"Which means we must go further south and start our search over." Zoreth pointed at the following cluster of countries, thousands of kilometers of distance. "We can be there in less than an hour if we alternate Warp and flight."
"Excellent idea." Lith nodded and after paying the bill, they left the establishment.
Xenagrosh moved faster than a ne, reaching her destination a bitter than she had estimated only because she stopped listening to the conversation of all the caravans they encountered.
"Here is my stop. Please,nd." Lith had been checking his watch for a while and now pointed at an empty piece ofnd.
The Abominations could feel the powerful flow of world energying from the ground thanks to their hunger.
"What do you mean your stop?" The city of Graska is a bit ahead. "Zoreth asked."
"Yes, but as I told you on the amulet, I must go back home for meals and night. I''ll see you in a couple of hours. In the meanwhile, have some more awful food from Verendi, go on a date, whatever." Lith winked on thest word. "See you!"
????? ????? Then, he ced his hand on the ground and opened his seven eyes. Lith used them to alter the world energy around him while the Void painted the area ck.
''Even if Bytra is aware of the tower Warp, there''s no way she can recognize it under the cover of two bloodline abilities.'' He thought as his body simply disappeared.
"What was that?" Bytra asked, hoping that Zoreth''s Dragon Eyes had understood the phenomenon.
"I have no clue." The Shadow Dragon replied. "I can only tell you that was no Warp at all. Lith seemed to be one with the flow of world energy and simply rode it."
While the two Abominations were still at loss for words, he appeared in front of the beach house in the Desert. Kam was there, waiting for them while looking at her own watch.
"Wee back." She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Where''s Solus?"
"Good question." Lith had to use their mind link to snap Solus out of it and made her assume human form.
Solus felt all sticky, her body was burning, and her stomach churned in nausea. She fell on all fours, expecting to puke at any moment. Even though she hadn''te close to Bytra in person, the experience had ground on her nerves, bringing her to the limit.
"Are you alright?" Kam touched her shoulder, feeling how cold Solus was despite the heat of the Desert.
"Don''t touch me. I''m a mess and I don''t want to dirty you as well. I need a shower." Solus gently pushed her off.
"What are you talking about? Was Verendi so hot?" Kam checked her forehead for fever, but found it normal.
"I don''t know, I didn''t-" Solus stopped as the contrast between the warmth of Kam''s hand and the breeze from the ocean made her realize that it was all in her head.
She had kept her stone form the whole time so she hadn''t sweated, her stomach had no way to puke, nor could she experience heat. Pa nda
No vel "You need a break." Lith lifted her in a princess carry and brought Solus to one of the deckchairs.
The sight of the sun, the ocean, and the sky washed Bytra''s face off Solus'' eyes, clearing her head. Lith and Kam sat on either side, holding one hand each. It strengthened their bond, allowing Lith''s calm to soothe her nerves.
As for Kam, she shared no bond with Solus, but having someone that cared for her close in such a moment helped her mind to recover as well. It reminded Solus that her old family was dead, but she wasn''t alone anymore.
She had gotten a new family on that beach and another waiting for her at Sark''s pce.
"Thanks. I feel much better now. I''ll join you after freshening up." She said after a few minutes, when her knees had stopped quaking and Mogar spinning.
Solus washed her face and arms multiple times to calm down and give the couple a bit of intimacy. When she came back, however, she found the table set for three, Lith cleaning some dirty pans, and Kam setting the food on the table.
It smelled delicious, reminding Solus that she hadn''t eaten anything since breakfast. Not even a cookie.
"Is that…"
"Lasagna? Yes." Kam said. "I wanted to rx on the beach but I was too worried about you guys. To keep my mind busy, I spent the morning in the kitchen preparing your favorite dishes. I thought you might use somefort food."
"Thank you. You have no idea how much I needed this." Solus'' stomach had settled in for good and demanded its due.
"Not so fast!" Kam stopped her before she could take the first mouthful. "I have spent my morning cooking and I''ll be working in the afternoon. I''d like to see my efforts rewarded with a bit of appreciation and conversation.
"Not to see everything disappear in five minutes while I talk to famished trolls."
"Fine." Solus pouted, eating slowly and keeping her mouth empty from time to time to answer Kam''s questions about Verendi.
''Marriage is overrated.'' She thought. ''It''s more like having another mother nagging at you than apanion.''
Then, she noticed that between the happiness from being home and being pissed off at Kam, the shadow of Bytra was gone from her mind. Ever since she had sat down at the table, she hadn''t thought about the Raiju once.
It made Solus brim with joy and take part in the conversation willingly instead of being forced like before.
"What do you mean, you had no idea ck and yellow-skinned people exist?" Kam rose her eyebrows in disbelief. "We studied that at school, remember?"
"I only learned how to write, read, count, and magic." Lith shrugged. "I never read anything or studied a single book. Whenever it was necessary, I shoved a tome about the topic of the day in Soluspedia and I was done with it."
"That''s why your manners are impable and you know so much about stuff that you have no actual interest in. Elina is right, you are a damn cheater!"
"It''s not cheating. It''s efficiency. Right, Solus?" He asked.
"Yep, it''s cheating." She nodded. "You have no idea how ignorant he is without Soluspedia. If it wasn''t for the map we stored there, he wouldn''t even know the roads in Lutia."
Lith jumped up in mock outrage while Kamughed, seeing him more human and less perfect.
After the meal, they moved to the veranda to enjoy their ice cream while looking at the sea. Kam sat in the middle of a big couch, with Lith at her right and leaning his head on her shoulder.
Solus sat at her left, with her head on Kam''sp waiting for cuddles.
"What do you think you are doing?" Kam asked in surprise.
"When you married Lith, you knew you would also marry me. Your words, not mine." Solus replied with a straight face. "Show me some love, woman."
Shested barely for a second before bursting intoughter, soon joined by Lith and Kam.
"That was a good one, but please, don''t joke about it in the presence of others. They already look at us in a funny way whenever you stop for the night." Kam said.
"Don''t worry, I-" Solus'' body was engulfed in a blue light that seemed toe from within her.