Chapter 559 Eminent Death
"ALL OF YOU! DIE WITH ME!" the Fire Lord Roared as the keys began shuddering.
He was using the keys, to blow up the keys themselves.
The Wind King picked up on the stunt instantly and rushed forward, he wasn''t letting him get away with this. So, although bloodied, wounded, and incredibly exhausted he still rushed forward.
He already dropped a couple of cultivation levels from the earlier fight and was in no condition to continue on, but he still moved with the pride of kings, risking his life for the safety of others.
I shouldn''t be able to help, the moment I move anywhere near the Fire Lord I''d melt, but I couldn''t just die… the moment the Fire Lord seeds in blowing up the Keys, we''re all dead, this is nuclear level damage only if the nuke is the size of a, and there are five of them.
The energy the keys were releasing was enough to flood the entire vast expanse with power since they created the vast expanse, and the moment they blow up… well, I don''t even need to exin what will happen.
I''ve had something I''ve been wanting to try out since I was using Shen Bao''s body, I had no use for it, due to the fact that Shen Bao''s body is obviously obscenely strong and sturdy, but now, I can don it.
I pulled up a puppet from my holding bag, it looked simr to X, the only difference, it was hollow.
And so, I went inside the armor, and flew forward.
The armor was far sturdier than my skin that''s for sure, and it was good at insting and preventing the heat from the Fire Lord to cook me through. But it wasn''t going tost for long, as a matter of fact it already started melting when I was halfway toward the Fire Lord''s imploding form.
The Wind King reached him first, though he too was weakened, the Fire Lord was struggling to even move from the pain incurred upon him by the five keys.
The Wind Lord pushed one of the Fire Lord''s extended hands away and grabbed the Wind Key, and just as he ripped it out, the Fire Lord retaliated with a stab to the Wind King''s knee, it was weak, but it was enough to push the Wind King away.
The turbulence of the keys, instead of calming down roared and raged even further, causing the keys to go on an even greater rampage.
The Fire Lord''s pain seemed to reach newer heights as his body began radiating even more heat. The stability of the keys was absurdly low and we''re in trouble if they were to blow.
The gate behind the Fire Lord was entering it''s final phase of materializing and was about to be fully tangible.
And so the Fire Lord turned to me who was right next to him, "Burn!" he said as he pointed his palm at me.
"Too bad, that won''t be happening," the Fire Lord heard behind him, and it was an extended arm that reached from behind him and over his shoulder into his chest.
The arm was bronze of color, a brownish skin tone that I was too familiar with, and behind the infernal heat of the fire lord, was something, no someone that seemed to not even be bothered by the heating out of the Fire Lord.
"Meng Hao?" I questioned as I saw the man who should have been dead.
No, why the fuck should he?
After all, he is the main character is he not?
On Meng Hao''s forehead was a drop shaped blood drop, it looked like it was smoldering and burning eternally as his ember eyes were bright and ming.
Meng Hao seemed to not even be bothered by the heat as his hand reached out to the Red Jewel on the Fire Lord''s chest and grabbed it.
Before the Fire Lord could even react, my hand reached for the rest of the keys, and I could only yank out one of them.
The Fire Lord had two of the keys with him left, in my hand was Yuyu''s Key, it was the only one I could snatch, the Wind Key returned to the Wind Lord and the Fire Key, the one that belonged to the Fire Lord seemed to jump in joy as itnded in Meng Hao''s hand.
The Fire Lord''s face turned grim, cracks seemed to spread all over his face and he began aging rapidly the Keys were draining whatever energy he had in him.
The Keys were on overdrive, and were about to blow up, we dropped the explosion by three folds, but two of the keys exploding was enough to level an entire region of the vast expanse leaving nothing behind, and the impact alone was bound to damage the rest of the regions.
I couldn''t think of any way to get past this problem, my mind reeled as I tried desperately to think up a n, even pulling everyone into the Lord of Lords pagoda wasn''t going to help.
The explosion was bound to shatter the very fabric of space destroying the pagoda itself even if its hidden within the folds of space.
"This is getting dangerous… they will all perish."
"Have some faith, steward. The Emerald Sun has yet to be snuffed. Perhaps he''ll figure a way out," spoke the Lord of Lords as they both looked at the pond.
From their point of view, everyone on the Heavenly Academy looked terrified and worried, they were all facing a dangerous and seemingly unsolvable and unsalvageable problem.
The Keys exploding was bound to take out all life in that region of the Vast Expanse, and no one is fast enough to escape it, at least not at their level of cultivation.
Death was looming close, enough that the signs of the wheel of reincarnation was already manifesting above them.
"Their fate is sealed, Lord of Lords. The power they possess is nowhere near enough to stop the keys, and even if a miracle were to happen, the keys will be destroyed, and the Gate will remain closed…"
"That is what most would think, but there is no reason for the Keys to explode," spoke the Lord of Lords.
"What do you mean? With that much energy in them, and the keys going on overdrive, they had to let the energy go, and wouldn''t that just mean that they''ll blow up?" asked the steward.
"That would have been the case if the Keys were in fact not made by the White Sun. He made sure that in case something like this was to happen, that the reason to create life wasn''t the same reason to destroy it, but you''re right in one part. If they keys were to be destroyed…" The Lord of Lords didn''t need to finish his words.
The steward already knew, if the keys were gone, they''d be stuck there, and the Lord of Lords said that the Emerald Sun was to travel to the Beyond. Is there another way out? Thought the Steward but no answers came to mind.
He could only watch, and wait for everything to unfold.