Chapter 57 : Soul-rted ability
"My ability ? I don''t think so, that thing is as useless as useless abilities goes" replied Alex to Lilia after hearing her guess.
Even though that was with the help of his [soul linkage] ability that he managed to connect his soul with the one of jack green and merge their souls together, when it came to other things it was useless.
In fact, the only time that he managed to use that ability of his was when he was on the brink of death, other than that time, he never managed to use it, so there was no way in hell that he was going to ept that it was because of this useless ability that he now have all of these opportunities.
Seeing that he didn''t believe her, Lilia sighed and said to Alex, "you really don''t know the value of having a soul-rted ability, huh?"
"By value, you mean not being able to even defend myself with my ability ?" Asked Alex in an annoyed tone, not against Lilia but against his ability, as ridiculous as it might seem.
Lilia sighed another time and replied "Sure, your ability may be pretty useless in a fight, but it''s the advantage it provides that truly makes users of soul-rted abilities even scarier"
"What advantage are you talking about, there was and still is no advantage to having that ability!" replied Alex while grinding his teeth.
"No there was always an advantage, it''s just that you couldn''t see it because you had no other ability beside [soul linkage], that''s why I always thought that you were pretty unlucky, if you had just one more ability you would have be more powerful, even if you had a poor talent"
Seeing that he didn''t seem to believe her, Lilia rified, "the advantage I''m talking about is that those who have soul rted abilities naturally have a sturdier, deeper and bigger souls than normal people''s"
After she said this, Lilia saw a flicker of surprise in Alex''s eyes, but she could still feel that he didn''t believe her, so she continued:
"As you might know, there is a saying that our abilitieses from our souls, so if you have a more powerful soul than others, that means that even if you have the same ability as someone, by virtue of having a soul rted ability you would-"
"I would have been more powerful than this person" said Alex cutting Lilia.
Lilia just nodded her head as confirmation, she had never told Alex about this despite knowing about it because what good would that have caused ? In fact, knowing her husband, Lilia was sure that it would have made him even more miserable as he would bementing himself over the fact that if he just had one more ability he could have been more powerful.
However, the situation now ispletely different from then, if what Alex said was true, he could copy one of her abilities, which meant that he would be recuperating all the advantages he would have gotten from having a more powerful soul.
What Lilia didn''t know was that Alex''s current soul is even more powerful than it was before because it was actually the result of two souls merging and bing one.
Meanwhile, Alex was busy inwardly cursing at how unfair the world is, he just needed one more ability, and he would have be immensely more powerful than he was before finding the artifact, he might have not be a powerhouse -far from that - however it would still been much better and that was because even with a trash talent he could have mastered his second ability to the point that even if he had a low level he might still beat a higher leveled person, and all of that just possessing a soul rted ability.
Instead, he got just one ability that he never could use, a trash talent that caused him to deal with the devil and sacrifice any further path, just so that he might be slightly more powerful.
''That''s just bullsh*t!''
However, despite his inner turmoil, he tried to remainposed on the outside, he was in front of his wife after all!
Well, he tried as Lilia could clearly see that he was raging by how loud he kept gritting his teeth, so she held both of his hands and said with her usually loving face:
"Don''t beat yourself up over what''s already happened; it won''t change anything. However, you can shape the future with the help of your artifact, so don''t cry over spilled milk."
As she said this, she leaned and kissed him on his lips.
Alex reciprocated her kiss and for a few seconds, husband and wife just kissed.
As they distanced themselves, Alex''s smiled faintly and said to Lilia, "you are right, I should focus on what is toe and not focus on what already happened".
He leaned and kissed Lilia''s forehead while saying "thank you, you are the best"
"That, I know" replied Lilia.
"However, I still don''t see why you say that being able to do all these things is rted to my ability" asked Alex, a little confused.
"Tell me, what kind of points do you gain when you sleep with other women ?"
"Huh ? Why are you asking that all of a-" Alex abruptly came to a stop as he was talking, realizing something.
"I see that you finally understood, the points you gain are called "soul" points and not "lust" points"