Chapter Read:
Liu Yang is a middle-aged man with an awful taste in music. His ylist is a disaster. It''s like he has no idea what he''s doing. One minute, it''s ear-splitting heavy metal, the next, it''s bubblegum pop, then some random folk song no one''s ever heard of.
He skips tracks like he''s searching for treasure in a junkyard—only finding noise. His music is chaotic, an assault on the ears.
Whenever he''s driving, the cars around him suffer. Drivers behind him honk like they''re begging for mercy, and anyone ahead speeds up, desperate to escape the madness. His music doesn''t just y—it invades. It feels like it rattles the entire road.
But Liu Yang doesn''t care. Does he hate the constant curses raining down on him? Probably. But he doesn''t have time for that.
Aside from his terrible taste in music, Liu Yang is actually a brilliant ountant. His skill with money is so sharp that if the entire fortune of the world were handed to him, he could handle it with ease.
He works for The Golden Lock National Bank in Kenshin City, located in the Northern Region of the Northern Union.
As one of their top assistants, Liu Yang earns enough to afford luxurious cars, mansions, and even plenty to spend on beautiful, hot women.
But does he really make that much from working at a bank? Probably not. And it''s true—he isn''t just an ountant for an ordinary bank. Liu Yang alsounders money for a notorious mafia group called One Eye de Mark.
They are infamous for many things: extortion, drug trafficking, illegal weapons deals, and underground gambling rings. They control the ck market with an iron grip, and their assassins are feared across the region.
They specialize in making people disappear without a trace. Rumor has it they even have connections to corrupt families andw enforcement.
Anything bad happening in the Eastern Region has the One Eye de Mark''s name all over it. They''re a menace in that part of the world.
However, Liu Yang doesn''t care. As an ountant for such a notorious mafia group, he earns more than enough to keep his mouth shut and do his job. He''s been working for them for the past 14 years.
But every bad thing eventuallyes to an end. A rival group, long suppressed by the One Eye de Mark, discovered Liu Yang''s connection to them.
They knew that to strike where it really hurt, they''d need to take out the person handling their money. So, in their ever-cautious approach, they hired assassins from an organization known for its lethal efficiency, a group even the One Eye de Mark wouldn''t dare retaliate against.
They hired an assassin from the Dark Order.
Today, Liu Yang is headed to a wedding for one of his cousins in a neighboring city, beaming with joy. However, his joy will be short-lived, as today will be hisst day alive.
The assassin sent to kill him was also attending the same wedding, ready to carry out the hit. Liu Yang''s days of crime will end before he even realizes it.
The wedding began as expected, filled with joy. Family and friends cheered, danced, and celebrated this beautiful day. Liu Yang was part of the festivities,pletely unaware of the danger looming over him.
As the evening came and refreshments were served, Liu Yang stayed behind to chat with some close family members before leaving.
"Liu Yang, you really should settle down and get married. You''re 32 already," an elderly woman—probably his grandmother—remarked.
Liu Yang smiled at herment. It wasn''t the first time he''d heard that. Every family gathering came with scoldings about settling down. But Liu Yang preferred the asional one-night stand and partying, with no intention of settling down anytime soon.
"I will, Grandma. I just haven''t found the right one yet," Liu Yang replied with a small smile ying on his lips.
"I''ve already told you not to worry about that. There are plenty ofdies—some of my friends'' daughters—that I can introduce you to. You just need to make yourself avable," another woman, younger than the first, spoke up.
"Mom, I appreciate that, but I''m working on it. It won''t be long now until we''re meeting for my wedding," Liu Yang said reassuringly.
"You''d better, or I''ll end up choosing someone for you," both his mother and grandmother chimed in. After a while, following various family conversations, Liu Yang excused himself and went to his room.
The house was a massive mansion with numerous rooms, and Liu Yang had one all to himself. When he entered, he was greeted by the sight of arge bed. Without bothering to undress, he jumped onto the bed, exhausted.
A short whileter, the flickering shadow of amp beside the bed shifted. From the shadow, a masked woman emerged, her eyes and nose concealed, a dagger clutched in her right hand.
Without hesitation, she silently moved toward the bed, ready toplete the mission she''d been nning for a while. She had been observing Liu Yang for some time, and now was the moment to strike.
However, just as she was about to deliver the fatal blow, three figures emerged from the bathroom. They moved with an eerie silence, their presence only bing apparent as they stepped into the room—as if they had been lifeless bodies just moments before.
"You really thought we wouldn''t know you''de for our ountant?" one of the three neers said, his aura ring, sealing off the room.
"Those Green Silk Daemons are finished," another one added. Somehow, they had discovered that their rival mafia gang, the Green Silk Daemons, had hired the Dark Order to assassinate the One Eye de Mark''s ountant, Liu Yang.
Of course, it was just spection at first, so the three who managed to find out this news wanted to find out first before going to their leader to report.
They wanted to earn the credit of killing a Dark Order Assassin and protecting their asset. And So, they have been following Liu Yang always ready to act.
The assassin, a masked woman, stared at them, momentarily unsure of how to proceed. She is a Great Sage, but so are the two of the three people standing before her. Two were Great Sages, and one was a Sage.
As for Liu Yang, he had passed out from the overwhelming energy filling the room.
With no way out, the assassin realized she was trapped. She couldn''t escape the way she came, but the window was on the opposite side of the room. Her only option now was to abandon the hit and face these new opponents.
But just as she made up her mind to attack, she suddenly froze. Before she could move, a dagger emerged from the shadow of one of the Great Sages and slit his throat. At the same time, the Sage was pulled into his own shadow and disappeared without a trace.
Thest remaining Great Sage reacted swiftly, lunging at the assassin with his sword drawn. She responded by raising her dagger. But before their weapons could sh, shadowy strings shot from the darkness, binding him instantly.
The strings dragged him back, and as he was struggling to understand what was happening, a masked figure stepped out of the shadows and drove a dagger straight into his heart.
But it didn''t end there. The strings snaked across the room and stabbed into Liu Yang''s head, killing him instantly in his sleep.
Everything happened so fast that no one could make sense of who this new intruder was. As thest Great Sage''s body hit the floor with a heavy thud, a calm yet mocking voice came from the mysterious figure.
"You''ve gotten sloppy, sister."