"Royce is going to lose his shit when he finds out, Perry," he says without meeting my gaze.
"She''s going to reject him, Jonas," she seemed pretty adamant about that.
"She''s going to try. It''sw for both parties to be in agreement. It''s been a long time since a mating has been on trial," "Are you serious? You hold trials?"
"Yes, they''re both adults and there''s no political interference,"
"What does that mean?"
"Roy isn''t promised to any other bloodline," he shrugs as if that''s not a life-defining statement."
"Being the King fucking sucks, Jo. Why did you want this?" I shake my head. He finally smiles and tilts my head back.
"You''re not acting like yourself," he says gently. I pull away from him and push him back so I can get away.
"I am. You just don''t know me, Jonas. You know a part of me. A very, very dark part of me. That''s not all I am,"
"I feel like you woke up apletely different person," he nods.
"I did and I didn''t. I didn''t get what I wanted and in trying to get there I hurt the only thing that meant more to me than literally everything else. Crys is gone and-"
Saying it to him somehow really let that set in. I''ve never really given anyone other than Darren the absolute truth. Even if I''m not in love with him the way I feel we both deserve, I realize that I do care for him deeply. The first thing I wanted to do after learning what happened to Mackenzie was fell him so that he could give me some space to fully process it. I don''t do that. Not with Darren or Jacob. I swallow it and I bury it deep down. Yet, it was an instinct to ask for his opinion.
"I understand," he sighs swiping a hand over his face. "I mean not fully, but I understand that it''s something that''s going to take time to heal from. I think we both need some time to fully adjust to our new situation. I don''t want you to feel caged like you did before and I don''t even know where to begin to apologize,"
"You don''t have to and you can stop with the gifts," I point at the giant plushie.
"I would have bought it anyway. To add to your collection. You made me promise to add to it," he shrugs. He goes over to it and falls back on it. "I can see the appeal,"
"Oh, you are not going to like the thrill of it. It''s the worst kind of coping mechanism you can develop. It feels so good at first but when you really sit down to look at it and admit just how empty it all is, you''ll hate yourself. Then to help you get over that you go and buy another one,"
"Funny. That''s kind of what happened when I met you,"
I look up at him to see him smirking back at me.
"Jonas, that was a great dark joke. I am so proud of you," Iugh. He grins and the ugly sticky feeling inside of him takes a little break.
"Fucking weirdo," he rolls his eyes. "What if we put a team together? But it''ll take time. I trust Jordan to protect you, but he''s got some shit going on. I sent the twins to you for two reasons. I know you love them. They''re not safe away from him and I know you''d never let anyone get too close. I want him to be in charge of this team. "And also they know Ninjitsu. I''ve seen them teaching my sister and getting carried away. It''s kind of funny until they start almost killing each other and we can''t pull them apart. And you also work well with them. Tulips at least,"
"They''re little girls," I try to dismiss him.
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"They need not to be, Perry. Surviving is not going to be easy for them. Jordan''s family means business. I can''t favor them and neither can you. If we change thews to help them, I''d lose the respect we''ve established already. The people would fight back," "What about giving them a fair chance? Bunny said that others take advantage of them,"
"Perry, we''re talking about thousands of years of bigotry and tradition. The fact is that only one should exist and it would be one of the strongest Lycans alive. Lillies failed to absorb Tullie in the womb and then refused to finish it when they turned. That''s isn''t going to change because you think it''s barbaric,"
"Do you hear the wordsing out of your mouth, Jonas?"
"Yes, I do. Pernicious. This is the way things are. We''re not wolves. I don''t deny that it''s going to be beneficial for us to change a little, but there are things that do not need to be changed. We''re beasts, Lycan Queen. She shamed herself and her sister in refusing to absorb her,"
"You mean eat her?"
"It sounds dirty when you say it like that,"
"It''s very dirty. You''re going to have word from the other races,"
"Who cares? I don''t like how rejection of wolf mates is handled. If you say it''s not a political issue, you''re wrong. Mating determines the steady growth of our poption and the development of our species. I also think yourws of justice are fucking dumb. You settle a dispute to the death or submission. That''s why pack cities are overpopted. Let them kill themselves. That''s what we do,"
"I don''t know what to say to you, right now," I cross my arms over my chest.
"Because I''m right?"
"Yes, because you''re right. And also because it''s so fucking wrong. These are people we''re talking about," "Werewolves. Not a lot of people around anymore, Perry. Because of stupidws like you have,"
Opposites. That''s what we are, but I admit that this is still very fun.
"Whatever. Fine," I agree. "We''ll call it the Local Lunatic Task Force."