1059 The Discourteous
Kahn introduced himself as Masamune Byakuya to the Hero of Space''s party and as soon as he did… the entire congregation whether it was the party members, the soldiers, or the servants within the pagoda; turned dead silent.
Because thest name ''Masamune'' had a very distinct history in the Erdve Empire.
ording to everyone''s knowledge, when the First Emperor, Miyamoto Musashi created the Erdve Empire after throwing out the previous regime… He had 5 Loyal Daiymos who fought alongside him during the revolt against the previous Emperor''s forces.
The main reason for the revolt was that the old regime sacrificed plenty of citizens annually to monsters and supposed guardians who were nothing more than variants of Godbeasts. All so that their hunger could be appeased with the lives of thousands of innocent citizens and the nobles or royals wouldn''t have to fight those monsters and lose the lives of their saint warriors.
They treated themoners of the empire as nothing more than essories to their rule and meat shields to discard when necessary. Thus, forcing the 6th Hero of Space to raise arms against the ruling authorities and free the innocent popce from this unforgivable tyranny as soon as he achieved the 3rd enlightenment in the Space Law.
And to this day, even after more than 500 years, 4 of those ns survived and still served his descendants, such as the emperor, Sakamoto Hideyoshi.
But thest n that fell was none other than the Masamune n.
Masamune Honjo, their first founder, was not just one of the bannermen of Miyamoto Musashi but also a renowned cksmith of his era, even forging the Emperor''s Ancient Rank twin katanas that helped him usurp the previous rule and establish the Erdve Empire.
The founder of the cksmithing n was given the title of the Noble and under his leadership, the Masamune n served as the main force that forged the Erdve Empire''s weapons, and machinery and even pioneered the technological advancements to a great degree.
However… close to 200 years ago, the n leader of that era stood on the side of one of the rivals who vied for the throne, directly opposing the im of the previous emperor, the father of Sakamoto Hideyoshi.
When the rival prince of that time couldn''t get support from the majority of Daiymos and their respective ns, he tried to assassinate his elder brother. The only one who stood by his side and assisted in that assassination attempt was the leader of the Masamune n.
After the attempt failed and the traitors were executed… the Masamune n lost their title as a Noble n because of their leader''s doings.
The previous emperor, however, was merciful enough to not execute all the members of the Masamune n, going against their tradition… but the remaining n members were exiled, and stripped of their title, their ranks, and thends they owned.
"Then… are you by chance?" asked the old servant who previously introduced him to everyone. "Yes… I''m her grandson. The imperial blood runs through my veins as well." said Kahn/Byakuya with aposed demeanor.
The reason why the previous emperor spared the n members of the Masamune n was because his younger sister was wed to the traitor n leader. And he could not bring himself to end her and her children''s lives with his own hand.
"Now… Although I may be of the Imperial Blood… I have to serve my penance as the descendant of the traitor.
Currently… the Masamune n resides on the northern end of the empire. And among their saints… I have been in secluded training for over decades. His majesty, the Emperor, who is also my uncle by blood, offered me a chance to reinstate the Masamune n by devoting myself to the service of the imperial n by joining this party." stated Byakuya in one go. Shock!
"What?! The Masamune n is being reinstated? Does that mean he''s also a candidate to be a Hatamoto (Guardian of the Banner) and is a high-ranking samurai in the direct service of the Emperor?" asked Isshin with a baffled countenance. N?v(el)B\\jnn
However, Kahn quickly exined…
"Do not make assumptions. I''m still a Ronin (Samurai without a Lord) without any allegiance. Joining this party is just a condition of my cause.
So by no means, I''m a noble. Even the imperial court and other Daimyos do not know about my origin or this arrangement between me and the Emperor.
So it would be best if you kept it to yourself; as leaking this information to your ns is akin to treason." rified Kahn.
Everyone present except for Ryuken, was taken aback by this revtion, gulping in shock.
This was the perfect setup he created with the help of Miyamoto Musashi and Emperor Hideyoshi. If his referral came directly from the emperor himself, who would dare to question the authenticity of his ims?
Half an hourter, the formal greetings and inquiries were done in a tense atmosphere.
Right then…
The members of the hero of space''s party suggested something in unison.
That Raiden and Byakuya should show them their strength and prove that they are worthy to rece their former two teammates.
Omega suddenly ced his hands on Raijin and Kyojin.
"You dare test Byakuya-sama? With what right?" He asked with furious eyes, ready to pounce on the party members any moment.
Kensei and Isshin quickly intervened.
"Easy there, neer. What''s wrong with testing the strength of a fellow party member''s strength when we would have to fight together in the future?
This incident can be used to fortify our party''s battle formations. There is nothing to lose here." said Kensei, the naginata warrior.
Then it was Kahn who interjected.
"As reasonable as it may sound… I would have to decline this proposition." he spoke with a sly smile.
[This bastard! What''s with his snake-like face and devious smile? I already find him insufferable.] thought Shingen to himself.
Then Momoko, the Spider-Demon also spoke…
"Ara ara… It has been a long time since I''ve seen such an unmannerly man. However, I can''t seem to dislike it.
Maybe I will get to put that face in my collection one day." she said in a seductive tone.
"Impudent." said Tomoe, the Yuki Onna, in a cold tone while calmly holding her teacup, without even making eye contact with Byakuya.
"You! Who do you think you''re sitting in front of?! You''re but a fallen noble n''s heir.
Serving the Hero-sama is the greatest honor many saints could only dream of.
We don''t know what kind of backhanded deal you pull off with his majesty, the Emperor. But you should at least be courteous enough to abide by the orders." said the nine-tailed Kitsune.
"And whose orders are those? I didn''t hear Ryuken-dono saying anything regarding that.
Don''t just throw out your whim in the air and use his name to make it seem like I''m the one being disrespectful." said Kahn calmly with a duplicitous smile.
"This ruffian!..." said Kagura.
Woosh! But before the conversation took a heated turn, Ryuken raised his right hand and gestured for everyone to turn quiet.
Next, he locked his eyes with Kahn who was slowly sipping the fragrant tea.
"I apologize on their behalf. The way you put it… their words do appear as presumptuous.
However… their point does stand. So now I''m asking you as the leader of this party and as the Hero of Space…
Would you show us the extent of your capabilities as a warrior?" asked Ryuken in aposed and courteous voice.
Kahn shook his head in denial and spoke softly…
"That… is still not a viable option for me. And I mean no disrespect to you, Ryuken-dono."
This time, it was Shingen who revealed his dark red saint aura and spoke in an angered tone…
"Oye… Why are you addressing Ryuken-sama with ''dono'' and not ''sama''? Are you under the illusion that you have the same standing as him just because you carry the imperial blood?
You''re still nothing but a descendant of that traitor." The Oni warrior''s furious tone heated the atmosphere of this gathering.
"Yes… who are you to speak so casually with him?" asked Isshin, the youngest among them who looked like a teenager.
But again… Ryuken raised his hand and signaled them to keep their mouths shut instead of escting things.
"And why is that so, if I may ask?" he questioned Kahn/Byakuya.
To his tense-toned question, Kahn only replied with a question of his own.
"Why should I have to prove my strength?..." he said.
Kahn''s visage turned prideful as he continued with a sardonic smile…
"To those who are weaker than me."