[Vol-4 END] Ch: 200 [Get stronger]
YAY!!???? 200 chapters.
May, Maddie, Michelle, Gwen, Cyborg Gwen, MJ, and Wanda sat in the living room with me sitting on the other end. Sue was also there, leaning on the wall near the stairs. Although May, Maddie, and Michelle took the matter kinda well and even gave me a nice massage... Who would have thought that the massage was just the calm before the storm?
Everyone was looking at me as if I''dmitted some kind of heinous crime. I mean, they wanted to cum inside them and I as a gentleman did what they wanted and now here we are... Heck, even Cyborg Gwen didn''t expect this pregnancy news this soon. She knew that I was gonna get them pregnant, but ording to her, it was too early. Then there was Wanda... I can see her left eye twitch after hearing the news. Well, I''m somewhat d that I didn''t get her pregnant or anything... She might have sted me...
They are giving me the silent treatment.
"I''m sorry... I''m so sorry. I didn''t mean to knock you all up. I promise to take care of you all," I said. Shit! Fighting viins is easier than this situation and I''ve no prior experience in handling this type of situation.
"Look, I''ll buy the ind, build the mansion, and do everything I said I''ll do. I''ll keep you all happy and safe... That''s my responsibility. So, please don''t stay mad at me like this. If you are mad, just let it out. If you aren''t just... Say something, anything!" I eximed, raising my hands up in the air. "Please!"
"So, who are you gonna marry, first?" Wanda dropped a bomb out of the blue and the situation took an unexpected turn as the gaze on me became even more intense than before.
"Eeh... Well..." I looked at their faces, searching for an answer, and found none. My gaze shifted back to Gwen. "G-Gwen?" I asked hesitantly.
"Good answer, Peter. I like it," Gwen said with a satisfied smile and nod while the rest looked at her, their faces seemed to indicate they had different thoughts in mind.
"And who''s seco..." Before Wanda could drop any more bombs, I webbed her mouth.
"Shut up!" I said, but not loudly... It sounded like a whisper.
"Ommff! Eeohhff!!" Wanda frowned and red daggers at me.
"How about a big private marriage ceremony? I mean, six brides for our man," Sue said as she walked behind me, hugging me from behind. Her big boobs were squishing my head from behind and her chin was on top of my head.
"Interesting..." May said with an intrigued voice.
"No one will feel like lift behind then," Maddie said thoughtfully.
"Everyone will get equal position..." Michelle mumbled to herself.
"That could be fun and hot... Ahem!" MJ cleared her throat with a slight blush. I could tell what she was thinking.
"My dad will shoot you," Gwen replied dryly.
"I''m bulletproof, so, I''ll take my chances," I replied with an equally dry tone.
"Fine then, if everyone agrees who am I to refuse? But will he be able to endure our marriage night with six brides to take care of," Gwen smirked, giving me a suggestive look.
"Only time will tell," I shrugged.
"Dang! I was expecting a fight and tension, but you all are too friendly and understanding..." Wanda said as she leaned back on the sofa, stretching her arms up above her head. "Is he that good?" She asked.
"You have no idea," All the girls spoke at the same time and a smug smirk crept on my lips.
"Shit!" Wanda rubbed her temples in annoyance, letting out a sigh of exasperation, and mumbled. "Tsk. Sometimes look at me too, stupid Parker."
I swear I''m trying... But you spend all the time eating and sleeping and when you aren''t eating or sleeping, you spend enjoying massages in the spa.
"Someone''s feeling left out," Sue''s sultry voice interrupted. She moved over and sat on myp.
"Wha-What are you talking about?!" Wanda stuttered as her eyes widened and a crimson blush covered her cheeks.
"You know very well what I''m talking about," Sue said with a smirk as she took out a small diary from her pocket. "You forgot it at my house when you moved in here." She opened it and gave Wanda a wink. "Should I read it out loud?"
Wanda used her magic to snatch the diary from her hand and hid it in her jacket''s inner pocket. "You! It was with you all this time?! I was searching for it like a maniac, dammit!" She blurted and pursed her lips in an embarrassed pout, which was kinda cute.
"Wanda. Since we are all talking about our future... Why don''t you tell the truth? Do you like Peter?" May''s question caused me to tense up a bit, not expecting this sudden change in the direction of this conversation.
With so many things going on in my life, I barely had a chance to pursue her.
"He''s handsome, sweet, intelligent, and talented, what is there not to like," Wanda answered, crossing her arms in front of her. "Not to mention, I took care of him for almost a year and then we kinda trained together. We had fun and all... So..." She pointed her finger at me. "Peter Parker, I like you. Yes. You have my feelings now... Happy?"
"Uh-hum" I nodded with a silly grin, although it was kind of hard to hold back a snort froming out at how the most powerful person I know has taken such a hard time confessing. I feel like a winner and a lucky man.
"Ugh... I wish I had not told him that. Now my heart beats like crazy," She muttered, touching the back of her hand to her forehead.
"Aww! Look, May, she is adorable," Maddie cooed with a wide grin on her face.
"I can''t help it. My brain won''t work," She mumbled and leaned back on the backrest, covering her face with both hands. "Oh! I want to find a deep hole and bury my shame within... Is this how you all felt when you know...?" She peeked from the gaps between her fingers and then mumbled again. "Forget I asked... Let''s just move on... But this marriage. Peter. As long as you and them are good and fine with it, I''m cool with it too. Okay?"
"You better spend some time with her, Peter, if you want her to join in the big marriage with us," Michelle whispered as she got closer to my ear and poked my shoulder. "Cough! Cough! It''s your responsibility as a man to make her feel like part of this... Arrangement. I mean, you can''t just marry her just like that without going on a proper date or making her feel special or anything... That just isn''t fair to her."
"Say, Wanda. How about we start dating starting next month?" I said. She instantly stood straight. Her expression was of confusion. Her mouth opened, trying to say something, but no words came out.
"Next month?!" Sue raised her brow, seemingly surprised by what she was hearing from me.
"Yeah. Right now, I just can''t. I need to train further and help our future Gwen''s reality, then there are many threatsing for Earth, so there''s that too. So, only after every threat is gone, I will hang up my suit and spend all my time with my big family without any worry," I said with a serious expression as I looked at Wanda.
"At least you know what you want," Wanda stood up from the sofa and walked toward me. She extended her fist before me with a smile. "Let''s get stronger together and take care of all the threats and help our future Gwen. Then, we''ll spend quality time together."
"Yeah, agreed," I said, bumping her fist with mine.
"Don''t forget us," Venom''s voice came from the window as Felicia entered the house through the window instead of the door. "Count us in, Cyborg Sweetheart."
"I got powers too. So, I want to help too," Michelle said, clenching her fists.
With that, we reached a decision...
Get stronger.
Fix Cyborg Gwen''s timeline.
Kill the uing threats.
Go on countless dates with Wanda and the others, Rogue too...
Finally, get married.
AN: The next vol will start with training and power-ups. Vol-5 will be released around Friday or Monday. Till then...
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