Alpha Tech Lockwood used to be the most feared alpha in the Sites. He built Lockwood City from the ground up to the very top of the tower where his eldest daughter, Alpha Eloise Lockwood, was kept after she shifted for the first time. Feral.
It''s hard to decide who is better known. The savage that is the father or the primitive that is the daughter. I can''t believe he agreed to meet with me. I guess it pays to be a ghost and the most popr topic in the media worldwide. You''d think I''d be smart enough to stay in the hole Lycans have been hiding in since the dawn of time.
He''s not very fond of me. In fact, the man actually hates me for putting him on his ass a couple of years ago when I was trailing a deserter. It wasn''t easy and if his beta hadn''t shown up, he probably would have ended me. I baited him to do it and like many others before and after him. He failed. I''m a little more confident now that I''m a Lycan. My odds are a little more favorable. The King didn''t need to know that.
Alpha Tech is a big burly man. Years of wolf wars and fending off rogues have kept him beautiful. For an old guy. I want to say he''s pushing sixty, but he looks like one of the models on the cover of some age-gap mafia guy nov. From the peppered magnificently groomed beard to the surly gunmetal blue eyes.
He''s staring at me with them just like everyone else who thinks I''m dead one second and then I pass right beside them the next. It''s kind of funny. At least, that''s what it''s going to be for a while. Surprise bitch.
The ce he chose for us to meet is both private and very public. Downtown Lockwood is not what I remember it being. An Alpha of Tech''s prestige wouldn''t be caught dead on this side of the city much less having brunch in one of its restaurants.N?velDrama.Org exclusive content.
"I can''t believe some idiot went and made you an even worse monster than you were born to be," he growls when the waiter walks away with our order.
"It''s good to see you too, Tech," "Alpha Tech to you," he sneers.
"Only if you call me your grace," I reach for my water to take a sip. He doesn''t like that. Not very many alphas will, but I know I can get under this one''s skin and live to tell the tale. Despite his raging demeanor, he''s a fucking boy scout. It''s why the Alpha King favors his family.
"Over my dead body," he sneers. "What do you want? What are you doing here?"
"I''m looking for mother-inw,"
"She''s not in my city," he huffs. "I''d know if a fucking Lycan was here without my daughter''s authority,"
"I know she''s not here,"
"Pernicious," he growls a warning.
"If you would stop interrupting me, I could get to the fucking point," I growl back. Bunny clears her throat from behind me and I take a deep breath. I blow it out slowly and clear my throat. Maybe a more direct approach would be better. "Archibald-" 0000000000000000
"No," he tosses his napkin cloth on the table and goes to stand. Lillies is blocking his exit before he can straighten his back.
"Sit. Your. Old. Ass. Down," I say through my teeth. "I called because this is important for you and for me. If you''re done with your little self-righteous bullshit, I''d like to have a conversation with you that won''t end in my mate burning down your city because of your father- inw''s stupidity,"
His eyes are glowing red. He looks between me and Lillies and then takes a seat. I look around to make sure we haven''t caused a scene yet. No one seems to be paying us any mind. I give him a moment topose himself. Chapter 145
The waiteres back and happily serve this alplin and then me Hook down at my BIT and suddenly a strange urge to make sure nothing is wrong with ites over me. Inspect it ind put it back together before taking a bite. What did he do
It''s not my ce to give you that information,
Can you at least tell me why you think he has your Mother-inw?"
"Yes, I hold my hand out so Bunny can hand me a paper copy of my trace. How lucky was I that she called while I was there? 1 for sure thought I was going to have to wait for a while. "Sherwood Oaks. That''s the name of thendline she was using? "My mate''s father would never cheat on his mate," he shakes his head without even ncing at the paper. "What''s the connection?"
"It''s not my ce to give you that information. All I want is your permission to get her out. I could have just gone in there, but I know how sensitive Eloise is. I also don''t want this to be a scandal between your family and mine. It would also be great if you kept seeing me to yourself,"
"You have a lot of nerveing into my City to demand anything,"
"I''m not demanding. Not yet. I''m asking you politely. A monarch to an alpha,"
"Monarch," he scoffs. "Not even your King takes you seriously enough to be his Queen. Look at you, doing the footwork. That''s not a Queen''s job. But even that boy understands that you''re not good for anything other than this. Just like your useless father,"
"My father is the only reason you have Eloise at your side. Your mate was smart enough to make the right call. You can hate me all you want. Say all the things we both know are true, but it doesn''t change a got damn thing.
"So, I''m going to ask you one more time. Respectfully, allow me to drag my mother-inw out from Sherwood or I''m goin to call the King and he''s going toe down here. He''s not going to ask. That''s why he sent me," "Why is she here, Pernicious? Tell me it''s not your ce again and I walk,"
"Your threats are cute. You''re not going anywhere,"
"Tell me,"
"Ally Prince is Archie''s true mate. She rejected him because she had been already promised to the former Lycan King. It''s Lycanw. She''s hiding in Sherwood because she fucked up big time and the King wants her home. Where she belongs," The man stares at me for a while before he reaches for his orange juice.
"Take her. Immediately. Before my mate finds her there. I''ll let Bes kill her if she finds her," he growls angrily.
It''s one thing for him to insult me but he has no right to say a single thing about the former Lycan Queen. Allegra isn''t on of us and for him to threaten her in any way is an act of war. Even if it is just me he''s speaking to.
"If he had asked toe get her a couple of days before we were coronated, I would have called your mate directly to tell her the good news about her dear parents. She would have shown up and the former Lycan Queen would have ripped her shreds.
"You would then know what it would feel like to not only have failed your sweet little Eloise but your pathetic excuse of mate. And I would have watched as her son burned your City to the ground after you tried to retaliate. He would have gift you to me to do as I please. He''s very good at gift-giving.
"I''m going to remember every word you said to me here today, Tech," I stand up. "And the food here is fucking garbage," I take a drink of water and wash out my mouth before spitting it on the table. "Don''t you ever threaten anyone in my famil