Chapter 84 Jonas
By the time I get up to our floor, the news about James losing his s**t and going after this family is already hitting social media. The information along with the signed email from Perry has been publically released. A manhunt that is going to get people killed is going to follow. If the Alpha King is who Perry described, he''s not going to hesitate. "Perry" I tap on the door. "I''ming in
"I''m not going to bite you,'' she clears her throat when I enter her room. She''s sitting on the floor with her legs crossed and an ice pack around her neck. "Figured we both be prepared. I don''t want a repeat of thest time we argued,"
"I made the right choice," she res at me. "You don''t want the massacre thates with being the old man''s favorite new toy. There was no one to stop me. It feels good. To be needed, appreciated for your efforts, and a whole lot better to have the world at your fingertips. "It''s like hearing your father tell you he''s proud of you after years of him telling you you''re worthless. The rush of saving yourself is the kind of thing that justifies all the bad ***t you''re doing. I would have chased that for the rest of my life.
"I know you''ve heard it. I know you''ve seen some of the things that keep me up at night. The memories turn into that urge to drink and smoke and die. Darren and our child would have died anyway. If not when they did, when it all finally caught up. Jdid this to them. There was no one there to stop me. I would have liked for someone to tell me to knock it off,
"If you believe that then why f*** with Calvin and Morgan?" I hear lots of things buzzing in our bond. Some are more rming than the rest.
"He had rejected her. He paraded Alice around as his chosen mate. Alice would push her to the point where Morgan would beshed for attempting to assault the next Luna of Red Wood. Some of the scars are still there," she wipes her face. "How does someone forgive that? Dar was an a**le, but he never hurt me like that. It was always the chase for the two of us. Nothing changed once we were mated. We were still always trying to one-up one another.
"Calvin got Darren killed. We were the only ones that ever stood up for her. He would have let her bleed to death during any one of hershings. I thought she hated him just as much as we did. I wanted to add her to our security team at IT. I was going to need her. I was ****ng pregnant. We all deserved more. Except for f****g Calvin,"
She growls frustratedly and throws the ice pack.
"James said something interesting earlier," I whisper. She looks up at me. "He said that eventually one of us was going to have to kill you. That I had to choose if I wanted to make this a mate for a mate,"
"What did he mean by that?" she asks.
"He didn''t even try to kill you, little wolf,"
"Don''t," she shakes her head. "Don''t do that. That''s insane. Besides, we''re feral. Feral wolves-don''t mate."
""You mated me."
"Because that was our deal. I wanted to. I met him before you imed me. We made skin-to-skin contact. There''s no way. He''s trying to get under your skin. It looks like it''s working," she scoffs. "If you haven''t noticed, I''m still going feral," James isn''t the kind of person that hesitates. Just like you," I swallow hard. Just the thought of it is making me sick. The is a such thing as a second chance mate. He was so close to getting to you,"
"That''s your guilt talking," she huffs. "You''re seeing patterns. Patterns between two feral beings. Feral wolves don''t have Chapter 84
mates, my King. Once it starts, it doesn''t stop. One day I would have shifted for thest time and I would be gone. Just an animal in need of being put down. I''d know if he were. He''s not What did he say?"
"I recorded it," I hand her my phone. She pulls up the recording
"Am I allowed into my study?" she asks. I nod and follow behind her. She sends the recording to herputer and starts taking it apart. She nces over at me as I stare out the window can see the dome from here. "It''s been a rough morning for those of us who haven''t gotten much sleep,"
"Mornings have been like this for the past eight years, I agree,
almost killed me," she says gently. You let me do it."
"I wanted you to," she says yfully. I turn around to face her.
"How are you not f*** angry, right now? I''m so f***ng upset with you,"
"Just upset?" her gaze falls to my pants and she smirks. I growl at her making herugh. "Come on, Lycan King. Why would I be mad? I knew you wouldn''t, but f**," she sits back with a big smile on her face. "You came so close. God, I almost believed it," she says breathlessly as her eyes fill with tears. "But that''s just you, isn''t it? ***ng tease," I''m in her space with her hair in my hand before I can think. For once, she doesn''t push me back. She just stares up at me with that same nk stare. I release her and back away. What she was feeling earlier just erased the anger. Everything really. For a very brief moment, it I was just the of us. I growl at her andugh rubbing the back of my neck as the little hairs stand up.
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"I don''t know what to do with you," I inhale feeling like I can''t breathe in properly.
"I can think of something immediate," she murmurs as she ys the recording back after having removed my brother''s voice. There''s chatter in the background. She goes over the audio again and lowers the voices. There are a few sounds left. A ding like that of a doorbell. "Somewhere public,"
"You can just bring up the tracker,"
"F**er is blocking me. He doesn''t know where it is but he''s got something on him blocking the signal. That''s pretty smart. Never thought to do that,"
"That''s because you don''t care if I know where you are or not. He''s at Odessa, "What is Odessa?"
"The ce the dress girl got you your drink from. It''s an old-timey pub turned into a juice bar. That''s what the bell is. Not a lot of ces have those anymore and you said that he''s been around here not wanting to let me out of sight," "Why doesn''t anyone report him?"
"They don''t care. Reporting him means they stop working for the day with an open investigation going on. Or worse, I show up and we f***k up a shop. Lycans know how to mind their own business,"