Chapter 187 – Treasures… Damn, perverts!
Aiko stared at the other chests. She wondered which one she should pick...
Which one will hold an actual Treasure?
Aiko hypnotised those chests until she picked one.
"Open this one!" Aiko pointed at a chest to her left, she had a good feeling about this one!
"Okay..." The Old Grandma had a distressing expression. If it wasn''t for the fact that she was not so translucent to the point that it was difficult to make out her expression, one would be able to see that she was blushing!
The chest opened slowly, like it was teasing the little Fox.
"FUCK!" Aiko cried out. "WHY!" She cursed the heavens.
Inside the well-padded chest was a well-ornamented dildo... It was slender, yet oddly designed, as if it was made to mimic the real thing...
Aiko turned towards the ghost with a burning passion to murder someone. "Come here." Aiko smiled like a madman. "Let me strangle you, you shitty pervert!"
"I-I''m not ready! We are not even in that kind of rtionship!" The Ghost blushed and turned away.
Aiko choked and almost face-nted into the dust. Not only was this ghost a shitty pervert, she was also a masochistic shitty pervert!
Aiko red daggers towards the ghost, but she just squirmed like the pervert she was.
"Fuck! Why do I always have to encounter the biggest perverts?!" Aiko cried out.
She didn''t want to be in here, but at the same time, she hoped the other chests had some real Treasures inside, not to mention the Inscription Ink!
She absolutely would take away that Lamp, even if it meant purging this slut!
Aiko breathed roughly. She was this close to strangling this hag! Yet she couldn''t do that, since she didn''t know how to open those chests without damaging the content!
Aiko calmed down. She breathed slowly, trying to scan inside the chests with her mind, but she couldn''t use her Divine Sense.
Her Divine Sense would absolutely crush it before the information returned.
"This one!" Aiko pointed at another chest.
The Ghost giggled like a pervert, and a shiver went down Aiko''s spine.
The chest slowly opened, announcing its presence.
"Fuck!" Aiko mmed her fist on the ground, sting the dust everywhere.
*Cough Cough Cough*
She choked and coughed on the dust until the old hag cleaned it.
''Why me.'' Aiko sobbed. This time it was not a dildo, but a strap-on...
This one was also oddly realistic with veins and everything, not to mention it was not a simple strap-on, but a double strap-on. It would pleasure both the partners.
Aiko would absolutely smash both of them, if they didn''t have such intricate Inscriptions on them.
On one side she wanted to research it, but on another, she wanted to burn it with Hell''s mes!
It was enough that Mei made her so embarrassed and angry at that time when she found that ring, but this thing would be much worse since it also had Inscriptions!
Aiko shook her head, she couldn''t allow Mei to find this, she would hide it and only research it when she was outside the Fox Vige!
"Next!" Aiko had hoped that the next chest wouldn''t turn out like the previous one.
Why, you might ask? Because Cultivators knew only dildos or rocking dildos. Which meant the strap-on should be something new. This meant that the others would surely be-
"FUCKING SHIT! IT''S ANOTHER DILDO!" Aiko roared angrily. She immediately snapped towards the ghost, but that ghost was hugging herself, shivering in bliss.
Aiko''s face distorted, she seriously couldn''t understand these Cultivator perverts!
Aiko breathed in and out. She would calm down and find the chest with the actual Treasure, of course, she didn''t forget to store those ''failed'' attempts.
Aiko steeled her mind, she focused her senses to the maximum.
"This one!" Aiko pointed towards the chest.
The Ghost opened the chest, but not slowly this time.
Inside the padded chest was a vial with a strange liquid.
"What is this?" Aiko felt like she was familiar with this one.
"It''s Dew from the Dew Fox, a great aphrod-HHHHHHHH" The Ghost tried to exin its uses when she was suddenly choked by the little Fox.
Aiko had enough of this pervert and she would share some love with her once she created a g thick enough it could rece a whale!
Aiko stopped choking her when her eyes turned pinkish. It felt like she enjoyed it a bit too much, since she didn''t recover for quite a while and kept spasming.
Aiko was faced with a dilemma. Inheritance grounds were grounds with endless Treasures, but at the same time, Aiko questioned. What kind of Treasures? Is it like in here, where there are just dildos? Or do they have real Treasures?
Aiko pondered upon it while the ghost''s spasm continued. Aiko could ignore it since she was deep in thought.
"Alright, let''s just burn all inheritance grounds when they have perverted things!" Aiko lifted her tiny fist high up.
She turned around towards the ghost which was wiping her lips.
"Another chest, it doesn''t matter, but keep in mind you will get fisted if it''s something perverted.
