Ch: 80 [Another day another explosion]
[4 monthster]
It''s been four months since that night with MJ and Gwen. Well, to gist things up, we are kinda double or should I say triple dating? MJ, Gwen, and Me. It''s fun. We love each other, we spent time together and the sex is great, although we still haven''t had that threesome. As for May, our rtionship is still on, hidden from the outer world, but not from MJ and Gwen. She got a hint of our rtionship but didn''t say anything. I''ll slowly bring her over, someday. I''m working on it.
Speaking of which, JJ got mmed by my supporters, and some even lodged legalints against him, trying to bring down Spiderman''s reputation after the news of the imposter went viral. It''s all thanks to Liz. Although I left the footage for the cops, they didn''t reveal it at all and they kinda took the case off my head with a simple announcement. If I were to guess, Kingpin''s got the higher-ups in his pocket and faced with the hard evidence, they didn''t have any choice but to put a nket over this thing. So, I took the footage to Liz, and she uploaded it to her website. Man, I never imagined that the footage would gain that many views and attention.
Right now, JJ ispletely silent, or should I say defeated?
That guy won''t being out of his room again anytime soon.
Then, there''s Norman. Damn, that insane bastard never sits still. Mofo killed all the cops around his house and then some. He pops up once or twice and steals food and chemicals. Last week, he stole a Stark Industries truck. The news didn''t say what was inside the truck, but considering the fact that it belonged to Stark Industries and Goblin stole it, I''m guessing there were some high-tech weapons or equipment inside.
Well, with the heat on his back, I doubt he is going to show his face anytime soon. Oh, not to forget that Kingpin put a hit on Norman. The bounty is big. He wants him alive. ording to Frank, there''s a new boss in NY. A woman, who took over Kingpin''s ce as a temporary Boss of the Hellfire Club, running the entire city for the past four months. She is as ruthless and cold-hearted as Wilson or even more. My guess is Emma... Emma Frost. We will meet eventually, no need to hurry.
Right now, Kingpin can''t enter NY with the massive heat he got after OsCorp''s fall and my poison. It''s a surprise that he''s even alive at this point.
The next, I tried to contact Harry, but he never picked up the call. From what we heard from the school; he went abroad for his treatment. That''s all we have gotten.
Everything else is all fine. Mary Jane has taken up a few small gigs to get her name out in the industry. MJ started ying her guitar a little, sometimes singing. Yeah, she needs lots of practice, but I''m sure with proper training and tuition, she can seed.
As for Gwen, well... I sneaked into Dr. Connor''sb and found his research notes. Yeah, the form of cell regeneration works theoretically, but the thing is he couldn''t erase the reptilian gic structure from the form. In short, for the form to work, we''d have to inject the said gic mutation into the sample host and test out if the sample works or not. Since the possibility of mutation, thanks to the reptilian genes is 50-50. But we all know it''s not 50% but 100% chance for mutation. It''s even not tested yet, because the form is still in the beta phase. So far, they only tested on a rabbit and a mouse.
Now,es the main problem. With OsCorp gone, the funds Connor had at his disposal got cut off. Most of hisbs got closed down, except for a smallb where he works alone with Gwen assisting him on the side. He tried to contact several parties for support, but all rejected the idea. Well, given his ties with OsCorp and Norman, who were experimenting on humans, it''s obvious why nobody would support him. Not to forget his research will ultimately shift to human tests, which might create another controversy if it fails. So, no one will take that risk.
Well, with his funds dwindling, I was expecting him to close down his research... until Gwen decided to pitch in support using the money I made her from the stock market. She just had to do that and make things difficult. So, I did certain things, I ain''t proud of, like stealing his research which would ultimately lead to human experiments and webbing it to Baxter Building. And I might have webbed some copies to Avenger''s mansion, Stark Tower, and NYPD. With the protest and all going on with OsCorp and Norman, the cops and the higher-ups took this matter seriously.
Way more seriously than I expected as Reed Richards stepped in. He checked Connor''s research and dered it a potential threat to humanity. ording to him, Connor''s method of the whole experiment is wrong, and his perfect form will mutate humans or any other living beings into berserk reptiles.
Yup, Reed Richards shut down his entire project and put him under investigation for being connected with OsCorp. Now, he''s out for good. I managed to keep Gwen''s involvement under wrap and her dad being a NYPD officer helped her keep it under the radar. They passed her as a student working on a school project to the higher-ups, so it didn''t reach the public. Good, this will teach that asshole not to put my Gwen in danger... Ahem! I mean, what happens when he takes human experiments a tad too far.
It was a hard blow for Gwen, but seeing the current situation and the testimony of those victims from OsCorp''s human experiments made her see the real truth. Plus, with Reed''s involvement, she had no choice but to admit Connor''s was wrong. I know she was just trying to do better in this cruel world, but I couldn''t take the chance and risk her life. She''s trying her best not to dwell on her failure. She will bounce back. She''ll find something else. Maybe, I''ll be able to help her out with something new.
Yep, life goes on.
As for me, well, I dropped out and decided to pursue my own dreams. At first, I only wanted revenge for myself, but now after killing so many bad people, taking down OsCorp, messing with Kingpin and all... I started to feel kinda empty. I have everything I ever wanted, yet I...
There''s something missing in my life.
Well, I was thinking about what to do, what my next move would be, maybe do something different? Anything''s good as long as it isn''t taking down viins for once. But I have to postpone my exnation as the peacees to an end and some lunatic decides to destroy the newly opened theme park where Gwen and I were dating. Yup, out of all days, someone just has to crash a party and ruin it all.
Can''t a man get a little peace?
The Ferris Wheel we were waiting to ride was destroyed. Yup. Some bastard installed explosives beforehand and now, it''s about to roll all over the ce in a few seconds and it will kill many civilians. My Spider senses were tingling too much as my eyes darted around the area, trying to calcte the perfect position to move the civilians out of harm''s way while stopping the wheel and saving the people inside.
Fuck! Too many people... Everyone is running everywhere...
I can''t expose my identity. Even if I were to save them, I''ve to make sure Gwen is safe first. Time is moving slowly for me or to be precise my thoughts are racing faster than anything else.
Wait! That girl in the crowd... Sue Storm!
She ran toward the Ferris and used her forcefield to keep it in ce.
"Hurry, everyone. Get out of here. NOW!" She yelled.
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Next,Ch: 81: Amazing Spiderman
Ch: 82: Gwen''s slutty mind