Just as the soldier predicted, there was a horde of zombies in front of the bus Xiaoyun is on.
Other buses driving at the other sides of the road had also distracted some of the zombies toward their different directions.
The tank mutant meanwhile followed Xiaoyun''s bus.
The bus Xiaoyun is on suddenly pull a hard turned to the left, giving soldier on the right side of the bus a clear shot to the zombies.
"Right side fire! Ignore the tank!" The bus leader yelled out.
After firing few shots the soldiers stopped as the bus had now turned back straight.
The bus speed up and drove forward for an entire minute, then hard turned to the right.
"Left side fire!" The bus leader yelled again.
Xiaoyun moved to the window and fired shot at the zombie hordes.
After the bus driver repeat this maneuver for three time, all the zombies chasing the bus was gone except the tank.
"Bus number 3, Corporal Jixi, the tank is chasing us, over." The bus leader spoke through the walkie talkie.
"Return back to Unit Twenty-four, we had rescued the unit. Now we have set up a trap for the tank, over." Jixi voice came out of the walkie talkie.
"Copy that." The bus leader replied back.
The bus driver took a turn and started driving back to the original location where they saw the horde earlier.
After five minute the bus arrived.
Xiaoyun could see all the soldier from the other bus standing outside.
The bus drove straight between the gap the soldier left on purpose and stopped.
As everyone in the bus got off, Xiaoyun could see the rows of soldier earlier firing at the tank mutant.
"Grenade!" Jixi yelled out as few of the soldier threw it at the tank mutant.
The grenadended in front of the tank mutant''s as it exploded.
As the smoke disappeared, the tank was still standing fine. But his arms was severely damaged.
As the mutant lower its hand due to injury, the soldier was able to shoot the head. Instantly knocking the tank out as everyone fired toward the head.
Everyone stopped firing as the tank had fallen to the ground, causing a tremble on the ground.
Suddenly all the soldiers could hear a massive tumblinging from the distance.
"Everyone get in the bus!" Everyone rushed to their assigned bus including Xiaoyun who just stepped out of the bus.
But before Xiaoyun can get inside the bus, something jumped from the skyscraper.
"Jockey!" Xiaoyun warned and opened fire at the sky.
Everyone who was still outside the bus looked up and noticed it.
It was over twenty mutant jockey jumping off the building as theynded on people''s head.
"Fuck!" Xiaoyun couldn''t see anything as his entire vision was covered by a jockey whonded on top of his head.
He could feel the jockey dragging him toward a direction and punching his face. Then he could feel his face getting cut by something.
Only until a soldier nearby shot the jockey down could Xiaoyun see again.
"Thanks." Xiaoyun started bandaging his face wound with a bandage.
"No problem." The other soldier turned around and started helping others killing the jockeys.
As Xiaoyun recovered, all the other jockey was shot downed.
"Everyone get on the bus now!" Jixi yelled again as the soldiers started going inside the bus again.
After thirty second, everyone was finally inside the bus.
All the buses start driving as they can see a massive zombie horde in the hundreds of thousands in the distance running toward them.
As the buses drove away from the horde, the bus leader''s walkie talkie spoke out again.
"All buses immediately return back to base. Except for Bus three, four and five. Go back to the store and pick up the people at the store. Over." Jixi''s voice came out.
"Copy that." The bus leader responded back.
After taking several turns at the road trying to lose some of the zombies, the three bus arrived at the store.
"Everyone open fire! " The bus leader yelled out as there''s was still a massive horde chasing after them.
The soldiers started firing at the horde running toward them.
But despite everyone firing, it barely made a dent to the zombie horde as every zombies they shot down, it just get reced by the zombies behind them.
"All grenade out!" The bus leader yelled out.
All the soldiers started throwing their grenade at the horde, including Xiaoyun who started making grenade to throw out.
Despite a massive explosion clearing almost an several rows of zombies, more zombies reced them.
"There''s too much! We need to get out now!" An unit leader yelled out.
Luckily that was just enough time as thest person was finally inside the bus.
The three buses drove away just as the zombie horde three steps away from catching them.
"What happen? Why return so early?" Yezi noticed it was only three o''clock.
"A new waveing out of the city. This time it seem to be uncontrolled as they were chasing us even outside of the city outskirt. Luckily we were able lose them after several fast turns in a row." Jixi replied as he stepped out of the bus.
"Shit, I need to tell Yiming and Xiaoyun about this... Wait why is there three bus missing?" Yezi noticed the missing buses.
"They went to go pick up other people we left at the store. They will arrive here in thirty minutest time I heard from them." Jixi replied.
"Everyone you can leave the bus! You are dismissed for the day! Anyone who is injured need to stay here." Yezi yelled towards the soldiers who were still inside the bus.
When the three bus arrived at the training camp, it was already five in the afternoon.
Yezi, Yiming and Jixi was all standing in the training field.
Everyone stepped out of the bus as the three bus leader stepped forward to them.
"Sir, the civilian and soldier from the store arrived safely!" One of the bus leader spoke out.
"Good, you all are dismissed. However, people who are injured are not dismissed yet." Yezi spoke out.
The soldiers started walking toward the training field''s locker room to return their rifles.
After finding his assigned badge number locker and puts the rifle inside the locker, Xiaoyun went back out.
Xiaoyun sat down at the bench to join everyone else who had been injured as well.
Everyone''s faces were severely bruised or cut just like Xiaoyun from the jockey.
Inside the security room, Yezi and Yiming alongside several doctors were inside.
"Hm, there is no sigh of infection. Just cuts and bruises." Several doctor stated.
"Isn''t that obvious? If they are infected they would of turned long time ago." Jixi pointed out.
"How are they injured again? Same as thest batch?" Yezi asked.
"Yep, jockeys jumping on top of them and either getting punched or cut in the face with their fingernail." Jixi replied.
"Then jockeys mutant must have no infectious ability or their viruses are different from normal zombies." A doctorsmented.
"Hm... I have a feeling none of the mutants have any infectious ability. Well that if assuming you live through their bloodlust to kill you." Yiming came up with his own conclusion.
"We need to carefully examine their injuries and do more testing." Another doctors suggested.
The two agreed and walked back out of security room.
"Okay, everyone please get back on the bus. You guys are going to the hospital for you to stay for few days. Don''t worry, you will be paid while you are in the hospital." Yezi spoke out.
As everyone entered the bus, Yezi stopped Xiaoyun and drag him to the side.
"You don''t have to go, you can go home and rest." Yezi gave him an offer.
"No special treatment. Beside, I haven''t gone to the hospital in this town yet." Xiaoyun went back inside the bus.
The doctors also entered the bus, along with several soldiers who didn''t went on the trip.
The bus driver drove the bus to the hospital and stopped right outside the fences.
"Everyone follow me." The doctor lead everyone inside the hospital.
As they walked inside, the doctor send the soldier to the individual rooms one by one.
Xiaoyun could see the injured soldiers who already in the hospital, probably from Jixi''s group of buses.
Finally it was Xiaoyun turn was put in one of the hospital room.
"Please stay in here. Another doctor will be here to clean up the bandages and examine your health." The doctor closed the door and left.
Xiaoyunid down on the bed as he looked around the room.
"Man this feel more like a prison than a hospital." Xiaoyun noticed the room has only a bed and a nightstand, with a bottle of water on the top.
Xiaoyun took a sip of water and can only wait for the doctor toe.