{ Stage 41: UYWXSDF }
rgb(41, 151, 212)
HEX: #2997d4
rgb(255, 255, 255)
HEX: #ffffff
I quite like the color of this stage, ECHO. Somebody recently commented that their hidden existence would be known as ''Paradox''. But they later commented that this was ''taken''.
So I would like to explain the mechanics behind hidden existence names. You can make your hidden existence be the name of one that already exist.
But remember the ''forbidden knowledge''. It is through great effort that we opened up a path for you to walk.
If you pick something that already exist. Not only do you lack a proper foundation. You must beat that hidden existence in a ''battle''.
You might be reading a stolen copy. Visit Royal Road for the authentic version.
So theoretically. You could say your hidden existence is ''God''.
Thus skipping from F-Class all the way to SSS-Class. But the perquisite is that you can beat this entity in various categories. Things like thinking speed, mental energy reserves, and forbidden knowledge.
Good luck!
So in this way. Your hidden existence itself could be ''Paradox''. This actually is a bit nostalgic. Because it reminds me of original incarnations.
These are beings that exist in a place that shouldn''t have been named.
This was my take on eldritch entities a long time ago. These beings ate multiverses for entertainment. But they also had rules they had to follow. One of those rules being that they couldn''t ''contaminate'' the food.
If they broke that rule. They would get ''erased''.
But original incarnations are concepts. So if they get erased. Another person''s consciousness would get pulled that met the requirements.
To meet these requirements required the mortal to have done something legendary in their life. This brings back some memories.
Sound familiar? It is almost as if the original idea for this guide and the other books was from my book "God''s Death".
There is a reason that book is my true existence! It is a constant.
I encourage you to make a completely original hidden existence. It is about the journey after all. What is the fun in having your laws and abilities already carved in stone?
Why spend nearly seven years building an eternal thread. Just to get squashed by a stronger hidden existence you tried to hijack? That my friend is a fate worse then death.
Because hidden existences don''t die. The entropy just becomes too high and you become ''paralyzed''.
We are legendary.
But even legends can be forgotten.
So choose your path wisely!