Ch: 60 [Truth & torment]
[Underground arena] [Peter''s first person POV]
"Uumm... You sure they won''t catch you?" Josh asked me with an awkward look. Can''t me him, really. I came here in my regr ck clothes with a hoodie and a monkey mask with goggles that I made when I was making my stealth suit. But given those illegal fighters wearing those weird freak masks, mine looks normal. Well, normal for them.
"Yea, don''t worry. Who would imagine Spiderman sitting in a bar where illegal fighters fight for money and chicks? Of course, no one. Besides, I''m not in my suit, so, rx," I told him casually while watching the ongoing match. A scrawny guy vs. a thug built like a tank. Not a toughpetition for a big, beefy guy like him, really. But that thin one is fast and can outmatch this brute. Though, that is not gonna save him from a bunch of blows that may break his bones. And, yes, there''s blood everywhere and the audience goes crazy with every blood bath.
"So..." Josh looked around for any unwanted ears. When he felt safe, he said, "Any news on my daughter?"
"Yup, Oscorp. Hellfire Club sold her to Oscorp. Now, Josh, is there something you forgot to tell me about your daughter? Because now would be the perfect time to tell me the truth," I looked Josh in the eye through the mask, demanding the truth. I can tell Josh wasn''t honest with me when west met. He is hiding something, I can just feel that. I mean, why the heck would Kingpin go to such lengths to legally take her custody only to sell her to Oscorp? She must be special... A mutant with unique power, maybe, something dangerous? The only thing I know right now she might not be even alive anymore, but can''t tell that to him, can I?
"Look... I''m not gonna waste your time telling you stories. Here''s the deal, alright, she got... something special inside of her," Josh sounded grave, his voice broke and it was the first time I saw that fear in his eyes, "After her mother passed away... She... Something awakened within her, like those mutants. My little girl became special..."
"A mutant, huh?" That changes a few things, definitely, she is likely to be alive, right? A live, fresh blood mutant is like a prized jewel to the scumbags, and considering what they did to me in the past and this reality''s version of me, they wouldn''t waste an opportunity to experiment on her, "And what''s her power?"
"She is an Empath and can detect lies."
"Empathy? Are you kidding me?" Now, that''s both incredible and scary, a living lie detector. I almost couldn''t believe it. "No wonder Oscorp wanted to get their hands on her. Fuck!" Osborn might try to extract her mutant factor just like what he did to me. What the fuck am I thinking about, of course, the bastard must have already done that. God dammit! So much for good news. And how is she going to survive all of this? No matter how strong she is, surviving experiments performed on them by those monsters would be close to impossible.
"I know Oscorp is big and powerful, I won''t me you for stepping back. You have already done so much for me. I can''t possibly ask you for anymore..." Josh spoke with his eyes down. He is holding it better than I imagined, guess all those years made his heart as solid as a rock. But even so, he is still a human. Just looking at his eyes would give it away. That''s a man who lost so much. A human who, in hisst moment, clings on hope for his daughter.
"You used to work for Oscorp, right? So, use that head of yours and think, where could they be performing experiments on humans? Surely it can''t be a small underground dungeon. And besides that, do you think it''ll be possible for a multimillionpany to build, maintain, and operate aboratory where the sickos can perform inhumane experiments without anyone noticing it? Do you?" I asked Josh while leaning back to the chair. "So, give me something to work with Josh. No matter how insignificant the matter may be. Give me something rted to the experimental treatment they performed at Oscorp."
"There''s this guy... Wilson or something... Damn! It''s been so long that I don''t remember his name anymore, but, I remember when his son got into an ident, he got severely injured and broke his spinal cord. We used to be friends, you see. Kid had barely a year or so to live after that. I don''t know much, but I saw Wilson talking to Osborn about something andter that day, the doctors bought that kid for an experimental treatment. Wilson was one of the leading doctors, but something happened... As far as I can remember, his son died and he left Oscorp..."
Wilson! Fuck! That''s me from my past life. But in this reality, I got into an ident instead of... But then, back at the mall with MJ, that was the ce I was supposed to get crushed. Everything was exactly as I remembered, except for the fact that I was in Peter Parker''s body. Well, it doesn''t matter anymore. The moment I saw that Serum at Oscorp that day, I knew I was dead in this reality.