The Ghost shivered in bliss, since her meaning of fisted was different from the little Fox''s.
Aiko meant beating her up, while the Ghost understood it as... let''s leave it at that.
Aiko waited patiently as the chest opened. Fortunately for her, the chest had a bottle, it seemed that this was the Inscription Ink!
"Hooray!" Aiko jumped around happily. She finally got some Inscription Ink that she could use.
The Old Grandma smiled lightly, she was really looking forward to the other chests~.
"Alright." Aiko checked the Inscription Ink and while it indeed had decayed, it still had enough oomph that it would be able to power an Inscription for a dozen or so years.
"That would be enough to remake the whole Lamp." Aiko nodded slowly, but the Ghost shook.
''Remake it?! Are you mad?!'' The Old Grandma was speechless inside her mind. That Lamp was perfect for fiendish Cultivators, since it could gather Souls over longer distances. This would be overall a bad thing for the whole Cultivation world.
"Little one-" The Old Grandma tried to negotiate with the little Fox, but seeing her ring expression she stopped.
"What is it, pervert?" Aiko smiled deviously.
"N-nothing!" While she was looking forward to getting fisted, she mostly got off by endless edging. It would be bad if she orgasmed now and vanished, since the little Fox was unable to open her Treasures...
"Good." Aiko nodded happily, like she was training another perverted pet.
"So, what is left?" Aiko looked around, only a few chests were left.
"Good stuff." The Ghost smiled gently, but Aiko felt a shiver down her spine. "I will open it now~" The Ghost giggled, but Aiko stopped her.
"Not yet!" Aiko shouted. She was not yet ready for the perverted thing.
She calmed down slowly and her breath stabilised.
"Okay. You can open it." Aiko nodded gently, but with a serious expression like she was going to war...
The chest opened and Aiko flinched. She expected another dildo or something like that, but for some odd reason that was not the case?
Aiko stared towards the chest a few times, but each and every time she didn''t believe her eyes.
''Just a dress?'' Aiko tilted her head and came close to it.
She lifted that dress, it was an incredibly gorgeous dress, but its proportions were a bit smaller.
''I think this dress should be perfect for Mei...'' Aiko thought about it for a while, but she just loved this dress... ''Yup, I will give this to her as a gift.'' Aiko nodded happily that she finally found a gift for Mei.
The Ghost was confused why this little Fox was smiling so happily, since that dress...
Aiko carefully stored it in her Storage Ring like it was a true Treasure.
It had to be known that Aiko was terrible at assessing and wearing clothing. Skin-tight clothes were very easy to assess, as there were noyers or fancy frills and that kind of stuff.
But this dress was multyered and eachyer served a different function or purpose, so we can''t me our little Aiko for this misunderstanding~.
Aiko smiled happily. "Next one~!" She hummed.
The chest opened. It was yet another normal chest.
''Good, good!'' Aiko nodded happily as she found some kind of Chalk inside.
She heard from Mei that she needed Array Chalk for Arrays, and this was pretty close to what Aiko imagined.
She was happier and happier each time, but that happiness didn''tst long...
"What is this thing?" Aiko asked as they moved to another chest. It was small and weirdly shaped.
"Let me introduce this to you." She happily hummed. "This is what you ce in your partner''s backdoors, it makes them incredibly hard-HHHHHHHHH"
Aiko was choking the ghost again, but only for a moment, so she couldn''t enjoy it.
Aiko then grabbed that filthy thing and mmed it into the ground. Unfortunately for her, a part of it was from rubber, a very stic one.
When it met the ground, it bounced back up, smashing Aiko''s forehead as if it was taunting her.
Aiko recoiled from the impact. She didn''t understand what just happened, but her head hurt.
Today was such a nightmare for her and except for that pretty dress and chalk, everything went to shit!
Tears rolled down her cheeks and she cried at this injustice! Why can''t she find a normal Cultivator with lots of Treasures that weren''t made for the bedroom?!
The Ghost didn''t know how to soothe the little Fox and could only wait until Aiko finished crying.
Aiko finally stopped after half an hour. She sniffled a few times and blew her nose into the handkerchief.
"What is thest one...?" Aiko asked with puffy eyes.
"Erm... I think we should leave..." The Ghost for the first time was more conscious about her actions.
"We already have one left, no point in leaving now." Aiko resigned since she was tired from crying so much.
"Erm... Are you really sure...?" The Ghost asked again.
"Go ahead. It can''t be worse than the previous ones and it''s also thest one, so I can just burn it if I don''t like it..." Aiko shook her head, she had already gone too deep, it would be better to finish this whole thing...