As Xiaoyun opened the stall door, Tianci''s iris was red again.
"Wait, don''t turn me back yet. I-I promise I won''t hurt anyone." Tianci nervously begged as Xiaoyun held the other Tianci''s hands against her back.
"Give me a good reason why I shouldn''t just turn you back to normal?" Xiaoyun paused the change.
"If I don''t g-get to drink blood, Tianci will die as well. She''ll never drink blood herself... do you want her to die?"
"What do you mean she''ll die? She is perfectly fine." Xiaoyun didn''t believe Tianci''s statement.
"That''s because she''s hiding it. Have you not noticed her face getting more pale every day? And she gets easily tired from just walking with you?"
"I... haven''t thought of that." Xiaoyun realized what Tianci was saying was all true.
"So please, just let me drink some blood, and I''ll go back."
After hearing Tianci''s promise again, Xiaoyun reluctantly lets go of her.
"Here, just drink it as much as you want." Xiaoyun stretched out his hand and moved it before Tianci''s face.
After waiting a bit, Xiaoyun noticed that Tianci was just standing there and looked back at Xiaoyun as if he were an idiot.
"What? You''re not drinking blood anymore?"
"Do I look like a vampire to you? Are you expecting me to cut it with a sharp fang or a long nail?" Tianci rolled her eyes.
"My bad. I mean, who else will drink blood other than a vampire?" Xiaoyun awkwardly moved his hand back and then created a knife with his other hand.
With a swift cut on the wrist, blood starteding out of the knife wound.
"Here, now you happy?" Xiaoyun moved his wrist right in front of Tianci''s face.
Tianci immediately started sucking on it as she grabbed Xiaoyun''s arm to secure it.
After what felt like forever, Tianci finally let go of Xiaoyun''s wrist.
"That was the most satisfying meal I ever had." Tianci sighed in relief as her pale face started returning to normal.
"Yeah, yeah... Tianci, can I make a deal with you?" Xiaoyun thought back to his n fromst week.
"What is it?" Tianci curiously asked.
"I know you and the real Tianci always switches at random time, but if I feed you with all the blood you want, can you promise me not to hurt other people?"
"Excuse me, I''m the real Tianci. Don''t equate me with that weak and useless Tianci... Also, I already promised you that I won''t hurt other people. I''m not going to take back my promise... Besides, your blood tastes better anyway." Tianci''s voice got quieter and quieter.
"Well, with that out of the way... when are you nning to switch back?"
"I don''t control that. W-Wait, don''t turn me back yet. Can I please stay out here for some fresh air? I have been rotting watching her move for so much." Tianci pleaded as Xiaoyun moved closer to her.
After thinking briefly, Xiaoyun moved back away from the toilet seat.
"Fine, seeing you cooperating so well, I''ll let you stay until the other Tianci returns."
"I don''t get why you want the other Tianci back so badly... you can do whatever you want with my body. I''m not like the other Tianci who''s too scared to admit her feelings." Tianci lowered her shirt to reveal her cleavage to Xiaoyun.
"Do that again, and I''m going to force you back to normal," Xiaoyun warned as he looked away.
"Whatever." Tianci lifted her shirt back up.
As Xiaoyun opened the stall door to leave, he could hear someone walking inside the restroom.
"Why are you not ope——" Before Tianci could finish asking, Xiaoyun rushed to cover her mouth.
"I don''t want any confusion between you and me, you understand?" Xiaoyun whispered into Tianci''s ear.
Tianci nodded in agreement as Xiaoyun let go of his hand.
After a few minutes, the two could hear the footsteps leaving the restroom.
"Let''s go." Xiaoyun opened the stall door to see no one outside.
As the two left the stall, someone walked around the corner in their blind spot.
It was Yezi, and he looked a little surprised to see the two in the men''s restroom.
"Um... I''ll pretend I didn''t see this." Yezi turned around and left.
"Wait, Yezi, it''s not what you think." Xiaoyun tried to run up to catch up, but Yezi disappeared as he walked outside the restroom.
"Fuck... now I can never clear the confusion." Xiaoyun sighed as Tianci caught back up.
"I''m sure Mr.Yezi won''t tell anyone," Tianci mentioned.
"I know, but he''ll always poke fun at me with that now. Fuck." Xiaoyun facepalmed himself at the blunder he had just done.
