Unbeknownst to the amount of fear and respect Ning Yi suddenly had for Xu Feng, he himself had returned to the apartment.
However, upon returning, he was surprised to see Erica in the living room.
She was currently in her pajamas, her eyes watching some sort of drama on the television. Next to her was a bundle of snacks, clearly for her to eat while enjoying the drama.
Naturally, once Xu Feng noticed her, Erica equally noticed his arrival.
To her surprise though, she saw Xu Feng''splexion was quite horrible and he was seemingly struggling to even walk properly.
"Did something happen?" Concerned, Erica was wondering if he got beaten up or something, her hand holding a piece of chip.
"Nothing much," Xu Feng shed a slight smile. "I merely exerted myself too much for today."
Nodding, Erica ate the chip on her hand and no longer bothered asking.
Since Xu Feng clearly didn''t wish to divulge much, it would be impolite of her to pry further.
Nevertheless, she still gave a kind warning. "I suggest you don''t enter the gaming capsule with your condition. Although the gaming capsule has healing ability, I doubt you want to risk your body further."
"Thanks," Xu Feng weakly replied, heading to his room. Even without her warning, he nned on hopping into the gaming capsule to rest.
Without logging in, his body would be in optimal condition with the healing system built into the gaming capsule.
What Erica meant was that he should enter the gaming capsule, but not y.
After all, nothing was more important than one''s health. Once your health was ruined, it would be hard to recover. Thus, it was better to take the necessary rest.
Initially, Xu Feng would have been fine after drinking Life Water, but because of his demonstration for Ning Yi, his condition merely stagnated.
It would have been disastrous if he did the demonstration without consuming a Life Water such as fainting on the spot, or worse, going into aa for a few days.
At the same time, he began to regret using Phantom Step and not the inferior version he had taught Zhao Kai.
Given that Zhao Kai learned the inferior version, it didn''t have any side effects, but Xu Feng wanted Zhao Gaofu to understand the importance of his grandson.
''This Kai better not mess this up after I set the foundation for him,'' Xu Feng thought, opening the gaming capsule and lying inside. Shortly after his eyes closed, he went into a deep slumber.
Tonight had been truly exhausting.
As Xu Feng slept throughout the night, within Divine World, yers who would pull all-nighters continuously grind for their levels.
This was especially true for one certain guild.
"Guild Leader, I just received news from our spy that Herald Fist somehow managed to gain a batch of new equipment and has been grinding the Hard Mode Dungeon, Jagged Rock." A level 12 Assassin reported.
"A batch of new equipment huh." Gentle Wind knitted her brows when she received this information. She was almost certain that Herald Fist managed to gain these new batches of equipment from a familiar person.
And it should be none other than Lin Feng.
"What should we do now, Guild Leader?" Steelshot asked softly, who was currently at level 13.
"Forget it," Gentle Wind took a deep breath and said, "We should focus on leveling up and getting the requirement to enter a city. Herald Fist is trying to boost his guild''s strength, but the experience points gained from dungeons are not as viable as field monsters."
After seeing Lin Feng entering the city, Gentle Wind knew that she needed to enter the city as soon as possible, otherwise, the gap between them was going to widen.
Although she didn''t know why Lin Feng''s boss stayed hidden, she had a feeling that they were scheming something. So far, she had been forced to pay a lot of money to them, and it might hurt a bit, but everything was worth it.
To prevent herself from being in such a disadvantageous position, she decided to close the gap between them and increase her power in the bargaining.
"Anyway, tanks, go and gather 3 more monsters here. We need to get to level 15 tonight." Gentle Wind announced loudly.
"Yes, Guild Leader!"
With this amazing field where monsters spawned extremely fast, Gentle Wind must maximize the benefits.
After all, it was information purchased from Lin Feng at an exorbitant price.
''If only I have their vast knowledge regarding the Divine World.'' Gentle Windmented herck of information, realizing that she must set up an intelligence team to gather information for the guild solely.
Soon, the grinding between most yers was at its peak, and time also went by very quickly.
At this moment, Xu Feng was finally freshened up after being healed by the healing system in the gaming capsule.
"Sigh, I''m not attending those damn parties again." He mumbled, quickly logging into the Divine World.
The most valuable thing in this world was not money, but time. And with his deep slumber, Xu Feng can''t even imagine how much of a gap the other yers had closed between them.
Star Falls City
Within the open area of the street, a streak of light urred, and Xu Feng promptly appeared.
"What just happened?" Xu Feng was dazed upon seeing the street which was usually deste to be somewhat lively.
Naturally, these people were all NPCs and they were chattering about something.
"The Paradise ins is opening soon, and I can''t wait to grab a slot for myself."
"Dream on about it, would you? I''m just going there to spectate and hopefully meet those strong contestants."
"Tsk, can''t you just let me dream a bit?"
As these NPCs walked by Xu Feng, he was stunned by the news.
Paradise ins?
''Wasn''t that ce an area filled with those different kinds of Profession?'' Memories of that ce began surfacing in Xu Feng''s mind as he recalled the ce was dubbed as heaven for those with side Profession.
"No wonder Star Falls City became crowded. This is the only city with the fastest teleportation point to get there." He muttered, realizing this was a golden chance.