Ch132- Why N.I.G.E.L?
With this new angle to explore, Harry''s study sessions in the library took on an additional dimension. Alongside Arithmancy texts, he now included works on etymology, ancientnguages, and even a dusty tome on Onomancy that he found hidden away in a forgotten corner. Each book offered a piece of the puzzle, and Harry was determined to see how they fit together.
As days turned into weeks, Harry''s theories began to take shape. He started seeing patterns in the way names influenced the personalities and destinies of their bearers. "It''s like each letter, each sound, carries a specific magical weight," Harry mused, his notes sprawling across several pages.
Nigel watched with a mixture of amusement and interest. "Fascinating stuff, Master Harry. I must admit, your dedication to uncovering the secrets of the magical world knows no bounds. Just be sure not to get lost in your own name – we wouldn''t want you bing too self-absorbed, now would we?"
Harry, absorbed in his research, barely registered Nigel''s jest. His focus was on the intersection of Arithmancy and Onomancy, a crossroads of numbers and names that he believed held untapped potential. "If I can decode the numerical value of names and understand their inherent magic," he thought, "it could lead to a whole new understanding of personal magic and its applications."
Nigel, ever intrigued by Harry''s train of thought, couldn''t resist probing further. "Pray tell, Master Harry, why this sudden fascination with names?" he inquired, his toneced with genuine curiosity.
Harry, leaning back in his chair as he sorted through his thoughts, began to unfold his theory. "You see, Nigel, I''ve been pondering the essence of magic, how it intertwines with the natural world, and more specifically, with us, magical beings. Every creature, as we''ve discussed, carries attributes—like the Unicorn Tongue''s purity or the darker shades of Parseltongue." Nigel hummed in agreement, prompting Harry to delve deeper into his hypothesis.
Nigel gave a sound of acknowledgment, "Indeed," showing his understanding of where Harry''s thoughts were leading. Harry, with a spark of insight in his eyes, continued, "Consider the distinct properties of wand cores, Nigel. Each type, be it phoenix feather, dragon heartstring, or unicorn hair, imparts its unique characteristic to the wand, akin to the attributes of magical creatures."
Nigel, caught off guard by the depth of Harry''s reflection, couldn''t hide his surprise, "And why bring this up now, Master Harry?" His tone mixed with curiosity and a hint of admiration for the young wizard''s analytical thinking.
Harry, with a yful mimicry of Ollivander''s mysterious tone, responded, "The wand chooses the wizard, Nigel, not the other way around." He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in before adding, "Names, Nigel. If Onomancy holds truth and uracy, shaping our destinies, then our choices in wands—and by extension, the creatures they''re linked to through their cores—might also be influenced by our names. All these elements… they seem interconnected."
Nigel, now fully engaged in the conversation, replied with a thoughtful, "A fascinating hypothesis, indeed. You''re suggesting that the essence of our being, possibly reflected in our names, aligns us with certain magical attributes, which in turn influences the wand that chooses us. A roundabout way of saying we''re more connected to the magical world than we realize."
Harry nodded, his thoughts racing ahead. "Exactly. It''s as if there''s a tapestry of magic, with each thread—names, creatures, wands—interwoven to create arger picture. We''re not just passive participants in magic; we''re an integral part of its very fabric."
Nigel couldn''t help but be impressed by Harry''s musings, though his tone remained light and teasing. "Well, Master Harry, it seems you''re weaving quite the magical theory here. Just be mindful not to tangle yourself in your own threads."
Their conversation continued, with Harry outlining his ns to delve deeper into the study of Arithmancy and Onomancy, seeking to uncover the numerical and magical significance behind names and how they might influence one''s affinity for certain magical creatures and wands. Nigel, for his part, offered insights and posed questions that challenged Harry to refine his thoughts further.
