Ch79- Testing New Magic
Harry tapped his chin thoughtfully, his gaze fixed on the virtual space around him. "Every creature has attributes, right?" he began, his mind racing with possibilities. "A Thunderbird is attuned to storm, lightning, wind, flight but not fire. Phoenixes excel in fire, wind, flight, and healing but falter in curses, as it shes with their being. Dragons are masters of fire, shields, earth, metal, and some curses depending on their type. Unicorns excel in healing, sound, purity, and protective magics." With each name he mentioned, the Virtual Room responded, creating four boxes in the air, each listing the creatures and their respective masteries.
Nigel observed as the boxes formed in front of Harry, each filled with lists and attributes, a testament to the depth of the Virtual Room''s capabilities. "Interesting theory, Master Harry. You''re suggesting that the essence of these creatures, their inherent magical properties, could influence the nature of spells cast in theirnguages?"
"Exactly," Harry replied, his eyes alight with the thrill of experimentation. "If each creature''snguage is a reflection of its essence, then speaking a spell in thatnguage should, in theory, draw on those attributes."
Harry looked at the boxes floating before him, his mind ticking with the possibilities they presented. "I tried to create light with Parseltongue. In theory, I should be able to, but I am just a novice, while trying a countering attributed spell. Parseltongue, although not as dark as wizards in Magical Britain suggest, is not the perfectnguage for light magic. And Lumos, no matter how fundamental it is, is a light magic. Then I used Fire for Thunderbirdnguage and Knockback Jinx for Unicorn. I selected the most absurd spells I could have."
Harry, standing in the middle of the Virtual Room, took out his wand and, with a sense of determination, uttered in the Unicorn''snguage, "Light." To his amazement, a soft glow emanated from the tip of his wand. The intensity of the light was dim, certainly dimmer than the first Lumos spell he had ever cast, but within that gentle glow, there was something else—a shimmer of pureness, a serene quality that resonated with the essence of the Unicorns.
"Well, well, Master Harry, it seems you''ve managed a trick," Nigel remarked, a note of amusement in his voice. "Though I must say, for someone who often lurks in the shadows of Slytherin, producing such a pure light is quite the irony."
Harry ignored Nigel''s jab, his focus entirely on the light. He waved his wand, and the light followed, moving through the air like a tranquil, glowing creature. "It''s not just light. It feels... peaceful, serene. It''s as if the light itself is imbued with the essence of the Unicorns."
"A light that soothes the soul, perhaps? A pretty neat party trick for the uing Halloween, I''d say," Nigel quipped, his tone light yet respectful of the discovery.
Harry smiled briefly at Nigel''sment before turning serious again. "Now, let''s try the Thunderbirdnguage for a more... aggressive spell."
He cleared his throat and, with amanding tone, spoke a few words in the rumbling, thunderousnguage of the Thunderbird. His wand directed at a virtual target, he uttered the word for "force."
The air around him seemed to electrify, the atmosphere thick with anticipation. Then, with a burst of energy that made even Nigel''s virtual senses tingle, a powerful force sted from the wand, striking the target with incredible intensity.
"Blimey, Master Harry, you nearly blew up the room! I''ll have to adjust the virtual safety settings if you continue at this rate," Nigel eximed, his tone a mix of admiration and mild reproof.
Harry, exhrated by the sess, couldn''t help butugh. "I think we''re onto something, Nigel. Thenguages of these creatures, they''re more than just a means ofmunication. They carry the very essence of the creature''s magic."
"Quite the astute observation, Master Harry. It seems your Slytherin cunning is matched only by your Gryffindor boldness. A dangerousbination, indeed," Nigel observed, his voice tinged with respect.
For the next hour, Harry experimented with various spells, using thenguages of different magical creatures. But most of the time, he failed. To match a spell with anguage was easy. He could guess attributes of the creatures, but to articte those spells in thosenguages was easier said than done. But he knew he would get there.
Each attempt, each failure, brought him closer to understanding the intricate dance betweennguage and magic. He tried simple spells at first, ones he knew like the back of his hand, but even those proved challenging when uttered in the guttural growls of a a wolf or the melodic chirps of a Phoenix.
Nigel watched on, his observations sharp and insightful. "Master Harry, it seems you''re trying to fit a Hippogriff into a broom closet. Magic isn''t one size fits all, you know."
Harry chuckled, a brief respite from his concentration. "I''m aware, Nigel. But if I can crack this code, think of the possibilities. Spells powered by the essence of creatures, spells that resonate with the very core of magical beings."
Nigel''s response was tinged with his usual blend of sarcasm and wisdom. "Oh, I''m thinking, Master Harry. I''m also thinking about the spectacr ways this could go wrong. But proceed, by all means. Caution is for Hufflepuffs, after all."
Although his tone was sarcastic and dry as ever, Nigel was impressed by the creativity and endurance of the young wizard. He thought the decision couldn''t be better. Still, Harry was too lost in his studies. "Master Harry, perhaps it would be better to go out and take some fresh air. A bit of the mundane might remind you that you''re still among the living," Nigel remarked, a hint of concernced with his usual sarcasm.
Only then Harry remembered what a long day it was. After a double Potion ss with Professor Snape, where he literally dueled in words and potion making with the man, then studied with Hermione, tried to break the spell on her (secretly), talked with the Serpent of Crown Selena, and did a tryout for Quidditch. Later he entered the Enchanted Briefcase, where he met creatures of all sorts, tested by a Thunderbird, Unicorns and from then on, tested variousnguages on different spells.
Harry sighed, feeling the weight of the day on his shoulders. He had been so engrossed in his magical explorations that the real world seemed like a distant memory. "Perhaps you''re right, Nigel. A break might do me some good."
As Harry stepped out of the virtual room and into the real world, the familiar sights and sounds of Hogwarts greeted him. Harry made his way to the Slytherin Common Room, his mind still racing with the possibilities of his new discovery, yet appreciative of the momentary peace.
"You know, Master Harry, for someone who''s just discovered the potential to revolutionize magic, you''re remarkably calm. I half expected you to be running through the halls, shouting eureka," Nigel teased, breaking the silence.
Harry chuckled. "And risk drawing the entire school''s attention? I think not. Besides, it''s not a discovery yet, just a hypothesis. There''s still much to test and understand."
Nigel''s response was quick,ced with his customary sharpness. "How very Slytherin of you, Master Harry. Keeping your cards close to your chest and your secrets even closer. I daresay you''re bing quite the enigma at Hogwarts."
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