Chapter 380
While Ajax might not have felt or even noticed his own Aura he quickly registered the two Auras that sprung up and smothered his own. Lioriel had unleashed her Aura looking to suppress Ajax seeing his use of it as a method of intimidation, her efforts however were in vain as both her Aura and Ajax’s werepletely smothered by Aranor’s Aura that was pushing his stoicism and crushing everything else.
“What is the meaning of this?” Lioriel hissed out, offended at how heavy handed Aranor had been. “That was clearly an attack.”
“What?...” Ajax was dumbfounded at what was happening all around him.
“That was undirected Aura.” Aranor said calmly. “It is also the first time I have seen the boy use it, I am guessing he just unlocked it and it reacted to the way he saw his beloved being treated.”
Lioriel took a moment to consider what Aranor had said, that moment was enough for her to process the true extent of what Ajax having an Aura truly meant. “He is not even twenty five years of age, he is barely past level fifty. This is unheard off.” Lioriel muttered to herself so quietly only Aranor and Ajax heard her.
While Lioriel awe wasn’t heard by everyone they were all independently aware of what Ajax possessing an Aura meant. ra, Arianwyn and Darkw all threw Ajax piercing looks as they were trying to pry out his secrets.
“His skill levels can’t be that high if he is not yet twenty five years of age.” ra whispered to Arianwyn and Aranor. “Just how high are his stats, the previous record for unleashing an aura was just under level eighty but it was done with some very high skills, was he holding back his stats the entire time?”
“He might be making up for skill levels with both quantity and quality.” Arianwyn whispered back. “Sure his skills aren’t absurdly high but he must have a lot of them and there should be quite a few Rare and higher.”
Ajax wasn’t so much concerned with the whispering as he was with inspecting his Status to see what had happened.<strong>Name</strong> : Ajax Hearthbound
<strong>Level</strong> :53
<strong>Experience</strong> : 20355/143300
<strong>Traits</strong>: Divine Witness, Baron, Aura
<strong>Health</strong>: 3650/3650
<strong>Mana</strong>: 3680/3680
<strong>Stamina</strong> : 2980/2980
<strong>Vitality</strong> : 397
<strong>Strength</strong> :353
<strong>Endurance</strong> :322
<strong>Dexterity</strong> : 353
<strong>Intellect </strong>: 400
<strong>Wisdom</strong> : 400
<strong>Mind</strong> : 400
<strong>Perception</strong> : 322
<strong>Stat Points</strong> : 0
<strong>Skills</strong> :<ul><ul><li><strong>Common :</strong>[Mathematics Lvl 37] [Stealth Lvl 59][Drawing Lvl 40][Athleticism Lvl 53] [Running Lvl 53][Reading Lvl 30][Writing Lvl 30][Cooking Lvl 40][Sewing Lvl 22] [Cleaning Lvl 29][Haggling Lvl 29][Gardening Lvl 40][Axes Lvl 70][Hammers Lvl 70][Deception Lvl 43][Sword Lvl 70][Shield Lvl 70][Bow Lvl 70][Spear Lvl 60][Throwing Lvl 53][Persuasion Lvl 39][Unarmed Combat Lvl 50][Knives Lvl 62][Skinning Lvl 52][Tanning Lvl 23][Dismantle Lvl 58][Climbing Lvl 43][Tracking Lvl 48][Heat Resistance Lvl 40] [Poison Resistance Lvl 46][Pain Resistance Lvl 43][Trapping Lvl 31][Cold Resistance Lvl 35][Conversationalist Lvl 21]</li><li><strong>Umon :</strong>[Meditation Lvl 69][Sense Mana Lvl 75][Expel Mana Lvl 75][Sprinting Lvl 50][Mining Lvl 35][Lumberjack Lvl 21][Smelting Lvl 20][cksmithing Lvl 15] [Chanting Lvl 12][Mana Farming Lvl 42][Increase Price Lvl 20][Lower Price Lvl 20][Danger Sense Lvl 55][Leatherworking