Chapter 2487 A Spine And Crystal
The discovery of the polyhedral crystal wrapped with some kind of gnarled spine was certainly not the kind of treasure that Lin Mu and the group had expected to find.
"It does seem like something that Yao Changying would want, considering her abilities." Daoist Chu couldn''t help but mutter.
"What kind of spine is that though?" Crown Princess Shang asked.
"It''s hard to tell." Ziran replied. "But those are most certainly vertebrae." He added.
The group watched it for a few seconds before looking at each other.
"It does not seem pleasant does it." Daoist Chu asked.
"It most certainly does not." Crown Prince Feng Shun replied.
"Yeah, it does scream ''danger''." Ziran agreed.
"Regardless of it, we have to do something about it." Lin Mu replied. "Can''t just leave it here. We at least need to check what it is." He added.
"Indeed." Crown Prince Feng Shun agreed. "Let me try first." He took the lead this time.
His immortal sense extended and made contact with the spine first, getting no reaction from it. "Huh… Didn''t expect that." The Crown Prince muttered before progressing to the Polyhedral Crystal. "Hmm, can''t prate it. The crystal can block our Immortal Senses." He added.
"Looks like we''re a bit lucky this time." Daoist Chu stated. "Well, we''ve been burned too many times before. So this much caution is needed." Ziran responded. "Let me try to cleanse it first." Monk Hushu suggested. "Even if it hasn''t done anything to us yet, there''s no telling if theres something more hidden in it. I''ll try to purge it with Buddhist Techniques first." "Very well, go ahead." Crown Prince Feng Shun saw no harm in it.
Monk Hushu brought his hands together and began chanting with his eyes closed.
The Golden Vajra Idol Dao Embryo floated behind him as Buddhist Dao Traces filled the air. The Prayer beads in Monk Hushu''s hands glowed and floated out, before surrounding the Polyhedral crystal and the spine.
"Amithabha, may the misfortune and foulness be cleaned from this world!" The monk said out loud before opening his eyes.
A bright golden glow was released from the Prayer beads as they seemingly encased the entire pedestals in blinding light. It was bright enough that they had to squint for about ten seconds, after which the glow finally faded away.
"Haa… HAA…" Monk Hushu seemed out of breath after executing that technique, showing that whatever it was took quite a bit of effort. "It should be fine now… though I didn''t sense any curse on it." He added.
"That''s good." Lin Mu said as he got closer.
The Longgui Bulwark Armor covered him for protection as he finally grabbed onto the sphere.
But as soon as he did, the spine that was wrapping around the crystal seemingly came alive.
"Huh!? What!" Before Lin Mu could react, the spine uncoiled from the crystal and wrapped around his arm! "SHIT!"
The power of the spine was rather great, as it could actually crack the armor!
"Pull it off!" Crown Prince Feng Shun''s eyes went wide, seeing the sudden danger.
"HAAA! MELD!" Lin Mu immediately tried to immobilize it with his Spatial skill to prevent any further damage. ''It can actually resist it!?'' he was shocked.
The Spine was seemingly trying to go against the restraint of Meld, which made Lin Mu use a lot of strength.
But as the spine resisted, Lin Mu felt a strange chill filling his arm. It didn''t take him long to sense that it was Baleful Energy.
''Shit! This isn''t just some normal treasure.'' Lin Mu knew he had to act fast. The Spine was injecting baleful energy into his arm and if he didn''t pull it off fast, it could very well have a chance to deal a good amount of damage to him.
Lin Mu used his other hand and held onto the spine, trying to pull it off.
''Dammit, even with all my strength, it isn''t enough. I''mcking my Body Cultivation''s full power.'' Lin Mu was in a dilemma.
"Let us help!" Daoist Chu was about to help when Lin Mu shouted.
"Don''t! It''ll inject Baleful energy into you too!" Lin Mu quickly replied. "Don''t touch it and do it from afar." He added.
Ziran thought of a solution and used his vines to wrap around the spine and try pulling it off. Crown Princess Shang, on the other hand, sprinkled tiny seeds that looked like poppy seeds on Lin Mu''s arm. These seeds seemingly sprouted and wriggled between the gaps of the spine, trying to push it off.
Crown Prince Feng Shun couldn''t do much here, as his skills weren''t exactly applicable here. And the same could be said for Monk Hushu.
"Amithabha, what is this abomination!?" The monk had no idea how this spine hade alive. "It wasn''t affected by cleansing." "Xiao Yin, Xiao Yang!" Lin Mu called out the twins, knowing that they were the only ones that won''t be affected by the Baleful energies. "Help me pull this off!" he shouted.
Sensing that their master was in trouble, the twins acted immediately.
Xiao Yang bit into the spine and warped his tail around it, dragging it up. Xiao Yin did the same and pulled it from the other side. ~CREAK~CREAK~CRAEK~
The vertebra ground against the armor, making sounds as the twins'' effort showed results. Contrary to their size, the twins were actually quite strong and since they could touch it directly without the Baleful energy being able to do much to them, they were unfettered.
"Its working!" Lin Mu could feel the pressure getting less.
Finally, the twins had pulled it off enough that Lin Mu could slide his arm out.
Lin Mu fell back from the force as the spine was finally removed.
The spine seemingly broke apart and fell to the ground. But it didn''t make anyone relieved yet, as they had no idea if it was over.
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