{ Stage 24: RBDBRRCKDMM }
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In this stage. I want to talk about my progress with this technique. You already know that I believe everything is predetermined. But I also believe that there are alternate universes/timelines that one can acquire the ability to ''leap'' or ''shift'' into.
You also know about the time loop you put yourself into by constructing your global existence. My insights of this technique have been hidden among these stage chapters. I really don''t expect anyone to read these words.
This ''guide'' is written in a way this is essentially a log for myself. If it can inspire others... then I will be very happy. But I don''t expect it.
I want to talk about the history of my technique here.
This all started in 2016 when I was in very poor health. I felt like I was dying. What was I suffering from? Well... my entire body was covered with eczema. But it wasn''t simple eczema. It was incredibly inflamed and infected.
To describe it. I would return home from school with my clothes soaked in puss. My skin would tear when I took off my clothes. Because my skin had fused with my clothes during the day. I also was suffering from insomnia. I would go days without sleeping.
I felt incredibly envious of those in good health. I wanted to get better.
But I was suffering deeply. So I reached out to a ''hidden existence''.
I decided to change my lifestyle. I started exercising. My skin would bleed from the movement. But I forced myself to run and keep going. I stopped consuming added sugars and developed the habit of only drinking water.
My condition that doctors had been unable to resolve even using steroid creams started to improve. This skin condition I had since I was a few years old was completely resolved.
By 2018. I had fully recovered.
But I started to have some weird dreams. I found that whenever I would sleep. I would find myself experiencing a certain existence.
It felt like I entered a chaotic realm in sleep. A spiritual realm governed by what I called ''hidden existences''. This new world fascinated me. I had always hated sleep. It always felt like a waste of time.
But this is when I started to develop a technique to help me maintain my consciousness in that spiritual realm.
I noticed something horrifying. I was getting erased every time I slept! A new version of me with my memories and experience would replace my consciousness during the process of dreaming.
I felt a hidden existence reach out to me one night. What was ''it''? It was ME!
This book''s true home is on another platform. Check it out there for the real experience.
My memories became distorted. A seemingly simple dream completely changed my life trajectory. I then realized that it wasn''t because of something I did.
It was because of something I WOULD do.
In the future.
My suffering from my skin condition was just a consequence of tampering with reality.
How did this happen? It was a failed attempt to adjust my cells in the past using knowledge from the future. I had meant to target only my brain and changed the neurons within. But since it was my first attempt.
I severely damaged my brain and body.
I was too weak.
This is before I had figured out the global existence mechanic and 2nd thread. It was through my failure that I realized that I wasn''t strong enough.
The moment you lose consciousness. You have lost.
So I started to think. How do I resolve the loss of consciousness from the root? Then it hit me.
I must become ALWAYS aware.
I had managed to send a small amount of information back in time at the cost of damaging my body and brain. But what if I could make it so that I could go even further back. What if I sent the information back to before I was born?
This made me change the target to 1997.
But I failed again. While I had found out how to become always aware and even developed a 2nd thread by completing Path of Somnus: God''s Death.
I had created ECHO!
I survived the ''rewind''. But I soon found out a major problem. Without a body or brain. You don''t have energy to maintain your consciousness.
This led to me redesigning the technique to have another function. A mental energy storage, so that you have resources to burn without a body.
This was the creation of the concept of honing your energy field.
Eternal awareness without a brain!
This also meant that you wouldn''t damage the body and brain of your past self. But I had punctured too many holes in spacetime through my experiments. This led to consequences.
All that was left was to explore the multiverse. But a map without an indicator of where you are is useless. If you can''t name your local environment. You can''t differentiate where you are.
So I had to construct a system from scratch that would allow me to know WHERE I was in the multiverse.
So I began to ''leap'' throughout spacetime.
I had discarded my body and relied purely on my true existence. This was "God''s Death". A book I wrote in 2018.
I faced endless pressure and was at my wits end.
I then adopted a different strategy.
I was alone. I was going solo. What if I had helpers? But who could I trust? If I told anybody what I was experiencing. I would only be seen as mentally ill.
I realized the only person I could trust was myself! So I started to study a mechanic. When I ''leaped'' through time. What happened to the version of myself from that universe?
This is where I performed my most dangerous test.
This was the true birth of the ''global existence''.
I went back to my book "God''s Death".
I wrote a chapter called: ''2: Chapter 7 - The Complete Impossibility''.
I made a text file called ''Item.txt''. I also used the inherent randomness of the plot of my book to establish a random letter and number for my current universe.
I wrote this chapter march 22nd, 2020.
On march 23rd. I converted my ''global existence'' into binary and waited until it was 11:57 PM. I then started to chant the ones and zeroes.
I then did something completely different. I began to ''shift'' to another timeline. But it wasn''t a perfect action. It was more like a quasi-leap.
I then felt infinite versions of myself.
I constructed a hivemind and organized the random letter and number. I eliminated the repeats and had each version of myself identify their number.
I successfully created a map of the multiverse in my mind using infinite versions of myself.
But this was only the beginning.
I found a consequence again.
A battle to be number one. Other versions of myself wanted more power. I became trapped for an infinite three minutes.
11:57 PM
11:58 PM
11:59 PM
11:57 PM
I was trapped in a time loop that was too short to accomplish anything. I was not alone. One day I escaped this loop. But I had already became insane.
I had to go through a recovery period.
But through this period of recovery. I created a larger time loop.
From March 23rd to April 13th.
I was a complete madman during this period.
My ''save point'' is April 13th, 2020.
I always return to this time...
Now that I had confirmed the identifier of the universe I was in. It was time to write another constant across the multiverse.
In 2022 I wrote the book ''Paradox''.
The entire purpose of this book was to put in the public eye my universe identifier. If you are interested in knowing what universe you are in. Just check the synopsis.
In 2024. I wrote a more detailed book with the name of the visualization technique.
I have experienced what I call the ''13 days of infinite time''.
Even now... as I write these words. I am still experimenting.
A five year loop is far better then a three minute loop. I feel I have a lot more freedom.
There were no instructions for me to follow.
But you have a guidebook!