"Our gym is equipped with the best exercising equipment on the market. There are three saunas, two heated pools, a spa, and a tanning room. All on the same floor,” Dr. Alvarez has not stopped talking since I told her that resting wasn''t going to help my s**id body mobile again.This belongs to N?velDrama.Org.
Dr. Alvarez is the smallest person I''ve met in this pack and that says a lot since we''re the same size. She''s got a very petite build. Not a lot of muscle, but she''s very beautiful. Just like the rest of them. Her dark auburn hair is a mess of luscious curls that she keeps out of her face with a thick mint green headband
The headband makes her soft green eyes pop. Her fair skin gives her a very, what is the word I''m looking for here. venomous? Yeah. She looks like something à casual mortal like me shouldn''t be able to touch without dying a slow painful death. She''s dressed in soft pink scrubs with little mint chocte chip ice cream cones printed on them. The big pretty round specs on her face are gold. There''s no way they''re not actual gold.
I love the way she walks. It''s so proper and very predatory. I bet she looks amazing in casual clothes. It''s not even fair to the rest of us, I swear to their mother moon. These things are all glorious and on top of being this gorgeous, she''s a doctor? There is nopetition with these women. They''re all f*g a***wesome. I bet they get some really bad ***s in their underworld. Hey, Mackenzie really does make a lot of sense now. That little ps****o is half-godly.
"Would you like to start there, my Lady?” she asks.
"Sure," I say unsure of what I just agreed to.
"I''ll make sure to pick out a cute bathing suit," she smiles and walks away.
"Bathing suit?" I whisper to myself.
I have a really bad habit of wandering off into my head when something bores me. I just wanted to run. I can''t shift with this thing around my throat. I stuff my hands in my hoodie and look around to see there are a couple of guys lifting weights at the far end of the room. The spotter is staring at me so I make the awkward eye contact weirder by spinning away from his direction.
Then there''s a woman standing in the middle of the field of treadmills staring back at me. It''s not a curious look the weird spotter back there was giving me. This *h looks pi***d. My body instantly bes very aware of the threat.
"Please, don''t," I groan. I''ve had a long f****g night and thest thing I want is to end up in the hospital"
"How about a morgue then?" she asks.
Iugh and then pull my hands out of my pockets. I drop to a crouch still feeling stiff, but I''m able to avoid her taking my head off. I kick out hitting her ankle and shuffle to get away from her. She cries out but I only put a couple of feet between us before she''s on me again.
I slide back those few desperate inches with my hands squeaking along the shiny ck tile and spin around lifting my leg. I kick her in the face trying
to get her off me. She takes two kicks before she releases me again. I cry out this time feeling her ws dig into my other ankle.
"You f****g **h, I kick her again.
My wolf fully alert now rushes forward. Ish out with my ws cutting across her face. She screams letting go of mepletely and I take the opportunity to not give her the upper hand again. I get up on my knees andunch myself at her. Her back hits the floor and I pull back to punch her in the face. growl when someone grabs the back of my hoodie keeping
me from her.
"You''re supposed to be f***g resting, the King lifts me by my hoodie like I weigh nothing to him. I growl at him reaching up to get him to let me go. "Oh, really?" heughs. I stare back at him in disbelief. His f****g disrespect knows no bounds. I stop struggling and remember my ce. "Oh, all done then?"
"My King," that st***d big ***h gets on one knee to bow to him like a good dumb b***h.
"Get out," he growls at her.
Her shoulders sag and she stands without looking up at us. I kick at her as she walks by hitting her rib cage. She stumbles and catches herself on a weight rack. He growls again when she turns to look at me. She bares her teeth at me before she stomps away.
"My King. Dr. Alvarezes out of wherever the hell she had gone.
You w
were supposed to be watching her," he shouts.
"It''s not her fault. I wanted to go swimming. She said you had a heated pool and I''m stiff remember?" I throw my hands up.
The f***g sweater takes this moment to decide that my weight is too much and cr***cks. My *** hits the floor when I fall out of it and the T-shirt I had been wearing. My arms immediately go over my bare chest and I lift my legs to hide myself.
I nce up at him when a low warning growl rumbles threateningly in his chest. The two other guys are staring at us. The one that had been benching is up. He grabs his friend''s arm and pulls him away. The two of them go out of one of the other doors I''m assuming are exits. "Perry"
"Please, don''t touch me right now. I''m very embarrassed," I lift up my hand for my clothes.
He hands it back to me and I slide the shirt out of the hoodie and start putting it on. I use the hoodie to cover the tears under my armpits so nothing identally pops out again.
"Mm." I groan putting up my hand to stop him.
I take a minute to put myself together because if I stand now I''m going to punch his f*****g balls into his stomach. See how well he does creating an heir when he''s rematedter.
"Are you hurt, My Lady?" poor Dr. Alvarez asks. Shees over to me and kneels on the floor where I''m bleeding into my new favorite shoes. "Mostly embarrassed. I just got my a** handed to me by some p***o, I was scolded like a bad dog, and 1 shed four people within a two-minute time frame," I
"If it makes you feel any better. None of us were disappointed with what we saw," she smirks. "They''re very nice," "Good mother moon, I fall back feeling my face burn hot. "I''m gonna have to start wearing the bras aren''t I?"
"Yes," the King answers.
"Why don''t we take you back to your room to get your ankle wrapped up?" Dr. Alvarez wraps the bright red swimsuit around my ankle.
"I''ll be fine in a minute," I say sitting up. I pull my jeans up to show her it''s already healing. "Perks of the big guy."
Isee she smiles. "You still want to swim?"
"Yeah, I need this stiffness gone. It kind of hurts,"
"Would you like something for that?"
"Nah. This was nothingpared to thest time it happened,
"When was thest time it happened?" the King asks.
"When my mate died."