Lvl 29][Alchemy Lvl 67][Mana Milling Lvl 55][Precise Cut Lvl 58][Precise Blow Lvl 58][Judge Threat Lvl 50][ Piercing Shot Lvl 56] [<em>Berserker </em>Lvl 27][Cooperation Lvl 39][Berserker Style Lvl 25][Unnatural Bnce Lvl 25][Feigned Interest Lvl 15][Illusion Resistance Lvl 10][Focused Aim Lvl 20]</li><li><strong>Rare : </strong>[Manipte Mana Lvl 63][Water Aspect Mana Lvl 59][Fire Aspect Mana Lvl 59] [Air Aspect Mana Lvl 59][Earth Aspect Mana Lvl 59][Inject Mana Lvl 55][Spot Weakness Lvl 46][Residue Recognition Lvl 31] [Light Aspect Mana Lvl 54][Shadow Aspect Mana Lvl 54][<em>Mana Skin </em>Lvl 48][Teamwork Lvl 34][Beekeeping Trailzer Lvl 21][Curse Resistance Lvl 27][Dungeon Crafter Lvl 51][Battlemage Style Lvl 36] [Impervious Senses Lvl 13][Alchemist’s Examination Lvl 40][Stabilize Mixture Lvl 28][Mass Production Lvl 15][Maic Aspect Mana Lvl 20]</li></ul></ul><ul><li><strong>Epic : </strong>[<strong>Mana Augmentation Lvl 50</strong>][Mana Conjuration Lvl 46][Lightning Aspect Mana Lvl 48][Metal Aspect Mana Lvl 48][Ice Aspect Mana Lvl 48][Magma Aspect Mana Lvl 48][Holy Aspect Mana Lvl 47][Void Aspect Mana Lvl 48][Curse sh Lvl 32][Reckless Researcher Lvl 9][Unstable Alchemist Lvl 13] [Empowering Restriction Lvl 2]</li></ul><ul><li><strong>Legendary : </strong>[Mana Syphon Lvl 43][Enigma Lvl 28][<strong>Inspector’s Eye Lvl 25</strong>][Life Aspect Mana Lvl 7]</li></ul>
New :
Empowering Restriction 0 -> 2
Life Aspect Mana 0 -> 7
Ensure your favorite authors get the support they deserve. Read this novel on the original website.
Mathematics 35 -> 37
Stealth 51 -> 59
Athleticism 50 -> 53
Running 50 -> 53
Cleaning 28 -> 29
Haggling 25 -> 29
Axes 65 -> 70
Hammers 65 -> 70
Sword 65 -> 70
Shield 65 -> 70
Bow 65 -> 70
Throwing 50 -> 53
Knives 60 -> 62
Persuasion 35 -> 39
Deception 41 -> 43
Skinning 51 -> 52
Dismantle 55 -> 58
Climbing 42 -> 43
Tracking 47 -> 48
Heat Resistance 35 -> 40
Poison Resistance 41 -> 46
Pain Resistance 39 -> 43
Cold Resistance 31 -> 35
Conversationalist 15 -> 21
Meditation 67 -> 69
Sense Mana 67 ->75
Expel Mana 68 -> 75
Increase Price 16-> 20
Lower Price 18 -> 20
Danger Sense 47 -> 55
Alchemy 58 -> 67
Mana Milling 49 -> 55
Precise Cut 53 -> 58
Precise Blow 53 -> 58
Piercing Shot 52 -> 56
Judge threat 45 -> 50
Unnatural Bnce 19 -> 25
Feigned Interest 13 -> 15
Illusion Resistance 1 -> 10
Focused aim 15 -> 20
Manipte Mana 55 -> 63
Water Aspect Mana 54 -> 59
Fire Aspect Mana 54 ->59
Air Aspect Mana 54 -> 59
Earth Aspect Mana 54 ->59
Light Aspect Mana 54 -> 59
Shadow Aspect Mana 54 -> 59
Inject Mana 50 -> 55
Spot Weakness 41 -> 46
<em>Mana Skin </em> 40 -> 48
Curse Resistance 25 -> 27
Dungeon Crafter 40 -> 51
Battlemage Style 29 -> 36
Impervious senses 11 -> 13
Alchemist''s Examination 31 -> 40
Stabilize Mixture 19 -> 28
Mass Production 12 -> 15
Mana Augmentation 45 -> 50
Mana Conjuration 41 -> 46
Lightning Aspect Mana 41 -> 48
Metal Aspect Mana 41 -> 48
Ice Aspect Mana 41 -> 48
Magma Aspect Mana 41 -> 48
Holy Aspect Mana 40 -> 47
Void Aspect Mana 40 -> 48
Curse sh 29 -> 32
Reckless Researcher 1 -> 9
Unstable Alchemist 1 -> 13
Mana Syphon 37 -> 43
Enigma 25 -> 28
Inspector’s Eye 21 -> 25
Maic Aspect Mana 15 -> 20
Seeing his progress following the brief engagement with the wolf alpha and the fight eagle was satisfying but the addition of Aura to his traits had his focus. Ajax had expected that he would break the record for the earliest Aura unlock but he had still expected to be around level sixty before that happened.
