Ch: 68 [Kill them all]
[Basement] [First person POV]
I avoided the cameras and sensors and finally, found my way down the basement. I peeked out of the venttion shaft. The ce was freaking huge. The agents were swarming the ce along with cameras at every corner. The missing people were huddled together in the middle with some kind of weird device around their necks.
Bomb cors?! Power damper? Could be both...
There was arge tunnel on the left side of the basement. That must led to the harbor. So, first thing first, I have to deal with all the agents, and then find a way to break their cors. Then, I have to find a way to take these people out of here safely. The only n I could think of right now is to use that tunnel to get them out after dealing with the main problem.
I texted Frank about my n and asked him to somehow secure the harbor without gun zing and take a stealth approach. It''s a really stupid n, to be honest. There might be even more security in the harbor itself, and with a stealth approach, the only option is knives and quiet takedown. The guy who always shoots people in the head, that''s Punisher, will go on a knife assault with the stealth of a goddamn ninja. Sounds like a terrible idea. He will probably need backups. So, I asked Frank to call for some backup, The Defenders. Although Frank and Matt don''t see eye to eye, given the situation, both of them will have to work together. If this gets fucked up, it will be a pretty big mess.
Now, with that done, time to act. First, pinpoint Sarah among all these people. Where are you, girl? Ah! There she is, right beside that afro kid. Ok, next, how the fuck do I kill all these fifty agents armed from head to toe without hurting those people?
I crawled out and webbed to the ceiling. Then crawled toward the small security room. The door is open and there are two guards, monitoring the cameras. I took out six solid webs from my fingers and threw them at the lights around the room. One of the guards ran out of the room.
"What the fuck?" He looked up in the darkness, "Hey, Lenny, the lights exploded. Must be an overload or something,e and fix your mess," The guy yelled.
"Stop whining," Lenny, probably the technician of the group, grunted and walked toward him. He bent down near the first blown-out light near the door.
Now''s the time. I softlynded behind them and twisted the first guy''s neck, then did the same to our Lenny. With them dead, I threw them up in the ceiling and webbed them out of sight. Now, time to shut down the cameras. I walked inside the security room and deactivated the security measures and the cameras, shutting it all down.
With all the eyes turned off, it''s time to go on a stealth hunt.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I must focus my 100% on killing these agents without raising an rm. Every step should be calcted. I should not let even the slightest chance slip by. I webbed back to the ceiling and crawled to the tunnel area. Ten guards were walking around like trained military. However, now that I see them close, the armor they are wearing is too advanced, no doubt about that, but the gaps between the body armor and the helmet are kinda big. I can easily slit their throat with one scratch.
I threw a couple of solid threads at the nearby generator, causing it to explode.
[Booom!] Electric sparks, fire, and smoke began to rise from the generator as everyone turned their attention toward it, raising their gun.
"Fuck! Another overload?" One of the guys called.
"Dammit, we should have brought our own equipment," Another grunted.
One of the agents came from the middle area, noticing the explosion, "Everything alright?" He asked one of them.
"Just another overload. Freakin Lenny is asleep, or jacking off somewhere," One of the guysmented, "He has not fixed a single light since he was hired."
"We will have to do with what we got. This was an emergency call, nothing we could do about it. Just keep your eyes open," The agent said and returned to the middle.
The ten of them switched on their shlight and resumed their patrol. I waited for them to turn their back on each other, and...
I threw a web strand at one of the guys, pulled him up, and jammed my w into his neck. He was dead before he could scream. Then, I webbed him to the ceiling. None of them noticed their missingpanion in the darkness. I did the same to the next two of them... Pulling them up, killing them, and webbing them to the ceiling.
With three gone, there are now only seven of them left. I dropped down softly in the middle of their patrol. My speed is superior to theirs, so, I will use it to my advantage. And I can see clearly in the dark. Taking out my ws, I went on a silent rampage, slicing off their heads one after the other, killing them instantly and webbing them in the darkness of the tunnel walls. Blood pooled on the tunnel floor. Within 10 seconds, all ten guards were ughtered.
I webbed up back to the ceiling.
For the next hour, I continued my stealth hunt. It was like ying a stealth video game, killing every damn guard in my sight, killing them one after one, jumping from one ce to another like a phantom, killing those sons of a bitches who have been kidnapping and experimenting on innocent people.
Finally, the guards circling their prisoners noticed their missingrades. Well, there are only fifteen of them remaining in the area, so it was inevitable.
"Lenny, Ken, Paul..." One of them called as they tried to switch on their radio. But no reply, "Fuck! There''s someone in here. Be careful, I can''t contact the others. Most likely killed by someone, or..." I pulled him up to the ceiling, sliced his head off, and webbed him to the ceiling. His head fell on the floor and rolled toward the guard standing beside him.
"Heekk!" He jumped up in shock and raised his gun and shlight up at the ceiling. But I was already gone from that position. "The fuck!" He was stunned to see all those dead bodies dangling on the ceiling.
It was quite hrious to see these tough ass guards freaking the fuck out, scared by some fucking phantom of the tunnel, or whatever they are imagining in their minds. Their confusion turned into horror as I pulled another agent behind the pir and sliced his head off. The other guards aimed their guns and shlights at the pir and saw the headless and squirming body.
"SHOOOOOUUUT!" A female guard, I can assume she was female because she has the voice of one.
They began to shoot theirser rifles at the pir,pletely destroying it as I watched the scene from the ceiling. Ah! It feels good to see fear in their eyes and hear their helplessness as they were caughtpletely by surprise.
"Halt!" The female guardmanded.
The others stopped shooting.
"What''s our n, ma''am?" One of the surviving guards asked. His voice trembled.
"WHOEVER YOU ARE, COME OUT OR ELSE," She took out a remote from her chest pocket, "I''LL KILL THEM ALL! WE WILL ALL DIE TOGETHER." She shouted.
I took one of the rifles from the dead guy above me and...
[Zing!] [Zing!] I dropped the remaining guards... One shot, one kill. Then jumped down behind the terrifieddy and pressed the muzzle on her neck, "The remote." I demanded.
"Kill me, motherfucker. I will press it any... HUH?!" Before she could finish, I shed her right arm with my w, slicing it off her shoulder, then webbed the remote back to my hand. "ARGGGGGG!" Her agony-filled scream echoed through the tunnel as she held her severed handless shoulder. Blood spewed out like a fountain.
"You chose the painful death, but..." I shot her head. Theser bolt went through her brain, creating just a small burning hole in the head as the lifeless corpse slumped on the ground. "That''s mercy in my terms."
As I was about to deactivate the cors, my Spider Sense tingled and the remote disappeared from my hand!
"That''s a mess you have created, buddy," A teenage boy, wearing a silver and blue suit, stood a few feet away from me, holding the remote.
"So, you are fast," I cracked my fingers and got ready to face this new guy, "A mutant, huh? Well, speed won''t save you..."
"We will see about that," The boy smirked and disappeared from my vision.
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Ch: 70: Reunion
Ch: 71: A new day