As the two arrived home, it was already four in the afternoon.
"Hey babe, what took you so long?" Yuqi asked as she opened the door for the two.
Xiaoyun didn''t answer back but pointed backward, where Tianci stood behind him.
"Tianci, your eyes..." Yuqi immediately noticed the red iris.
"Hello, Mrs.Yuqi." Tianci waved towards Yuqi with a smile.
"H-Hello T-Tianci.'' Yuqi started to get nervous as she remembered that the Tianci she was talking to was the one who had murdered over a hundred people.
"Don''t worry, Yuqi, she promises she won''t hurt anyone. And I''ll keep a close eye on her." Xiaoyun reassured her as he noticed the nervousness in Tianci''s voice.
As the three walked to the living room, Xiaoyun noticed nobody was there except the three babies still ying on the ground.
"Where did everyone go?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.
"We nned to make Mom leave the house for a few hours to n Mom''s birthday party. So Nami was assigned to go shopping with her.
Then Shuli was assigned to pick up the cake, with Wuli picking Lily up from ss. I''m staying home to ensure the three babies are fine and everything is set up." Yuqi replied.
"I see. Is there anything I can do to help?" Xiaoyun asked.
"Not really. Everything is already in ce. Just make sure you got the present ready."
"Don''t worry, I have it ready." Xiaoyun went over to the backyard and came back with the bag.
"What''s inside it?" Yuqi got a little curious.
"A surprise for her. You''ll see it." Xiaoyun tightly closed the bag to ensure it wasn''t revealed from the outside.
"It''s just some flo—— whatever... just some dumb birthday celebration." Tianci changed her words at thest second as Xiaoyun looked at her threateningly.
As the clock hit six, everything was set up, and everyone was back home except Nami and Leyan.
Just as Xiaoyun got a little worried and about to call Nami, a door knock was heard.
Everyone immediately got up and walked over to the door, with Xiaoyun in the front, ready to open it.
"Happy birthday!" All of them excitedly said out loud as the door opened for Nami and Leyan, except for Tianci, who only mumbled quietly.
"Thank you, thank you." Leyan bowed down in gratitude as Xiaoyun carried the bag inside.
"Mom, we brought your favorite fruit cake!" Yuqi lifted the cake cover as they walked inside the kitchen.
"Aww, that is so nice of you guys." Leyan excitedly walked over to the cake.
Xiaoyun walked over to the cake and took out a lighter to light all the candles.
Nami turned off the light as they all stood around the cake, with Leyan in front.
Leyan closed her eyes, sped her hands together, and started making a wish.
After a minute, she opened her eyes and blew all the candles out.
The room erupted into cheers and apuse as the candles flickered and went out. Leyan smiled, feeling the warmth of her family''s love enveloping her.
Yueyue couldn''t contain her excitement and asked, "What did you wish for, Mom?"
"I can''t tell, or it won''te true. But it''s something special, just like all of you." Leyan chuckled.
Nami turned the lights back on and handed the cake knife to Leyan.
Leyan cut the cakes into perfect pieces, and Yuqi stepped up to help her load the cakes onto the tes.
"Here''s yours." Yuqi started handing the cake one by one until everyone got one piece.
"Hm! This is so good." Lily''s face was ecstatic as she took a bite of the cake.
"Really?" Leyan cut a piece for herself and took a bite of it.
"Hm! This is the best cake I ever had."
"Agreed." Both Shuli and Wuli nodded in agreement.
Xiaoyun noticed Tianci had been holding the te and hadn''t taken a single bite yet.
"You aren''t going to eat it?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.
"I... haven''t eaten anything other than blood. I''m not sure if I can eat this," Tianci replied as she returned the cake to the table.
"What do you mean, Tianci, you haven''t eaten anything? I just ate my food a few days ago... Tianci, y-your eyes!" Leyan finally noticed Tianci''s iris was all red.
Everyone turned around and noticed Tianci''s iris was all red and immediately got nervous, except for Yuqi, who had already known from earlier.
"Before you all freak out, I already made a deal with this Tianci to not hurt anyone. You guys can all rx." Xiaoyun spoke up instantly to calm the other side.
"Really?" Nami nervously asked the question that was in all their mind.
"I swear I won''t hurt anyone in the town," Tianci promised.