To think my dad was also involved in this. I guess Osborn was not the only one pulling the strings in my life in that world, too... However, can I really me him? I had barely a year or so to live... He must have thought of every way to save me, even going to extreme lengths to perform experimental treatments. Shit! He didn''t even realize that he fell into Osborn''s hands by trying to save me... Goddammit!
"John Wilson..." I spoke softly.
"Yeah, John Wilson, that''s right. But, how do you know him?" Josh asked, confused by what just happened.
"How would I not? Anyway, I''ll look into this matter. And you just stay out of it till you hear from me. I don''t want you to get yourself killed," I stood up and fixed my mask. The thin fighter was already a bloody pulp on the floor and his opponent roaring and flexing for the cheering mob. They don''t seem to care about this pitiful man, and the medics aren''t helping, either. That thug got himself a perfect title, a real king of killers, "Stay safe," I bid my farewell to Josh as I took my leave.
[My old house]
I sneaked into my old house and looked around. This ce brings back memories. My old man was sitting on the couch, dozing off. There were bottles of liquor lying all around him. It fucking reeks of booze and cigs. I went to the kitchen, poured a ss of water, and went back to the living room, "Hey, get up." I sprinkled water on his face.
He gasped and wiped his face while cursing, "Who''s this jackass?" I just stood there and didn''t answer. Soon his eyes widened as he took a better look at me, "Who the fuck are you?" Obviously, he wouldn''t recognize me with the mask on, well, even without the mask, he wouldn''t, either.
"Look at you, drowning yourself in booze... You thought you would be able to escape your past, did you?" I took a seat on the couch before him. I don''t know what to believe. I need to know the truth. Did Dad do this to help me or he have some other motives? I faintly remember hearing the doctors say something about paying off my dad so that he wouldn''t take any steps in case I died.
"Who are you?" He shouted.
"Why did you do what you did?"
"What the fuck are you talking about?!" His voice shook a little, enough to give away the truth. But I had to make sure. I needed to hear the truth from his own mouth.
"Was it money? Did Osborn offer you some easy bucks for permitting him to perform inhumane experiments on your son?" I raised my tone, pushing him further.
His hand trembled as he grabbed his forehead, gasping for air. Looks like he is about to faint. He tried to stand up, "How... how did you know..." His legs gave up, unable to stand up and he stumbled into the floor, crying and muttering, "How could you have known... How? How?!" He cried and pped the floor in frustration. "Osborn lied! The experiments didn''t heal my son, they killed him! It was all in vain... nothing matters anymore..."
"The money. You did it for your son or for the money? I need to hear it from your mouth. I''m gonna ask you one more time, did you sell your son out for money? Or did you truly believe those sweet lies they fed you back then?! Well, look at you now! You know the truth!" I said in a cold and calm tone while looking down at him, watching my old man drown in regret and anguish, crying like a toddler who lost his parents. It didn''t matter. He is already broken, but the pain I had to endure for years after years is nothingpared to his short, hollow cry of guilt. I kneeled before him, staring at his ugly face, "Look at you now. Money couldn''t make up for the shit you pulled back then. Can''t sleep at night, can you?"
"No... no... no... I needed that money... The experiment killed him. Osborn offered money to keep my mouth shut or else... He would destroy everyone''s life who is rted to me. I... I was a fucking coward. I took the money and ran for my life like a fucking dog. I didn''t know what else to do... I didn''t even know what he did with his body," He finally spoke the truth, revealing the dark secret that was eating him from inside, haunting him since the moment I was taken by Osborn.
After a pause, he continued...
"I know no one would ever forgive me for what I did... I hate myself for being a weakling... No... what am I thinking about? If God ever exists, I don''t deserve to be forgiven for what I have done. So, there was no other option left to me except death. But dying is a shortcut I wouldn''t take... I decided to suffer each day for the rest of my life, as a payment for my sin... No! Why am I lying to myself? Death should have ended my miserable life. I killed my own flesh and blood! I should have died in his ce, not him!"
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Next Ch: 61: Punisher pt1
Ch: 62: Punisher pt2
Ch: 63: Mirror
AN: Although we didn''t reach the target, I''ll release 1 extra chapter this week.