"We''re not going through here," I received a typed message on my puppet monitor.
"Howe?" I asked.
"That leads deeper into the bastion, we''ll use the hatches over there," Tao Yang reminded me.
I was so focused on the Silver Rakshasa that I missed that.
"Right, let''s head there then," I typed back and we slowly moved forward.
Thankfully, the rubber on our feetsted just enough to reach the hatches before they ripened.
The hatches though weren''t easy to open and were squeaking as they were being turned and twisted.
Some of the Rakshasa above us began moving, but seeing nothing but three metallic puppets next to a hatch was not worth their nap time so they just returned back to sleep.
The hatch thankfully opened up after a while.
I grabbed the administrator and ced him on my shoulders, it understood what I wanted to do and grabbed at my head to secure itself.
After a few nods, we jumped into the hatch as it closed down. Though we made a lot of noise afterward, no White Rakshasa came down to check.
We slowly slid down the hatch by spreading our arms and using the friction to slow our fall down as sparks red out from our hands.
Three loud thuds echoed as wended on the ground, destroying the rubber solespletely.
The bottom of the hatch was full of dust and fully deteriorated matter. While the exit of the hatch was locked.
The Administrator slid down and approached the closed door, it used its master key and opened the path forward which led to the same room where we found the body of Tao Yang thest time.
The entire area was ruined, a lot of my puppets were on the ground, destroyed, and out of order. But there were no other Rakshasa here anymore. But on the other hand, the entire area where Tao Yang''s frozen body was eviscerated. A massive hole quite simr to the size of the Noble Rakshasa was on the ground.
We slowly approached the hole and found the box where the Noble Rakshasa had been trapped before.
A massive square that was ruptured in half was at the bottom of this floor. Old bleached bones were piled up like a mountain inside the broken and torn box.
These were probably the bodies of the people who lived in the bastion before.
Even as a puppet, you could easily see Tao Yang''s body shudder. She must feel great sadness for the loss and inhumane death of her people.
She was the first to type, "Let''s keep moving."
I nodded and we began moving down after making sure that the entire area was clear.
Apparently, the Noble Rakshasa had moved away from here, and though we don''t currently know where it is, as long as it is not near us, we should be fine.
Once we got down to the prison area, I was surprised to notice how massive this floor was.
"Sixth floor?" I asked through messages.
"No, this is the nonliving area, it''s where we have all vital operatives and machinery to move the bastion, everything is buried underground, and by pressing a few specific cubes you can make the engines rise up and work on them. The entire area may look t, but everything is under the surface."
"I see," I replied as I continued scanning using every sight option I had on me.
From mere normal sight to infra red, ck light, heat scan, and even a shlight.
Nothing appeared on my visuals.
"Should be safe for now, let''s get a move on," I said as I waited for Tao Yang to open up the machine we needed to work on.
Tao Yang and the administrator moved to a specific area on the t floor and both pressed on a hidden pedestal in specific order.
The Soulsteel recognized the pattern and opened a hatch on the ground. A tubr object moved up from the hatch and rose up all the way to the puppet''s height.
"This is one of the engines, it looks like it had a shortcut," she typed back.
The Blue Sun moved first and began scanning the engine, and due to the interest I had in this type of technology I did the same.
I couldn''t honestly be more d about how I had actually spent a lot of time working on the ''eyes'' of the puppets.
The ability to zoom, scan, and even useser technology was all implemented into these eyes. This was only possible because I had lost one of my eyes as I first began cultivating and reced it with the Sky Pearl.
As I had implemented many inscriptions with my ratherckluster understanding of formation and inscriptions back then. It still worked in my favor by then, now with more knowledge and ability, I had decided to improve and created these eyes for all my puppets. And now they came in handy.
I began probing the engine, to understand how it works. And found it quite difficult at first. It had so many small intricate little operatives that allowed it to function. Mainly something I never thought possible.
"How is this even possible?" if I had brows they''d be fully risen right now. I didn''t even type that as I blurted it out and had to ce my metallic hand on my metallic mouth causing even more noise
"What is it?" the Blue Sun asked.
"This… this is Qi fusion," I said.
The Blue Sun looked as confused as a deer in a headlight.
"This is something I theorized, but it''s incredibly hard to achieve. This is the same type of reactions that happen inside a star. But instead of hydrogen being squeezed under the immense pressure and heat of a star to create helium and thus creating energy it is using Saint Qi,pressing it hard enough to create… Origin Qi, it is happening right in front of my eyes."
"I really have no idea what hydrogen or helium is… but I seem to understand what you mean. I also tried topress and condense Qi into a higher form, but never achieved it," the Blue Sun said.
We both looked at Tao Yang like impressed little children after seeing a hat trick and waiting for the magician to exin.
She shook her head, "I only have supervised the military operation of our people, I have no idea what the two of you are talking about. The reason why I mentioned that this thing had short-cutted is because this is how it usually looks when it is out of energy.
It should be bright white and hot to the touch, not to mention it has an immense gravitational pull that it would try and pull us and crush us into it if we get too close." She said.
Your next chapter is on mvl
"Gravity," I said, "That''s it… gravitational power," I said.
"How?" the Blue Sun asked.
"The size of a star is big enough that it creates a massive gravitational pull around it, leadings in an orbit to move. It is the very same thing that is happening here in the Beyond, although I have no idea why the Beyond is a massive tnd, it is still affected by the sun of the Beyond and its gravitational pull taking it alongside it in the vast open space."
"But what does that have to do with anything," she asked.
"The gravitational pull of a star is so high that it should in theory make it copse upon itself, but, since the hydrogen, which are small tiny atoms that make up the majority of the star,press due to this gravity, they fuse together and change to a different element. Which is helium.
The reaction that makes this happen is Nuclear Fusion and the power of these atoms fusing together creates both heat which we feel and light which we seeing from the sun. The heat itself would stop the star from copsing even under the massive pressure." I said.
"I see," the blue sun said as she began, "So this small thing makes the same reaction?" she asked.
"Yes and now, a star would usually run out eventually from fuel. Roughly and this is not a 100% exact, but Hydrogen turns to helium. Once the hydrogen is depleted the helium will cause the star to expand, and those are red stars that burn hot and bright.
Helium will also undergo several reactions as it is being depleted and turns to carbon in the star''s core and this keeps going until all helium is depleted turning to silicon, this is the shortest part of a star''s life as the first few canst from trillions to billions of years, but once the star has nothing but silicon in it, it will transform to iron as the star fully dies in mere days.
The iron that is so highly condensed due to the pressure and weight of the start would start rebounding on itself as it copses creating one of two things. Either a neutron star where even a spoonful of the matter can be heavier than ten tons of steel. Or a ck hole."
"Thank you for the lesson in astronomy but I really don''t see how this even fits what we''re seeing," the Blue Sun said.
"They are using the same method here, this engine takes up heavenly Qi, condenses it into Saint Qi, and then this reaction will keep going until it bes Origin Qi.
This creates a shit ton of energy for the Bastion, and finally, it is transformed into… well, I have no idea what goes beyond Origin Qi but this thing is trying to do it, and in doing so it helps itself from copsing under the pressure.
Not only is it using the Qi in the vicinity to power itself, it amplifies it… it is the closest thing to perpetual energy through fusion something I have never thought possible."