Chapter 421
Ajax’s jaw dropped and he remained silently shocked by the offer, the elf clearly interpreted the silence as a positive view of his offer. The same thing could not be said about his girlfriend who had been right behind him as he entered the embassy.
“I’m sorry Viscount Deeproot I think I misheard you, what was it you said?” Lexi’s words and tone were sweet and polite but the cold look on her face and the piercing stare in her eyes revealed her true emotions.
Viscount Deeproot opened his own mouth to respond before he took a look at Lexi’s face and froze with a facial expression simr to Ajax. The elf knew exactly who she was but he couldn’t see a reason why she would be so upset until he thought back to the exact words he said.
“M-My apologies for t-the m-misunderstanding Lady Manashaper.” Viscount Deepwood staggered out before heposed himself. “I can see how my words could be construed, what I meant was arranging a marriage between one of my family members with one of yours, perhaps your sister, Baron.”
Lexi’s frosty demeanor cleared up along with the misunderstanding though she was very much invested in the conversation that was sure to follow. “I see Viscount.” Lexi nodded with an infectious smile. “Then perhaps it''s best if we continue this discussion inside.”
The viscount had no objection, not to the change in location to a more private area nor to Lexi inviting herself along. When they reached the first private room that had refreshments ready Lexi invited the viscount to enter. “If you’ll give us a moment we’ll be right with you.” Lexi made a small gesture pointing out thebat attire both her and Ajax were wearing following the visit to ra’s manor.
“What is going on?” Ajax whispered having recovered from his shock but wisely staying silent while Lexi was handling the situation.
“A mixture of ambition and inexperience.” Lexi said as they both headed to get changed. “Grab your mother, she should also be part of the discussion.”
Ajax nodded and went to put on one of the sets of clothes he had that were purely meant for social events and were emzoned with his House’s mark. He didn’t have to go looking for his mother as Silvia found him as he stepped out of his room followed not a momentter by Lexi who stepped out of her room opposite his. “So what does this Viscount want?” Silvia asked.
“An arranged marriage between our families.” Ajax wasted no time and felt a little vindicated to see his mother’s jaw drop in the same way his did a few moments earlier.
“He’s actually being rather… friendly.” Lexi said as she struggled to find the right words.
“How’s that?” Ajax asked.
“Viscount Deepwood is rather young, only a hundred and fifty years old but because of the passing of his father he is now the head of his House.” Lexi exined. “My guess is that he is not as well informed as he should be but he is trying to build a good rtionship with you.”
“And he’s nning to do that by having my son marry a girl he’s never met?” Silvia asked, rather shocked.
“No, we already cleared up that the marriage won’t include Ajax.” Lexi corrected her. “Even the most cursory look into Ajax would find my rtionship with him and I am the granddaughter of a duke.”
Did you know this text is from a different site? Read the official version to support the creator.
“Then how is he trying to be friendly as you put it?” Silvia asked.
“Take a step back first, arranged marriages aremon among the nobility, don’t take the offer as an insult because it isn’t one.” Lexi said as she started leading them towards the room the viscount was waiting for them. “My guess is that he doesn’t know that Ajax will be a duke in his own right once we return to Gryndor.”
“A brand new Baron marrying the talented granddaughter of a duke, that does seem rather hard to believe.” Ajax acknowledged. “Especially with you joining my family instead of the other way around.”
“I see, a marriage with a viscount would lend more support behind Ajax.” Silvia nodded as she understood the situation.
“Not only that but Sylvanthal’s royal family have been very weing with us since we arrived, not only that but rumors of a deeper alliance between Sylvanthal and Gryndor are starting to circle in noble circles. An interkingdom marriage would help secure those rtions.” Lexi said. “He very much believes you will go far and he wants to secure a strong bond between your Houses while also helping you as much as he can.”
“So we should let him down gently.” Ajax said.
“Oh, I think you can push the decision on to your sister.” Silvia said with a smile. “I think she has a thing for elves.”
With that the three of them joined the viscount, Ajax and Silvia were both much more rxed as they settled in to talk with the elf. Their impression of the viscount improved as he didn’t push the discussion towards talks of marriage but instead chose to get to know more about Ajax and even showed some interest in finding more about Silvia.
“I hope you don’t take this in a different way than I intend but I also believe that a marriage between our houses would help pave the path for your own rtionship with Lady Manashaper to continue.” The viscount mentioned after he praised Ajax for his results in the most recent tournament.
“There is no need to worry about anything in that regard.” Lexi said with a warm smile. “My dear Ajax has a ducal title waiting for him once we return to Gryndor.”
The news clearly shocked the viscount but he revered much quicker than Ajax. “Congrattions!” The viscount toasted to the news. “In light of those news I do see how an arranged marriage between our families might not be the best way forward for your own House.”
“While I won’t bemitting to an arranged marriage from this meeting today it doesn’t look like I’d be opposed to a marriage between our Houses.” Ajax said with a kind smile. “As I am sure you already know I am a first generation noble so at least for now the marriage prospects of any of my family members would always require the direct input of said family members.”
The rest of the meeting didn’tst much longer with the Viscount bidding his goodbyes but not before he secured an agreement from Silvia regarding a delivery from their merchantpany to ensure future interaction between their representatives at the very least.
“That was a rather enjoyable meeting.” Ajaxmented as he stretched as he rose from his seat following the viscount’s departure. “He looks to be someone I wouldn’t mind meeting and talking to at parties.”
Ajax could even see himself bing more friendly with the elf as time went on but for now the age difference between them still made interactions quite troublesome, even ounting for his time on Earth the elf was more than three times older than Ajax.
“I hope so because this won’t be thest such meeting you’ll have to have this week.” Lexi said with a teasing smile.
The smile on Ajax’s face froze as he turned and looked at Lexi with horror. “What do you mean?”
“Viscount Deeproot wasn’t the most well informed which is why he approached you so quickly despite not knowing about your future ducal title.” Lexi said. “His youthful approach as head of the house also meant he was the first to move but there will be many more.”
“He also didn''t think too deeply about how Sylvanthal’s royal family would feel about the connection, basing everything on rumors.” Silvia said as she took a sip of her tea. “Those who are better informed will soon find out about the trade agreements I have recently obtained from House ckthorn and put it together with your short disappearance where you met with the king and queen as well as the young Lord ckthorn during the party.”
Those words seemed to be prophetic in nature as Ajax found his training interrupted almost every hour in theing days, so much so that he even considered changing his sleep schedule so he could train during the night and sleep in the day.
Not only that but while none of the nobles approaching him with an arranged marriage had any malicious intentions very few of them were as well meaning as Viscount Deeproot had been, most of them were much more greedy and self serving. The more foolish among them even offered a daughter, niece, sister or three to Ajax in hopes of tempting him, they quickly found themselves escorted outside the embassy at Ajax’s request for offending Lady Manashaper.
“Finally.” Ajax said as the group got ready to delve into the capital’s main dungeon. “I can finally have some peace.”
This caused some amusement among the ranger teams joining them.
“It can’t have been that bad.” Xavier said with augh as he patted Ajax on the back.
“It was, at least by the end.” Lexi mumbled though everyone clearly heard her. It was telling how trying this must have been for Ajax if even Lexi’s social energy had been so diminished.