"Wait, Violetta is also a Wolfe? I thought you said she was a Wilder
"Yeah, thest Wilde Lama got herself killed in the Trenches, Alpia Wolfe started going feral. I''m not sure what happened. but he threw Vy out and disowned her. Wilde is her mother''s maiden name. It''s a verymon surname so it''s easy to conceal her identity. He stripped her from everything that is the name Wolfe and then he went extra crazy and started acting like an idiot," "Should you be telling me all this?" I ask watching as she pulls her cargo pants over her **She''s just putting on a show. B***h. I''ve been hard since the first time she propositioned me, but James''s words are still a little too loud for me to ignore. "You''re going to need to be on her good side. Vy is loyal to those who are loyal to her. We''re friends. As close as we can be without getting too close. When I''m gone, you''re going to own a big portion of Lycan Tech. Obsidian Corp has the best of everything involving luxury. Your diamonds especially.
"Violetta Wilde is the best finance consultant in the f***ng world. I mean that. You have the marketing skills of a demi-god. Lycan King. You two can make one another a***k ton of money, And her brother is one of thest traditionalists left. He''s a little stubborn and can be very close-minded, but his strategies for war are impable,"
"Too bad he''s a traditionalist. Wasted talent. Those guys don''t like going to war,"
"Yeals, not unless they have no other choice. Anyway, you should change,
"With what?" I scoff. She grins and turns around to open up one of the closets.
"I asked Ss to bring you extra outfits too, shees back with a box. I bet you''re going to look amazing in this. I can already see it,"
"I am going to change in my room, you little p***rt. If you wanted me to choke you like that, you should have asked me to squeeze harder a long time ago,"
"It does more for you," she shrugs and starts to slip her belt on.
It did this time. I''m not sure what it did, but something inside of me almost snapped and it scared me. I changed into the clothes she got for me. ck straight jeans, a T-shirt, and a button-up. The material is thick and warm. I want to say there''s metal stitched into it. When I go to reach for my shoes she appears in the doorway holding up a box. "What''s t that?"Property ? 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.
“Boots and warm socks. It''s cold where we''re going
"It''s cold everywhere,"
"No, West of Magique is different. There''s a vampire there that keeps the surrounding area of the coven''s property winter year-round. His name is Saegon. Don''t talk to him," she kneels in front of me and sets the box on the floor next to her. "What are you doing?" I reach for her. She leans back before I can get her to stand.
"Your mate never helped with your shoes?" she asks as she spreads the boot she''s holding open. and goes for the second. She sits back and watches me put them on.
"Did you
do that for Darren?"
She sets it down between us
"I did. I took care of him when he got home and he did the same for me. There were times when we got home covered in blood. Unsure of what was up or down. Breaking through the surface of someone''s emotions is painful
"Before we were mated, I thought I knew everything about him was wrong. He hid so much. We both did. You get a glimpse of the person they were meant to be before circumstances ripped them apart. It''s pretty isn''t it?"
"It''s peaceful." I nod. Sheces up my boots properly and ties them. She tucks theces and looks up at me. "You never got to be a child. You were deprived of everything that could have made you sweet and yet somehow you still manage to be-"
"I didn''t want to be this. I wanted to be a beta for my pack. To help my alpha change the way things in the city were, but I was born in the wrong city, to the wrong bloodline, at the worst possible time. Maybe I didn''t get the ideal childhood, but it used to be worth it. For a little while, there was peace. Darren and I did s***it that merited an ugly death. How f***g s***d was it that he died for a coward like Calvin?"
"I suppose it was st****id,"
"Your mate''s death was no different. It may have been frowned upon, but Evangeline was getting shit done. She didn''t sit back and let being a sl*****e to the council get her down. Regardless of the circumstances, she died a queen. How she got there doesn''t matter. Most people see a long hard road in front of them and just give up without ever even trying." "You saw it too?" I ask.
"I see her all the time. You think about me all the time because I''m always in your face, but it''s back there. You simply choose to ignore it. F**k, I wish I could do that," she stands and straightens herself up. She smiles as she takes me in. Her handsnd chest. I feel her all around me again as she leans in gently brushing her lips to mine. "But no matter how much I put
on my
in front of me. It all just keeps me feral,"