The old man hangs up. I know he''s upset. I know I rocked a boat should never have even set eyes on, but it looks like I''ve gotten out of this unscathed. Mostly. I let out a heavy sigh as the King pulls into the underground garage. "Was that the truth?" he asks long after he parks and cuts the engine. "Most of f it," I nod still unable to look at him. "Perry," he says my name like it''s a burden and I know exactly what that feels like. my waist to stoAll content is property ? N?velDrama.Org.
stop me. Before I can tell him to stop 1 slip out of the car and start heading for the door. His armes around he pins me to the car in front of me covering my body with his own. It''s only then that I hear it. The zip of a gun with a silencer in the distance. Three shots go through the back windshield of the car I''m pressed up against. The King''s g''s body presses me against the car hard. His hands are on either side of me and they begin to shift. My heartbeat speeds up as the rumble in his chest turns monstrous. The sound of his adjustment is practically pressed up against my ear and it sounds like grinding raw meat. I rx my body allowing him to shift. I give into his demanding aura. I submit trying to rx as best I can so I''m not attacked. A huge tongue licks up the side of my neck. Before I can look, the car rocks back and forth and he''s gone. I slide down to the floor where his shredded clothes calm," I whisper to my with
Crystal is fully aware of her surroundings. I untie the robe andy on the ground slowly letting the shift take over. I let her take in the scents and the sounds. A lot of theme from the King himself. He''s trying to find them. Whoever is a
is attacking us, the as***e is using electric pulses to mimic a heartbeat. It''s a trick we learn in the academy. A trick I taught Violetta to teach the others. While the intruder is focused on the King. I slowly move around following the fresh scent, Wolves have to be beta and higher in rank to be able to hide their scent. This is most definitely a wolf. An overzealous delta or an omega with no other choice. As soon as I see her crouching down between two cars with her little gun aimed in the direction of the King. I pounce on her. She lets out a scream that catches the King''s attention. I growl into her ear and she releases the gun. Crystal wants to run when she feels his eyes on us. Fear is not something that''s ever gued my wolf, the strange little spirit that she is. But she feels it now as the massive Lycan beast makes his way over to us cautiously. -Don''t run.-1 order her.
She whines and lowers her head when he''s standing in front of us. She can''t even look up at him. I can see his legs and massive Lycan paws. His fur is a shiny gray shade, much like his regr hair. I force her to look up at him needing to see more. His massive Lycan teeth are on full disy. My eyes meet his and he holds us there for a moment before he reaches for the girl under me. I step back letting him take her as she cries out, thrashing against the monster''s hand wrapped around her throat. "Who sent you?" he growls at her. "B**h king" she groans and spits at him.
My wolf pushes me back and takes full control. Her mouth closes around the girl''s head. The sickening crack of her skull echoes in the darkness of the garage. Her body spasms uncontrobly. The King releases her and my wolf doesn''t hesitate to finish her off. Crystal releases a howl that makes the King take a step back. To be fair, it was her kill. Was making a point at the moment important! Not with the giant monster standing in front of us. J8.20 0 67%
"It''s okay," he holds his huge hands up cautiously. Guards rush in from all sides aiming their weapons at us. No not us, me "She''s fine. We had an intruder. Search the garage for more," he waves them off. Some of the guards move, spreading out to make sure the room is cleared. Tm not going to hurt you, Little Wolf,"
Crystal growls at him when hees closer. She hasn''t forgiven him for what he did to us, I doubt she ever will. She submits, but she doesn''t trust him. She hasn''t tried to nest. She hasn''t made me bite him. I haven''t left a single mark on him since then. I haven''t tried physical pain as stimtion through the bond because if he finds out it gets me going, it''s never going to stop
"Sir, we have two more, someone calls out. Two other wolves are brought out. Crystal lets out a low whine when she sees the alpha in handcuffs.
"You should want them all dead." Calypso growls. "Look at what he''s done to you,"
I watch the guards take the two of them away. The King shifts back without a single thought for his modesty. The man starts giving orders to all the soldiers just like that. Everything hanging out. We sit here watching him and those around him. None of them seem to care that he''s naked. When he''s done he turns his attention to me. If I were in my skin, I''d be giggling with no hope of looking at him straight-faced for a second.
"Are you okay?" he asks stopping i front of me. Crystal tilts her head and pulls her lips back to show him her teeth. The rumble thates out of her is a clear warning. She doesn''t in''t trust you.- I inform him.
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guess the three of us have that inmon," he says. "Let''s go. Don''t you dare shift back here," Crystal shakes her fur out. Not wanting to get me into trouble she follows behind him growling at anyone who gets too close. Shit. That was it, wasn''t it? And with everything else going on, I didn''t catch it. I figured she was letting me take the lead because it was me who up and I got t us into this mess -I need to tell you something.-
"Can it
It wait
until you''re in your skin?" he asks. Crystal walks into the elevator and fills most of it. She moves around his body and presses her snout to his back urging him to hurry. I''ll take that as a yes," The doors shut and she lets out a huff. He growls at her when she nips at his ear.
"What?" he demands. She growls at him only this time it''s yful. "You''re not like her, are you?" he growls again when she wags her big a*** tail hitting him over the head with it. I''m sorry if you feel jilted, Little Wolf. Not exactly the ideal situation for either of us to put emotions between us," she bumps his face and he reaches up to scratch her chin. "I can smell it you know," he says
gently. That sweet scent is you going feral, huh? You should know that I''ll never forgive myself either. You should mistrust me. I do," Crystal lets out a low whine and licks his face.
"You''re an a***ole," he says and wipes his face. He grins when he wipes it on her fur. She grunts disapprovingly. "Yeah. My point exactly."