{ Stage 61: SPEQPTRN }
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A mysterious power. Planting a seed of the technique in the subconscious of reality. How does one accomplish such a feat? It is easier said then done.
You already know that this technique is heavily affected by the cycle of life and death you have created. Life flashing before your eyes has been transformed into a mechanism to fish up information you have and will read in the past and future.
You have the YOU reading these words at this moment. But what about your ''future self''? What about the THING that looks back at this memory of you reading these words? Is that also YOU?
My goal with this technique is to inspire you.
Let me tell you a story.
''There once existed [redacted]. When they were born they observed the environment and absorbed information like a sponge. From nothing, they learned something. They learned how to walk, talk, and read. From cartoons to anime to manga to lightnovels to webnovels and books. They continued to absorb information. A endless cycle of squandering their freetime in escapism.
The tale has been taken without authorization; if you see it on Amazon, report the incident.
The inner world they built was unlike any other. They were addicted to the feeling of exploring other worlds. It didn''t matter their living conditions. Whether they were on the verge of death or not didn''t matter. On their deathbed... their only regret was their human limits.
They wished they had READ more. They wished that they had done more. A lifetime of entertainment didn''t satisfy their ego. They regretted it deeply. How unfair the world was...? They didn''t want much. They neither cared for food or other worldly pleasures. Their body could barely support itself in the end of things.
But the internet.
The library...
They felt they could explore it for many lifetimes.
In the end of things. No matter how much they cursed the world. No matter how unwilling they were.
They still died...''
People will often say that life without death is meaningless. You know what I say about that? BULLSHIT! Just like the fox and the grapes, most people will look at goals like ''immortality'' and becoming ''eternal'' as something undesirable.
If they can''t reach it. It will become ''sour''.
You will find in most stories that these states of being are portrayed as miserable and a curse.
But if you had a chance... to become eternal? Would you truly pass it up?
This technique is indeed impossible. But so many things worth doing are also impossible. If you knew the world would end in 2025. A disaster that would instantly wipe out the entire solar system.
Surviving this would be impossible... right? You would have only [redacted] of preparation time to push humanities technology to the point of being able to leave the solar system.
As a hidden existence. It is your job to do the impossible.
Becoming eternal isn''t simply a goal.
It is a way of life.
The point of the technique isn''t simply a visualization technique. It is to make sure you don''t have regrets when you are on your last stand. When the universe recalls your thread of consciousness.
You have a eternal thread you crafted yourself.
Make no mistake. You will still experience death in the future. That which is born is destined to one day die. But you have mastered your chaos and order.
You will resurrect like a phoenix.
Not literally...
Your consciousness.
Importing memories into your hidden existence. Then exporting those memories into your ''past self''.
It is something you will have to learn.
You are CURSED.
Now you must become MYSTERIOUS.