Scarlet did not say anything and immediately alighted. Jad did the same, and followed her as they headed towards an abandoned warehouse.
As they continue moving towards the warehouse, Jad suddly felt that there was somebody that was looking at him. Immediately, he turned a, only to realize that the area that he was looking at waspletely empty.
He frowned, but ev th, he still continued following Scarlet who had not ev noticed Jad''s movemts. Jad immediately raised his cautiousness, as he expected a form of danger in this area.
He was not sure about the reason why Scarlet hade over here, but nevertheless, he had to be careful. At the d of the day, Scarlet was the one that was being targeted by the members of the Williams family.
It was clear that there was definitely somebody that was keeping watch over Scarlet, otherwise, it would have be impossible for them to be able to notice that Scarlet had gone to that alleyway. Additionally, had it not be for the fact that Scarlet had gone to that alley, the attack that wasunched on her on Friday would definitely not have beunched, at least not in the same area.
As the two of them moved on, Jad did not notice anything out of ce anymore. Nevertheless, that did not make him to drop his guard. Instead, he became ev more cautious. This ce was extremely silt, as if there was nobody here.
Finally, after about minutes, they finally arrived at the trance of the warehouse. The door of the warehouse seemed to have be destroyed or had be stol by somebody, or moved by the owner, but nevertheless, there was no door for the warehouse.
They wt through the trance, and finally, inside the empty warehouse, they moved towards the cter. Finally, they had just arrived at the cter of the warehouse wh Jad noticed that there was an trance that led underg.
The trance to the underg was kind of inconspicuous, that had it not be that Jad was close by, it would be impossible for him to be able to notice the trance.
The momt of the two of them got there, Scarlet bt down and pulled the handle of the trance. The trance to the underg was made in form of a seal for the sewage tunnels. There was a handle that could be pulled, making it easy to op.
Completely differt from the seals for the sewage tunnels, there were hinges on this one, allowing it to be easily oped and closed.
The momt that Scarlet oped the trance, Jad peeped through the hole. At that momt, he realized that underg, there was another form of light. It seemed that some lighting system had be installed in the underg.
Scarlet did not hesitate to jump inside, and Jad immediately followed behind her. He was supposed to be moving ahead, but he did not know anything about this area. So, he had no choice but to let Scarlet lead the way. Nevertheless, he was extremely cautious, ready to take action in case anything wt wrong.
The momt that the two of themnded on the g, Jad looked a. He realized that the area that they had finallynded, a distance of more than meters, was the cter of a big hall.
The tire hall waspletely empty, but it was well maintained aspared to the warehouse that they had just utilized in order to ter into this hall.
The floors were made out of some kind of rock that look like tiles, but Jad could tell that they were not tiles. Nevertheless, they were capable of reflecting the light that was currtly illuminating the area from the ceiling of the hall.
Scarlet looked a and could not help but frown. ording to the calctions that she was having, there was supposed to be a group of people here. But right now, this ce waspletely empty.
In fact, she had alreadymunicated with them, and was expecting that the group was going to be here considering that she had be a littlete while waiting for Jad to arrive. But now, with the ce being empty, she could not help but wonder what was going on.
She took out her phone, and immediately ed Lucas, asking him where they were. After all, they were supposed to be here, but until now, there was nobody. That was something that she could not understand. Could it be that they had suddly decided to change their ns?
But thinking about it, it was going to be impossible for them to change the ns considering that she was the one that was calling the shots, and not Lucas. So, what could have gone wrong here?
The response came after more than a minute, with Lucas iming that he was held back once again with his father. So, he was going to be a littlete, about 30 minuteste. So, they would have to wait a little bit for him to arrive.
As for the other group, Lucas had no information about the reason why they were not there. Nevertheless, they were supposed to be here already. So, he had to assume that if they did note, th they were definitely afraid about thepetition that they were nning on having.
Although Scarlet was irritated, there was nothing that she could do at this momt. Since both Lucas and the other group were not here, the only thing that she could do right now was to wait while hoping that they woulde. Otherwise, she could only be disappointed and go to school.
It might be true that she really did not care much about education, nevertheless, she had to study considering that he wanted to graduate. So, she would always make sure to attd all the sses, unless it was necessary for her to miss.
Jad did not know what was going on, but he could tell that there was something that was happing considering that Scarlet had be with her phone for a while now. It seemed that she was chatting with somebody over the phone.
They waited for more than 5 minutes before finally, Jad heard the sound of movemts. With his hanced sses, he could easily tell that there was a group of people that was above them at the momt.
Ev though they were moving siltly, as if they were trying to make sure that the sounds of their footsteps could not be heard, it was definitely not impossible for him to be able to hear that.
"It seems that we havepany." Jad stated to Scarlet as he looked towards the trance, while at the same time, surveying the vironmt.
Ever since he tered into this hall, he had realized that there was actually no any trance or exit that was visible. That implied that the only trance and exit was the one that they had utilized to ter, which was meters above them.
Of course, the area that they hadnded was on a tform that was raised a little high, making it easy for them tond. Otherwise, if they were supposed tond on the floor of the hall, people would definitely break their limbs due to the distance ofnding.
There was a staircase that Jad and Scarlet had utilized in order to get down from the tform. Nevertheless, they were not that far away from the trance, which was located at the very cter of the hall.
The momt that Scarlet heard Jad''s words, she could not help but raise her brows. She had not noticed anything until now, but nevertheless, she did not doubt that Jad had definitely heard something. For the short time that they had be together, she believed that Jad would not do anything unnecessary.
In addition, it was not as if she was not expecting somebody toe over. Since Lucas had imed that he would be here only after 30 minutes since theystmunicated, it implied that the one that was here was definitely the group that they were supposed topete with.
So, she looked curiously towards the trance. Wh they came in, they had closed the trance behind them. But it was not locked, making it easy for anybody who came to this warehouse to be able to op it.
Wh she was looking over, she suddly realized that the trance was being oped. Additionally, something that made her frown was the fact that the trance was being oped slowly, as if the one that was oping the trance was afraid that somebody would notice them.
Thinking about Jad iming that there was a person up there, wh she had not noticed any movemts, added with the fact that the trance seemed to be oped stealthily, it implied that there was something fishy about the person that wasing over.
So, just like Jad, she immediately became cautious, ready to take action. They both looked towards the trance, at the same time, preparing themselves to make a move, should the person that would being over be an emy.
In just a few seconds, the trance was finally fully oped. Th in the next momt, the two of them saw a person wearing a ck suit and ck shoes together with a red tie above them, within the warehouse.
At the same momt that the two of them saw the person, the other party also saw them. He could not help but raise his brows at that, but nevertheless, he acted immediately and jumped down the trance.