The corrination has to take ce in London. With James out of the way, the flight so far has gone smoothly. Royce, the King''s cousin provided me with a Steam Deck so I can y video games while they plot how to be better people. I mean-eh. That''s exactly what I mean. The Lycans are learningmon sense and I couldn''t be more proud. "What would the Alpha King have done in our ce?" Roy asks annoyed with my not so decreet snickers.
Royce is a bit taller than the King. It''s obvious he''s ranked alpha because his tone doesn''t hold the same authority the King''s does. Where the King has more pastel-ish shades this man is very dark and broody. His pitch-ck hair is long. Just above. his shoulders. And just by looking at it, it''s obvious he''s obsessed with keeping it looking as good as it does. His brighter tone of purple. Something more indigo than the King''svender shades. The two look like brothers. eyes have a
"The Alpha Kings have been setting the example in leadership for cons. You''re asking the wrong wolf," I set the gaming device down. This one is shit. Wolf Tech made it. "You should have all his things reced by Lycan Tech devices. He''ll be much happier," "We don''t have Lycan Tech towers on this side of the world. Too expensive," Roy scoffs,
"There you go. Take Lycan Tech to Europe. Your mom and the twins have a job now," I smile. The King rolls his eyes but he thinks it''s funny.
"Did you just wake up one day to decide you were going to save all Lycans?" he asks.
"No, I woke up one day to find out that someone close to me was going to be a mom and I hated the idea so I caused a scene. Told her and her mate that their child was s***id as f****k and they were pathetic. So that **ole sold me to this guy who kindly asked me to help him save Lycans and then revealed he was a f****g tyrant with trust issues bigger than my a***
"I wouldn''t say that big," the King smirks.
"Some would argue bigger," I look out the window.
"Much bigger," his cousin adds. "How much did she cost you, cousin?"
"Five hundred million pawcoins?" he asks. "Give or take?"
A lot "
"Take. A
"Give me a clue,"
"American currency,"
"What?" he asks appalled. "No way. All right. Five hundred million American,"
"See, I wouldn''t have been upset about that," I point at him but keep my eyes on the King. "Five hundred million is still a reasonable-ish price for me,"
"A lot less. He paid two hundred thousand dors cash," I inform him. His mouth falls open and he turns his attention to the King.
"You''re joking,"
"No," he shakes his head.
"Did you at least kill the mum?" he asks annoyed.
"Not yet. She dies when I die,"
"Sweet Goddess Moon," he shakes his head disapprovingly. "How wasteful of them,"
"I agree," I nod. "Where has he been? I actually like him,"
"He''s the lord of the sanctum. He doesn''t leave much,"
"Lord of the Sanctum? What Sanctum?"
"The one where you were just married two days ago,"
"Oh, that''s s what
it''s called. Umm, have you ever considered a different type of decor? I hear there''s an alpha who specializes in cottage core decor in Magique. I bet he can add color to that big a***rock you call a sanctum," **** rock was built before the pyramids in Egypt were. It''s sacred. What does your species sanctum look like?"
Wolves. Na Wor Nature is our sanctum. I have a question. Why do you guys like obsidian so much?"
"That big We''re "Keeps our energy leveled," the King a
"Wait," Iugh. "You have a th
"Don''t wolves have moonstone het chopens your energy? Why the f*** would you want that? You''re sabotaging yourselves,"
he shoots back.
"Yeah, to make us stronger. If we had a
If we had a crazy a** sanctum like yours we''d be feral as f****k. All of us. Lycans are weird,"
"She says not only to two Lycans but two Lycans of royal status," Roy smiles.
"Oh, my god. Why did say it like that? Stay-tus," I
did you
"You''re so American it''s distasteful," he huffs. I''m getting under his skin and he''s buying into it.
"You''re so Lycan it''s enabling and not in the way Jonas''s mother raised him," I fire back hoping for a more chaotic reaction.
"If you didn''t have a few more hours left in your expiration date I''d kill you now," he growls and stands to move to a different side of the ne. I take his seat next to the King. That was a serious letdown.
"It''s fun to see that everyone in your family is as racist as you are," I smile at him.
He grins shaking his head and continues to work on something in hisptop. I watch as he properly answers emails and reviews the stats for Lycan Tech and Obsidian Corp with ease.
"Everything to your expectations, Lycan Queen?" he asks when he catches me staring hard.
"Yes," I answer without hesitation. "Will you be renaming Lycan Tech or adding it to Obsidian Corp amenities?"
"We never discussed that," he says gently.
"Lycan Tech is severely smaller than Obsidian Corp. It makes sense for Obsidian Corp to take the lead. Rebranding it should. be easy for you,"
Nike this," he says changing the tabs.
O.C. logo is just a shiny stone, but he added the Leo constetion as a background. He holds up my Shelby''s car keys. A keychain with a small pyramid is attached to it. It''s an epoxy star night, and the Leo constetion is right in the center. "This i is cute, I admit. No one''s ever cared for my weird obsession with this stuff and I like that he did. "I like it,"
"This is mine," he holds up a tiny golden scale.
"You''re a Libra?" Iugh.
"September twenty-eighth," he nods.
"That makes sense to me," I admit.
"Exin. I don''t know anything about this stuff,"
"Witches believe that the night we are born on sort of dictates who we might be as a person. Depending on the moon''s cycle. The date determines the sign you''re categorized in. Hence you being a Libra and I being a Leo," "Do you believe that?"
"I am a werewolf. I answer the call of the full moon and turn into a big a*** animal. Yes, I believe that the position of the moon changes the chemical bnce in my body. I am categorized as an intensely passionate and loving characteristic. I can''t do things half-a**d. I can''t just care about someone passively. And while I''m easily p***ed off, I can also let things go just as fast," "You''re blowing the security measures to Redwood City to shit when your heart stops beating because your mate died doing his job. You don''t let go of shit," heughs. "You also became a terrorist because some people were mean to you as a kid,"
"Yeah, but I didn''t kill you when you branded me a ve,"
"You killed the tattoo artist and look at my face,"
"Yeah, but you''re alive. We''re married and you''re still in love with me," Iugh. "I also rewarded you continuously,"
"Thatst part doesn''t apply to you. Lycan Queen. Unforgiving is your whole thing. Stay that way," he smiles.
"The way you two flirt is gagging,"
"Gagging," I snort. "I knew he was into that the moment Iid eyes on his hair,"
The two of usugh at his growl.Content is ? 2024 N?velDrama.Org.
best to o ignore her. She loves getting a reaction," the King takes my hand.
"I find it hrious that the scar on your face was done by a little Beta wolf and not your imbecile of a brother," Roy adds.
"Me too. We''re frierids again," Iugh.
The King squeezes my hand yfully and reaches to close hisptop. By the time we arrive at the airport, the sun is rising. There is paparazzi everywhere. Now I know why the King had me dress up the way I am. My hand stays in his. The sound of his shoes and mine thunder in my ears. Questions are fired off.
"Does marrying a wolf mean an alliance between the Wolves and Lycans?"
"Will the Queen be treated as ve or take a proper ce in the hierarchy"
"Obsidian Corp and Lycan Tech have announced a cob. Does that mean Lycan Tech will be backed by Obsidian?"