Thending strip is lit up brightly when wend. The king waits for me to get to him. My body is still trembling from what we did. There are guards and armed lycans all over the ce. My knees give out when we get to the bottom and he lifts me up to throw me over his shoulder in front of everyone. It''s obvious he doesn''t care that they know what we''ve been up to. He gets a few smirks as the King takes us to the armored H**er. I groan when he sits me directly on my a** I can feel him all the way up into my stomach. I scoot over so he can get in. I retrieve my wax pen from one of my many pockets and take a hit. I pull my legs up and curl into a position that doesn''t involve me sitting on my sensitive bits. "Perry," he growls when I release the vapor.
I flip him off without looking back, but I can see his angry expression on the tinted ss. I growl at him and snap my teeth at his hand when he tries to take it from me.
"F***k off," I warn him and tuck the pen back where I had it. "You said your piece. You got your answer. Leave me alone,"
to be focused,"
You need to be
I''ve never been more focused in my entire life, Lycan King," I say truthfully. "This is to take the disgusting feeling of you f**** me away,"
The two lycans in the front shift ufortably, but say nothing,
"I doubt there''s enough wax in there for that," he scoffs. The man breaks and tries to hide hisugh with a cough.
"No, but there is enough to kill me," I smirk. He growls shutting everyone up effectively.
The trip to the massive cliffside castle is a short one. The cathedral-style castle is far more unbelievable than his. As soon as the cares to a stop the king is out of his seat. He goes around and opens the door for me. He doesn''t let me stand on my
e picks me up. I wrap my arms and legs around him and we go inside. They speak to him in anguage I''ve never ore. There are guards everywhere and they''re all armed. I rest my chin on his shoulder and wave at all of them as he takes us wherever the f***k we''re going. They all try to not tough and some of the women wave back awkwardly.
"My King," I turn around at the sound of her voice.
"Debbie." I greet her.
Wolf. I see you''ve gotten worse since west met," she smirks.
"Think you can stand now?" the King asks.
"No," I lie. "Hey," I growl when he ps my a*** so hard the sound bounces off the high ceilings. "That''s only going to make it
"Keep yourself alive while we get ready," he pulls at my hips. I let go of him as he sets me down. "By all means, Pernicious,"
, sir," I bow my head. He rolls his eyes and is escorted away while I face off with Debora. "All right, let''s see what you''ve got for me,"
This way," she smiles and turns away.Property ? 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.
This ce is cold. The walls are made of obsidian. They sparkle against the lights. My skin squeaks against the shiny surfaces
14.30 Sat,
as I follow behind Debbie.
53% 53%
"Hands off the walls, Little Wolf," she smiles at me over her shoulder. "Hit a sharp surface and you''ll bleed. We don''t need the King to get upset here," "What''s with the obsidian?" I ask. "Does it get he hot in here in the summer?"
"No, we have elementals to control it. Obsidian is the Lycan trademark. Kind of like wolves have moonstone,"
"Oh," I nod. Wolves don''t have castles built out of moonstones. The weight of it during a full moon would probably make anyone inside feral overnight.
We stop at a very creepy entranceway. The doors creek as they''re opened. Loud enough to shake the floor under our feet. The inside is just as shiny as the rest of this ce. Right in the center, there is a dark silver chandelier decorated with pre obsidian stones. The light bulbs are meant to look like mes. There are lights everywhere because of the way the obsidian eats it up.
The furniture is carved out of ck marble. The sofas here are a strange ck suede. bothers me. A lot. This is weird. I choose to ignore the eerie feeling and focus on Debbie. The doors behind us shut us in. The two women who were with her when I first went in to look at dresses are here with us.
"All right, Little Wolf. I cleared the coffee table for you so you can ce your weapons. Easy ess. The King asked in advance. Let''s get started,"