embarrassment.
"Remember your weight, dear." Menadion said, ignoring the young man.
"Mom! My diet is none of your business." Solus flushed just as red.
"I meant Gravity Magic." Menadion chuckled in reply.
"Oh, right." Solus cleared her throat, inwardly cursing her paranoia while boarding the gondola.
She took the row and left the dock at record speed to escape the valet''s questioning look.
"I''m glad you are with us, Elina." Kamila lied.
''This is one of the most romantic cities I''ve ever seen and I have to visit it with a fifth wheel!'' She thought.
"Me too." Elina nodded while strapping Surin''s baby seat right beside Valeron''s and Elysia''s. "This is also a vacation for the babies and they have to stick together."
The baby girl had big, innocent, uncomprehending eyes and no idea what she was looking at. The two hybrids, instead, sniffed the air like hunting dogs and followed the flying birds with their eyes.
Lith had already left as well whereas Tista and Rena were still sitting, each waiting for the other to take the oar and start paddling.