While Ajax was watching his status and the rest of his group was considering the implication of what Ajax unlocking his Aura already meant the elf berating Lexi and the rest of his entourage finally got a hold of themselves after being subjected to Aranor’s full Aura, even as friendly as he had deployed it. Not only that but they had also put together that the first Aura they felt, the one that had destain and slight malice towards them came from one of the humans.
“You dare attack us?!” The elf prepared himself to go on a tirade.
Lioriel cut him off at the knees as she had her entire squad surround Ajax’s entire group, instead of doing so protectively however all of the guards were facing inwards with hands on their weapons. The guards however made no further movement, the two closest to Aranor even had a slight tremor in their hands as the elven champion raised a brow at their actions.
“Is that it?” The elf lost the mocking grin once he saw that nothing else happened.
“They were allowed entrance by the grace of her Majesty.” Lioriel answered him. “They are now under arrest and it will be up to her how to handle this incident.”
This answer annoyed the elf and his entourage to no end as they all knew nothing wille of it, they had looked into the reason for the group’s presence before they came to antagonize them. While attacking a Deepwood citizen would be just cause for having their protections removed and Aura attack from someone who had just unlocked it and towards someone who was openly antagonistic would never hold up.
“Are you certain that is the best course of action?” One of the elves'' guards asked as he slowly extended a small sack with a bribe towards Lioriel. “We would be happy resolving things ourselves, no need to bother the queen.”
“Are you stupid?” Lioriel’s blunt attitude was clearly not what anyone had expected but she continued to berate them. “Starfury would turn you into an extremely realistic ice exhibit within seconds.”
“L-Lord Starfury isn’t who we have some to settle with,” the guards voice quivered a little at even the idea of fighting the elven champion. “It''s the human.”
“Baron Hearthbound as well as everyone else in our group is under my protection.” Aranor cut the conversation off there. “I would insist on hearing the queen’s decision regarding the incident. Unlesssss…”
Thest drawn out word got a lot of surprised looks. ra, Arianwyn and Lioriel especially looked surprised at what almost everyone interpreted as asking for a bribe.
“Yes of course, you would bepensated for your trouble my lord.” The guard was quick to pounce.
“You misunderstand me.” Aranor answered with a grin. “A duel to settle the incident would be eptable to me, so long as it takes ce between the two parties in question.”
Everyones surprised and for the most part slightly resentful looks at Aranor turned straight towards the previously mouthy elf with schadenfreude. They all knew exactly what would happen in a fight between him and Ajax.
“You would have the young lord fight someone close to level one hundred? “ The guard asked in mock outrage. “He is barely level sixty two and the aggrieved here.”
“Of course I wouldn’t stand for such an unfair fight.” Aranor responded, his social skill pulling their wait as he seemed offended by the implication. “I swear on my name that the human is not only younger but also lower level than the young lord.”
That statement left the entire group of elves stunned, their faces turning from shock to horror as one by one they turned towards Ajax who had now moved on from the event and was ignoring them in favor of trying to cheer Lexi up.
With the situation at an impasse the group of elves retreated and Lioriel now approached the Aranor. “As soon as the princees out of the dungeon you will all be taken before the queen to deal with this… encounter.”
“I’m sure that won’t be a problem, though I will have to ask that one of your guards is sent to make arrangements for our amodations.” Aranor agreed. “Following our audience with the queen we would need a good night’s rest before we move on to the second dungeon.”
Lioriel agreed to the offer with a nod and the rest of her squad red out a little around them isting them to ensure another incident doesn’t happen