As Harry borated on his ideas, discussing the potential for a systematic approach to understanding the intery between names, creatures, and wands, Nigel interjected with a note of caution. "While your enthusiasm for uncovering the secrets of magic ismendable, remember, Master Harry, the wizarding world is vast and full of mysteries. Some doors, once opened, might lead down paths you hadn''t anticipated."
Harry considered Nigel''s words, acknowledging the wisdom in them. "I understand, Nigel. It''s a journey I''m prepared to take, with caution and curiosity as my guides. There''s so much we don''t yet understand about magic, and I can''t help but feel drawn to uncovering what lies beneath the surface."
Nigel, sensing Harry''s unwavering determination, offered his support, albeit with his characteristic wit. "Then I shall be your ethereal guardian on this quest, Master Harry, ready to illuminate the way—or at the very least, provide a witty remark when the going gets tough."
As Harry bid goodnight to his newfound understanding and musings, he paced back to his room, the halls of Hogwarts echoing with the remnants of the day''s conversations. It was then, amidst the solitude of the corridor, that a curious thought struck him, prompting him to voice a question to Nigel, "Why ''Nigel'' of all names?"
Nigel''sughter resonated in Harry''s mind, a sound filled with the promise of an untold story. "Ah, Master Harry, the tale of how I came to be called Nigel is one wrapped in mystery and intrigue. s, it appears now is not the time to delve into such matters." The light-hearted tone suggested a story worth waiting for, but the moment for it to be shared was cut short by the approach of Professor Quirrel.
The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, a man whose demeanor was as uncertain as his teaching methods, shuffled down the corridor towards Harry. The stutter that punctuated his speech seemed more pronounced in the quiet of the evening. "G-Good Evening, Mr. Potter. I-it''s ratherte, isn''t it? Shouldn''t you be h-heading back to your dormitory?"
Harry, his eyes narrowing slightly, noted the direction from which Professor Quirrel hade. It was unmistakably from the vicinity of the Third Floor Forbidden Corridor. Keeping his voice even, Harry responded with a polite smile, "Good evening, Professor. Yes, it''s gettingte, but there''s still time before curfew. I was just on my way back."
Quirrel nced around cautiously, his gaze sharper than Harry had ever observed before. After a brief moment, seemingly reassured by the empty corridor, Quirrel nodded at Harry. His eyes darted around nervously, as if he half-expected someone, or something, to jump out at them. "V-very well, Mr. Potter. Just keep an eye on the time, eh? The castle, it has its... quirks after dark."
Harry responded with a polite smile, "Of course, Professor. I''ll head straight to the dormitory." As he turned to leave, a flicker of curiosity sparked within him. He had always sensed something off about Quirrel, especially after the first Quidditch match when he had felt an ominous presence attempting to dislodge him from his broom. While he wasn''t entirely sure Quirrel was behind it, his suspicions were now stronger than ever. However, the connection between Quirrel and the Third Floor Forbidden Corridor was a new angle Harry hadn''t considered until now.
As Harry made his way back, Nigel chimed in, "Oh, the plot thickens! Our stuttering professor seems more jittery than a Flobberworm in a jar of pickles. Any theories, Master Harry, or shall we chalk it up to the mysteries of Hogwarts?"
Harry mulled over Nigel''s jest, his mind racing. "I''m starting to think there''s more to Quirrel than meets the eye. And now, with the corridor... It''s as if all roads lead there."
Nigel, in his usual style, added, "Indeed, it seems our humble Defense Against the Dark Arts professor might be ying a more sinister role in this year''s drama. Perhaps he''s auditioning for the part of ''Viin of the Year.''"
Despite Nigel''s light-hearted tone, Harry couldn''t shake off the unease that settled in the pit of his stomach. The connection between Quirrel and the forbidden corridor was too coincidental to ignore. "I need to keep an eye on him," Harry thought, "but without drawing too much attention. Thest thing I need is to tip him off that I''m onto him."
Nigel, sensing Harry''s resolve, offered a word of caution, "A fine line to walk, Master Harry. Just be sure not to wander into the spider''s web while you''re watching the spider."
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