For everyone watching, this might have looked like a merciful kill. But, the moment Zhang Tian''s domain dissipated, the arena returned to normal, and the man once considered dead was back in his ce lookingpletely different than before.
Unlike his corpse-like appearance, he was fully back to his human shape. No longer short of height but an above-average tall man. Instead of a skin riddled with scars and patches of death and necrosis. He had a hale and healthy skin color and tone. However, his cultivation level waspletely demolished.
"Mortality is your penance, for the lives of those you have taken. They were weak and unable to defend themselves from you, but now you''ll meet their punishment," Zhang Tian said.
Suddenly from above the arena, the skies tore open. Something that even I had never thought I would see.
Countless apparitions of souls spiraling endlessly above us manifested.
The scene wasn''t something you could see every day, especially since even the Dusking Sun tensed up for a second.
"The Cycle of Life and Death… I guess it has given those who have lost their lives a chance at revenge, that man will die a horrible death," the words of the Dusking Sun were heavy.
The man named Tul realized his impending doom and shouted, "I give up! I lost this round! Let me out!" he said as he began backing away from the iing wave of souls.
I stood up from my seat and leaned on the rails of the arena walls. This was something that even the Dusking Sun was interested in.
Seeing Zhang Tian''s unbothered expression meant that he knew something about this. I should ask himter.
While the man named Tul backed away trying to run as fast as possible from the iing souls, at one point in his panic his eyes met mine.
I could see, even from this distance, that although his entire appearance reverted back to humanity, his eyes remained as dark as the night.
At that moment, the man named Tul stopped, his face turned pale blue, and immediately began throwing up, unable to stop himself as he released bile and probably anything he had eaten in thest decade.
A disgusting sight to see.
"Quite rude to throw up at the sight of someone, I can''t be that ugly," I grumbled.
"Y-you! Who the hell are you!" Tul said before the souls began encroaching on him, ripping him bit by bit.
Now fully turned mortal he couldn''t defend against the souls attacking him. But for some reason, what should have been a deadly and incredibly painful tearing of limbs for a mortal didn''t even register in Tul''s eyes as he was still looking at me with terror far beyond what one would dare to express.
"Dark Soul!" he said as one of the souls around him tore through his face. Ripping his cheek from side to side.
The whole experience was utterly unnerving as the man was fully eradicated from existence itself as he was pulled into the whirling pool of souls. Dragged to only god knows where never to be seen again.
Zhang Tian then pointed his open hand forward towards the blood sttered on the ground. His gesture manifested hundreds upon hundreds of smallw lines, reshaping them and morphing them into a book with a wed arm symbol on top.
Once the book reached his grasping hand, it disappeared, only I knew where it went.
It now joined itspanions in the library ofw inside Zhang Tian''s Domain. Now his Wisdom of The Ages is hosting an additional book and an additional corpse.
Only then did he look up, seeing me with both hands on the railing peering over the arena with a wide grin on my face.
He smiled wide and shouted, "Brother, we must have another drink soon."
I sped my hands towards him, "Of course! The wine always tastes better with brothers around a table!"
"Young cultivator," the referee spoke, "Are you ready for the next battle?" he asked.
Zhang Tian nodded and soon was faced against another cultivator.
Battle after convincing battle, no one was able to defeat Zhang Tian''s ability to manifestws and domains fully capable of defeating his enemies.
Zhang Tian''s ability to manifest the very Dao and understanding of Law of his defeated foes was a power to be reckoned with. Since he can always counter whoever he is fighting. If a man relies on speed, then he can drown them in an endless swamp, or if a man uses fire, he can summon a domain of frigid cold. Completely sapping away an opponent''s ability to battle.
Unlike me, Zhang Tian''s fightssted longer but were more convincing and far more elegant as he found ways upon ways of beating his opponents.
"It seems that your brother is fully capable of obtaining a seat among the hundred strongest. Who do you think will win if the both of you were to fight against one another?" entric Long asked.
I smiled as I replied, "Of course, I''ll be victorious."
"Oh, quite confident, when even cultivators at the Origin Realm are racking their brains trying to figure out a way to stop him from using his infinite Domain," thementator asked.
Just as Zhang Tian finished hisst battle and won, I replied, "That is because they think they would lose the moment they step into his domain, regardless, you''ll see it with your own eyes once we battle," I smiled at Zhang Tian who retreated back to the area of the Lording Sun.
Among the many cultivators of the Lording Sun, all of them praised Zhang Tian for his victory. Though I could see a few dissatisfied eyes, the majority were happy that he made it to the top hundred.
Looking to the side, the Fire King suddenly walked up the stage. He stood in the center of the stage. Both arms folded on top of each other and waited. His hair which was a brimming burning me that never seemed to stop swayed calmly in the light breeze that was blowing.
A contender popped up. A young looking man, with a long sword strapped to his back sped in the direction of the fire king out of respect.
Theter didn''t care as he waited for the sword master to ready up.
Displeased with theck of respect from his opponent, the swordsman was ready to end the fight as soon as the referee would start the match.
And just as the referee announced the start of the match, the swordsman charged forward, amassing as much Qi as he could to swing at the Fire Lord and take him out in a single hit.
All to end for him the moment the Fire Lord uttered a single word.