Ruby had managed to find the manager of the dynamic club the day after second tiger left her ce. She was not sure about what he was nning to do, but it was a good thing that he did note to find her for the past few days.
The manager on the other hand was injured. That was the reason why she found him a day after she had looked for him, inside the hospital. He was trying to hide things from her, but in the end, she got to know what had happened during the time that she was away from the club.
As expected, she was infuriated when she realized that he was coborating with a certain young master, to deal with a few girls. This was something that she hated the most. Not to mention that she was a woman, as a human, she never liked any behavior of that sort.
Immediately, she fired the manager. At the same time, she immediately decided to report him to the police for his actions. It was a good thing that there were several cameras within the club, something that she had hidden from even the manager.
So, after getting the footage, she submitted it, consisting of the parts where the manager was misusing his power. With that, the manager of the dynamic nightclub was immediately arrested.
Then, Ruby watched the video again and again. She could not help but be impressed by the person that was fighting within the video. She knew who it was, she had seen him before.
This was the same person that she was looking for, even though not him alone, but instead, the entire group. And now, she came to realize that hisbat skills were way above what she had expected.
For a moment there, she could not help but think if Jaden was going to be capable of dealing with second tiger. She understood that second tiger was a very strong person. It was not that easy for him to be able to hold the position as the second inmand of the tiger gang.
This was something that required both brains and brawn. That indicated that second tiger was quite smart, and at the same time, he was strong enough to be able to subdue the rest of the members of the gang.
Nheless, Ruby decided to look for them. She would ask if they were capable of doing it. But if they were not, then, she would simply give up. She was not willing to make the youths risk their lives for her.
Even though she valued her life, and that of her family members, it was not to the extent that she was willing to sacrifice the lives of the others that were innocent.
She immediately tried to investigating about this group. But in the end, she did not find anything. Well, she found something, they were from rich families. It was just that she did not expect that they came from those rich families within this city.
For a person like her, it was impossible to be able to meet them. It was not only due to the difference in age, but the difference in social status was too big. She owned a club that was quite well known within the Eastern part of the city, but it was not enough to be able topete against those families.
As for the information about two people, she did not find any, at least for one of them. Thatdy with red hair. Basically, even after using all her channels in order to investigate, she did not find anything about her.
It was not that the information about thisdy was hidden, it was just that the channels that she was using were not enough to be able to get that information.
As for Jaden, she already knew that he was previously working as a bouncer for her club. In the end, he was beaten up by this same young master that was coborating with the manager of her club to scheme against several youngdies within the club.
That was something that surprised her. She had not expected that Jaden had previously been working here. But now, it was impossible for her to be able to find him.
With the skills that he possessed, she definitely doubted that he had been beaten up. Additionally, rting to the beating that everybody was talking about, and looking at Jaden who did not seem to have any injuries that had yet to heal, it was clear that it was just rumors going around that he had been beaten up.
She managed to find where he was living before. It was just that he did not manage to find him. The apartment where he lived before was empty.
After asking the neighbors about his whereabouts, she was informed that he rarely came back home as of recent. He woulde back during the weekends, but this weekend, which was starting today, he had not been seen.
Ruby was left helpless after that. There was nothing that she could do. If there was anybody that she could ask for help from, was none other than Jaden. Despite the skills that he possessed, at least, his background was not that big, to the extent that she would be afraid of asking for help from him.
As for asking for help from the others, that thought never crossed her mind. Why would those young masters and misses help her? What could she offer to them?
Just as she was wondering what to do, she was suddenly surrounded by a group of gangsters. Then before she could react, she was knocked out from behind, before the gangsters carried her into a car that was already waiting.
The car then sped off into the distance, leaving behind a group of slightly dumbfounded residents. The surprise in their eyes onlysted for a few seconds, before itpletely disappeared.
They had already gotten used to the life here. So, when they saw that there was somebody that had been kidnapped, they were not that much surprised. Things like this had been happening over and over again, but the authorities never came to investigate.
Theyined, but nobody listened. In the end, there was nothing that they could do other than trying to make sure that they did not provoke anybody, while ensuring that they moved around duringte hours as little as possible.
The moment that Ruby woke up, she realized that she was inside a car. There was a group of six gangsters around her. There was another one that was driving, and she realized that she was inside a five-seater SUV.
As expected, the space within the SUV was cramped. She could barely breathe, due to the pressure that was being put on her, by the bulky guys on each of her side.
Just by looking at them, she immediately realized where they hade from. Rather, she knew who had sent them. She could not help but fall into despair within her heart.
She had not expected that this day was going toe this quick. She had even forgotten about the time, when she was investigating about Jaden and his group.
Nheless, she had not given up resisting. She would try to look for chance and run away for the time being. As for her family, she had already made arrangements for them to be able to leave the city.
It was just that she was not sure if they were going to seed. At the end of it all, second tiger had already arranged for a group of gangsters to watch over her family. So, it was going to be quiteplicated for them to be able to get away.
Nheless, the hope in her heart was still there. She still hoped that her family would be able to get away, and so would she.
But she understood that hope alone was not enough. She also hoped that there would be a coincidence that would lead to second tiger being busy again. That way, she should be able to have even more time toplete the n rted to searching for Jaden and his group.
Despite the chances being so low, she still maintain the hope. At the same time, she was waiting for an opportunity to sneak away.
But just after she had began looking around, wondering where she was being taken to, she was knocked out again by a heavy blow on the back of her neck.
When she woke up again, she realized that she was being carried on the shoulders of a man. She did not try to resist, as she understood that it was impossible for her to be able to do that.
After all, other than the man who was carrying her possessing immense strength, just by the feeling of the group around her legs, there were other gangsters around as well.
As for the matter of using the boxing skills that she possessed to fight against the group, that would definitely be idiotic. It was better for her to wait, and only strike if there was a good opportunity for her to get away.
As she looked around, she realized that there was something wrong. There was a group of gangsters that was taking care of the injuries that they had suffered. She wondered if a fight had broken out here. Could it be that another gang had attacked the tiger gang?
Finally, she was brought inside a building. Just like any other building within the Eastern part of the city, the building was quite old. Still, it was quite better aspared to where she was before, when she met with Jaden and the rest of the group.
They went to the top floor using the stairs, the sixth floor. It was when the door was opened that she suddenly heard the voice that she hated and was afraid of the most.