Upon hearing Ruben''s words, Jaden realized that it was going to be impossible for him to continue impersonating the leader of the group that had been sent over to deal with the cops.
So, Jaden decided that it was better for him to deal with Ruben and the others as soon as possible. The only problem here was the fact that he did not know where the rest of the group were currently inside this vi.
But right now, he could not care anymore about that. So, instead of giving a response to Ruben about what was happening, Jaden simply looked towards Levi.
Then in the next moments, with his incredible speed, he suddenly reached towards him. Then, considering that Levi had not expected that he was going to be attacked, he was not capable of responding at all.
But even if he had expected, he would have definitely not been able to react in such a situation, considering that Jaden was using his full speed at this moment. So, in just a second, he had already arrived before Levi.
A single punch towards the head. Levi was suddenly propelled backwards by the punch, before crashing onto the wall. He did not get up after that.
Ruben on the other hand had not anticipated something like this to happen. But what could he do? Because the moment that he reacted, Jaden had already arrived next to him.
Jaden did not know if Ruben was having any weapon that he was hiding on him. So, he understood that it was better for him to deal with him as soon as possible, instead of giving him a chance.
Additionally, there was a possibility of Ruben calling the rest of the members of Levi''s group. So, before they were called over, he had to deal with Ruben. But of course, he understood that he had to deal with them nheless, considering that that was the task.
But if he was the one that was doing the hunt, it would definitely be better and easier for him, aspared to being hunted, while he himself kept on shooting down the hunters.
Jaden did not use the gun, as he did not want to cause anymotion. So, he arrived next to Ruben, and delivered a jab towards the neck.
Ruben copsed onto the ground as well, unconscious. Jaden had made sure to hold back this time, as he did not want to kill Ruben. As for Levi, if that guy was alive or not, Jaden did not focus on it for the time being.
Instead, with his sensitive hearing, he was listening to the surroundings, just to make sure that there was nobody that wasing over yet. And when he was sure, he bent down, and checked Ruben''s body.
After looking around, he found that there was a pistol that was within the inner pocket of the coat that Ruben was wearing.
Jaden was a little surprised when he saw the pistol. It was actually a Beretta M9A3 pistol with a suppressor. Jaden had not expected that there was going to be a gun like this here.
After all, ording to the information that he had gotten during the time that he was trying to study about the guns, he had found out that this type of gun was used by the military.
Nheless, considering that Ruben was part of the Williams family, it was not impossible for him to be able to get his hand on military grade weapons. Nheless, Jaden thought about it for a while, before he decided to take the gun for himself.
Currently he did not have the license to use the gun, but the moment that he got one, it would be better. Additionally, he could simply use this gun, as long as he was not caught.
With that in mind, Jaden put the gun away, before looking around. It was at this moment that he suddenly heard the sound of movements.
When he looked towards the direction of the sound, he realized that somehow, Levi was getting up on his feet. Even though he was hobbling, but, he was actually getting up!
That was something that surprised to Jaden. After all, he had just attacked without holding back that much. Even though the angle of the attack was not the best, which made it that the output of the punch was not maximized, still, Jaden believed that this guy was supposed to go unconscious, if not die from the impact.
All that aside, Levi had somehow managed to stand up. But still, his head was bleeding. It was not just the forehead where Jaden had punched, but even the back of his head.
It was clear that the impact on the wall was not something that Levi could ignore. Still, the willpower that this guy possessed was definitely top notch.
Levi looked at the person in front of him, with a confused expression. He could not understand what was going on. Currently, he felt that his consciousness was already drifting away.
But, he was unwilling to die just like that. So, he had managed to use all the strength that he had, in order to get back on his feet. He was just trying to understand what was going on.
ording to the experience that he had with the person in front of him, he was definitely not stronger than himself. But that attack, it was definitely not something that a human could do.
Currently, Levi was feeling dizzy. Although he wanted to ask the question, he could not. As for getting the gun from the holster that was around his waist, he did not even have the strength of doing that, as he was using all of his strength and willpower in order to continue standing.
Jaden frowned a little. Nheless, he decided that it was better to finish off this guy. These guys did not have any scruples with killing the cops. Since that was the case, it implied that if they got a chance, they would definitely not hesitate to kill him.
But just as Jaden took the first step towards Levi, the guy suddenly copsed onto the ground like a pile of mud. Then with a few twitches, Levi stopped movingpletely.
Jaden raised his brow a little. But, it was to be expected. This guy was not supposed to survive this long. But, just to be sure, Jaden approached Levi''s body, and confirmed that there was no pulse at all, to make sure that this guy was truly dead.
After confirming that, Jaden looked around the vi''s living room, to see if he could find a rope somewhere. But even after looking around for a while, he could not find anything.
He wanted to use the rope in order to tie up Ruben. But since that was not possible, Jaden went ahead and broke one of Ruben''s leg.
Jaden made a miscalction. He had forgotten that when he broke someone''s leg, when they experienced that pain, they would definitely wake up even if they were unconscious.
But it was toote for Jaden to regret it anyway. So, he simply went ahead and kicked Ruben once again. This time, he used a lot more force than before, managing to knock out the guy.
After he had knocked Ruben out, Jaden heard the sound of footsteps rushing over. He could clearly tell that they belonged to the group that was under Levi.
Jaden immediately made a move. He looked for a ce to hide, and took cover behind a couch. From the direction of the sound of the footsteps, Jaden could already tell where the group wasing from.
By his estimation from the sound of the footsteps, Jaden could tell that there were at least five peopleing over. It seemed that they were all stationed, ready to make a move, considering how fast they had reacted after Ruben had screamed.
The moment that the group of seven showed up in the living room of the vi, they looked around vigntly. And, their expressions changed the moment that they noticed Levi''s body on the ground.
At this moment, Levi was already in a pool of blood. It was obvious to the group that Levi had died. And more than that, they could see that Ruben was also lying on the ground, with one of his legs bent in a weird angle.
The group understood that there was an enemy here. But, they could not see any enemy around. So, they beganmunicating with each other through their eyes.
Immediately, they tried to look for a ce that they could hide. They did not know where the enemy was hiding, and were not willing to risk anything, considering that if they continued staying in the open, they might end up being killed without knowing how they had died.
Jaden on the other hand was hiding behind a couch that was directly opposite from the direction that the group was currently at. He could hear the sound of someone approaching where he was.
The moment that Jaden noticed that, he took out the Beretta M9A3 from his waist. He checked the gun, to make sure that there were bullets.
His movements were swift, and fast. Within just 2 seconds, he had confirmed that there were bullets inside the magazine, fully loaded.
Jaden returned the magazine, before removing the gun safety. Of course, this would have caused a sound that would have been able to attract the group of seven.
But due to how they were acting with panic, all of them rushing to find somewhere that they could hide, they were not able to hear that.
And just after Jaden had removed the safety, one of the gangsters suddenly appeared behind the couch. It was clear that he was having the idea of hiding behind the couch.
The moment that he arrived here, he simply jumped, before ducking behind the couch. He was just about to peep from one end of the couch, to look towards the living room, when he suddenly felt something cold touching his head.