<h4>Chapter 611 Question </h4>
I hastily grabbed at the small girl''s cloak and pulled her back before the oversized half-bat sttered her against the ground.
"Run," I said as I tried to pull away at the Nargacougar''s attention. But the bastard took only a couple of sniffs in my direction and snorted.
"Oi! I can''t be smelling that bad!" I said as I threw a rock at it. But the Nargacougar didn''t even bother with me as it hissed then looked around for the small girl.
"I hate being ignored," I grumbled inwardly as I jumped on the Nargacougar''s back. The beast didn''t like that. As it hissed and howled at me to let it go. That could have been an option. It would have been the most logical thing anyone in my position should do.
In a region, anyone would lose ess to their Qi making them weaker than the weakest demonic beasts. And a Nargacougar is powerful enough to contend with Saint Qi cultivators. Not to mention people who have already lost the majority of their cultivation base.
But I on the other hand still retained a good portion of my cultivation base. The only issue I''m having is exerting external abilities. But if its just muscr prowess and my own poison prowess. Then those remained unaffected.
I had a metal chain in my holding bag that I pulled out and threw it against the Nargacougar''s neck.
"Sit down!" I said as I wrenched the chain up, causing the Nargacougar to yelp in pain.
It hissed at me and I had to show it who was the boss and that was easily done as I jumped down from on top of the Nargacougars back and into the ground, while wrenching the chain down, smashing the half bat''s face.
The blow was loud enough that it reverberated throughout the forest.
Yet it wasn''t enough for the Nargacougar to calm down and realize it was in deep shit.
"Did you ever taste sound?" I said to the beast as I stabbed my finger inside its nose, releasing a jet of none lethal poison, "Did you ever hear smell?" I added as I kicked at the Nargacougar''s face.
The beast began squirming on the ground, spasming and shaking its legs and wings iling around as it was suffering what many would easily consider animal cruelty.
After all the poison I had given him was a poison that affects the nervous pathways of the brain. The eyes would send signals to the brain, tranting anything they see into taste, while the ears would trante all sounds into random smells, and the mere act of breathing will make the Nargacougar hear strange acoustic noises.
Aplete five-sense destabilizer, massive migraines, inability to bnce oneself in any shape or form, and deliberating nausea…Back in my old world, we called this a Saturday night.
The Nargacougar which is a creature that heavily relies on sound and smell just became overwhelmed with all the new sensations it never had before. Making him feel
The creature kept fumbling and fumbling desperately trying to regain its footing. I needed it to realize that it will not and cannot win.
"Please, stop… you''re hurting it," I heard.
Looking to my left, shockingly, the same girl from before who was about to be Nargacougar Guano was on the point of tears. Asking me to stop the pain of Nargacougar.
"You do know it was going to eat you?"
"It is the way of nature, what you''re doing is unnatural… please, it is crying," she said.
I frowned, how could she say that to something that was about to kill her…
I sighed as I pointed forward and neutralized the poison inside the Nargacougar''s nostrils.
Soon, the creature began sniveling and sneezing out the poisons trying to get it out of its system.
''Trust me, buddy, that''s not happening without my consent…''
Realizing that it no longer was affected it stood back up and growled at me, but its ears were drooped clearly admitting defeat, but still too prideful for a beast to start wagging its tail.
"Shoo, go away," I said as I waved my hand at the Nargacougar.
The creature backed off a bit then dove into the foliage turning transparent.
I didn''t worry about it attacking me from stealth since I had my poison inside its body, and from the location and direction of the poison the half-bat was moving away but not too far away. It hid on top of one of the many trees around us and kept watch I guess.
"So, who are you, and what are you doing here?" I asked.
"We''re the ones who should be asking that," she said.
"We?" I tilted my head.
"Ah, boss…"
I heard
Turning, my whole group was behind me, tied up, neatly so, and being pushed forward by another group of people…people?
No, they were also demon kin, only these guys had full-on tribal tattoos all over their bodies. With massive hornsing out of their foreheads. Every single one of these soldiers, male or female had an extremely muscr build. Every one of them looked like a sculpted Hercules…
They each had a spear in hand and a curved de strapped to their side. While they wore beast pelts for clothes and beast skulls for helmets?
"That is extremely unlucky, for them to find a demon tribe member so soon," said the Red Sun
"It could be unlucky and it could also be a blessing," said the Lord of Lords.
"I don''t see how, these barbarians are brutal and murderous, one year, at this rate they won''t make it past the first week Lord of Lords," said the Red Sun.
"Why do you think that these tribal members are brutal?"
"In case you forgot we sent many people down there, no one survived an encounter with these tribal members," said the Red Sun shrugging.
"That is because the people who went down were all… rude, remember Shen Bao''s mind doesn''t work exactly like the people here…" Suddenly the Lord of Lords stopped talking and smiled.
"Give me a minute, I''ll be back soon," he said and closed his eyes.
"Where did he go now?" asked the Red Sun.
"I''ve seen him do this once or twice throughout our friendship, this only happens when something interesting is happening back at his house,"
"I guess he''ll be making one of the cultivators days. It shouldn''t take long, let''s keep watching."
Zhang Tian was gazing upon the mountain of worship, trying to figure out how he should join in on the worshipping. He looked around and realized that there were many, many people around the mountain who were waiting upon the Lord of Lords. Yet not many got the chance to go up the mountain and they all had to wait.
Cultivators were kneeling up ahead at the base of the mountain. There was not a single mortal among them, because most mortals who even managed toe here for their worship were pushed all the way to the end of this vast line of people.
Anyone would have tried to find a way to ce themselves among the cultivators and wait their turn. However, Zhang Tian began walking down the long line of cultivators that extended greatly and went past them. All the way to thest position a couple of mortals were worshipping at.
Zhang Tian was currently thest person of the line.
He looked up the mountain, and then knelt down. Not a secondter however he found himself at the mountain peak.
Taken by surprise clearly, but he didn''t drop his guard. His eyes surveyed the ce as he tried to figure out what happened.
"Don''t think too hard, you''ll only get more confused," Zhang Tian heard.
Turning he saw an old man sitting next to a round table looking at a small pond of water in front of him.
"Come,e, sit," said the old man as he invited Zhang Tian to sit next to him.
Tea had already been served and the old man sipped on it, not making a sound. Waiting for Zhang Tian to sit down next to him.
When the Immortal Schr sat next to the Lord of Lords, theter finally said, "I''ve followed your story, for a long time, Schr," he said.
"Good, to remain silent and listen is the trait of schrs and kings. But there are no hearts empty of greed, tell me, what brought you to worship a lord you don''t believe in?"
Zhang Tian looked at the old man for a bit and said, "I didn''te to worship you," he said.
This sentence would have probably toppled the entire vast expanse form head to toe if spoken outside this ce. But for this old man who had seen many lives and worlds crumble up and down, it was normal.
"Then what brings you to me if you need not to worship me?"
"I worship knowledge," replied Zhang Tian. "And I came looking for questions," said Zhang Tian.
"Looking for Question?" frowned the old man. "Yes, a simple man seeks an answer to his question, a schr seeks a question to answer. I am without answers if I have no questions, thus I need to see with my eyes, question with my mind and only believe with my heart once I see the truth. It is the path of a schr…"
"I see… then let me give you a question," said the old man as he waved his hand on the pond. Revealing the same view that the three Suns were looking at before.
"Shen Bao? What is he doing there?" muttered Zhang Tian.
"That is your question to answer…" the old man smiled.