<h4>Chapter 779 - New Rules!</h4>
As for the reason why the system hadn’t rewarded it to him yet, Landon could already guess some of the reasons for that.
Firstly, one should know that after he finished his current main missions which included Pac-Man and the Aquarium... He would be rewarded with knowledge onputer systems, Wi-Fi, game boy creations, wireless earpieces and music pods.
Knowing this, it was clear that he would have to integrate something into the ne.
Be it the chance to select and watch any movie on flight, or even the chance for first ss to order viaputer systems, the ne had to have some sort of entertainment.
Of course, they could always mount a few T.Vs’ every after 10 rows of seats, and make everyone watch the same movie with their earpieces on.
In this scenario, the Cabin crew would be in charge of switching the tape once it finished ying.
But did they really want to do that?
It was better to wait for the system’s main mission reward and properly develop the option for everyone to choose a movie for themselves via the screen in front of them during each flight.
In short, there were so many reasons why aircraft construction had to wait.
And he could see why.
That being said, Landon had alreadye up with certain rules for air transport, which were also in line with the system’s rules too.
One should know that Baymard was the only ce that had electricity.
Additionally, he could build smooth runways outside the empire.
But he couldn’t construct any cement buildings, and neither could he keep any equipment out of Baymard.
So, just like the cruise ship situation, he also came up with a few guidelines.
Looking at cruises, they typically drop off passengers 2 or 3 hours before their next schedule.
And during this time, trolleys, and other transport equipment from the sh.i.p.s will load and carry all luggage out, as well as into the ship (for the next schedule).
In this way, the equipment never stayed in Carona since they’re stored on the sh.i.p.s.
Again, check-in is usually scheduled 45 minutes after each cruise ship has arrived.
That’s done so that the T.S.A (transport, administration agents) could get off the sh.i.p.s with handheld metal detectors, chemical and fluid detectors.
And when everyone got boarded, they went back to the sh.i.p.s with these hand-held devices.
In short, only those booking tickets actually stayed in Carona all day.
This way, none of Baymard’s technology stayed in Carona.
In this same way, each ne will have to carry a few T.S.A personnel, as well as a few luggage carrying trolleys in the ne’s lower storage areas.
Of course, some technicians will be on every flight.
Because afternding, the ne’s system’s will be checked before take off again.
As for fuel, provided the ne wasn’t leaving the Pyno continent, then they would be good for a round trip.
Typically, amercial ne could fly non-stop for 18~21 hours without refuelling.
Take for example a ne leaving North America to Africa, it spends 13 or more hours during a non-stop flight.
nes were designed to go that far.
But now, Landon was only focused on the Pyno Continent which would take 3~8 hours at most.
So with a round trip back to Baymard, that was at most 16 hours.
Bottom line, refuelling wouldn’t be an issue for him provided no flight was out of the Pyno continent.
Again, if someone from Arcadina’s Capital wanted to take the flight to Carona’s Capital, the n would still make a stop at Baymard for refuelling before heading off.
No matter where they were going, all nes would stop at Baymard first!
He would only build the airports within each empire’s Capital city.
Now, back to the rules...for passengers, they could only get on an airne if and only if they already had a Passport.
Passport, no ne ride!
It might seem cruel, but it would help with security a lot.
For the 2nd rule, each passenger can only have 3 pieces of luggage max; 1 carry one and 2 other regr luggage.
Of course, this didn’t include ady’s purse, backpack and whatnot.
These ones could be checked in for free if they didn’t go over the weight requirements.
For sure, any extra bags would be priced.
But there was a catch; the extra luggage couldn’t exceed 2.
So in total, each person could only bring 5 bags with them.
Anything more and it would be advisable to take the cruise sh.i.p.s.
After all, nes didn’t allow food and other things in it.
So if they wanted to transport goods, they still needed to rely on the sh.i.p.s.
Aircrafts were for those who were busy and wanted to get somewhere fast conveniently.
Landon was sure that the moment it waspleted, Penelope, William, Santa, Micheal, Sirius and everyone else could see him daily if they wanted to discuss urgent political issues.
Communication would undoubtedly be way better.
The Capital cities were months away from the coastal cities where the sh.i.p.s were, so there was always a dy with urgent political messages.
But now, with the airports positioned in the Capital, those around, be it peasants or nobles, they could hop on and enter Baymard in a matter of hours rather than travelling for months to the Coastal regions for a ship cruise.
Of course, if they had a lot to transport, they still had to go on the sh.i.p.s.
And, many would still do so because they wanted a vacation and an experience of a lifetime.
Plus, some were too far away from the Capital cities, so it would make no sense for them to head towards the Capital rather than just taking the ship ride to Baymard.
In fact, depending on the people or the situation at hand, both ship and airne rides had their pros and cons depending.
Landon couldn’t wait for the day when everyone would fly for the first time.
It would undoubtedly be mind-blowing.
So how can he not look forward to it?