his presence, then he''s going to have to suffer all of mine.
After a much-needed shower. I carefully do my makeup to match the gems and pin my hair back in loose twisties. I pick up the pretty red dress I had gotten off the rack when Calypso had been here and slip it over my body not bothering with underwear. If I have to suffer I know exactly how much it affects him when the elevator doors open and I step out to go over to him. His entire body stiffens as I hold my phone up to show him that I see now that he did actually message me a couple of hours before he showed up at the cksmith''s. "I apologize. You did message me after all," "Let''s go, Perry," he growls and grabs my arm roughly. I struggle to keep up with his long strides.
He all but rips the passenger side door of the G-Wagon open. Someone fixed it. He shoves me inside and reaches over me to put the seatbelt on me before he ms the door shut so hard that the entire car rocks. I get myugh out as he storms around. I press my lips together and look out the ss so he doesn''t see me trying not tough. I see him staring at me hard through the reflection. "Am I allowed to ask where we''re going, my King?" I ask.
"No," he growls and starts the engine.
I can''t believe I scratched him the way I did. It''s something neither of us is ever going to be able to take back. He has to live with the reminder of what he forced me to endure for the rest of his existence. I didn''t deserve what he did to me and he knows that. His fear and insecurities eat away at his soul. More so when his brother is around. That was the reason why he did it.Content protected by N?v/el(D)rama.Org.
It wasn''t because of the information I know. We both know I''d never give him up. I may not love him, but I chose him to be thest piece of me I leave behind. He marked me because he was scared that James was going to take me from him. Like I''d willing go with that sociopath and leave him. His trauma runs deep and any time it surfaces, I''m going to have to pay the price. But I''ll be d***ed if I''m letting him make me suffer alone.
I bet his nose almost fell off. A****le.
"This arrangement isn''t working for me, Perry," he says after a while.
"I don''t know what you''re referring to," I''ve been great. I feel well-rested and calm.
"You know exactly what I''m talking about. These petty shots you''re taking. We''re going to end up killing one another," "You''re not easy to kill, remember? It''s hardly an even trade,"
He growls and hits the brakes to get out of the car beforeing around to open my door. I don''t turn to look at him. He takes the seatbelt off and pulls me out. My back hits the side of the car hard enough that the ss cr***ks. I finally look up at him not giving him any indication that this bothers me. It doesn''t. Physical pain isn''t going to undo the damage he''s inflicted. I stare at what he made me do to him and reach to touch the scars on his chin, "You don''t regret it," he says leaning into me. Pressing his body against mine.
"Not even a little," I confirm. "I didn''t deserve what you did to me. I risked my life to get you what you wanted. I''ve given you everything I have to offer and you humte me at every turn. You belittle me every chance you get. I know I''m your property, but you lied to me. You pretended to be my friend,"
He was going to take you," he shouts mming his hands on the car.
"You know I wouldn''t have let him. You know that even if he had I would have let him kill me before I gave him anything. This isn''t about that. This is about him taking everything from you. You did this to us, Jonas.
"You and all that pain you pretend not to have in here," I tap his chest. "It''ll always be an even exchange with us, Lycan King. You will get what you give. I''m never going to regret hurting you. That part of me died long before you. Long before I knew Darren was my mate. It''s just the kind of person I am, my King,
"I''m sorry," he whispers as his thumb caresses the gold marks on my face. "You''re right. It did scare me. He fully intended to take you from me. And yes, I know you''d never give me up. He would have made your ending the worst possible. I rather you hate me just like this than ever let him put his filthy hands on you, Little Wolf. You''re mine and wear these marks beautifully,"