This floor is empty. Without Perry in it, I find that I''m not enjoying being away from everyone the way I used to. I want nothing more than to go back there and beg her toe back. Maybe drag her back even if she were kicking and screaming.
I was fully prepared to let her go the moment my fist went through her. The changes she''s going through have me in a spin. I both love the shape she''s taking and mourn for the wolf I had fallen in love with. The destructive maniac that would rather I hurt her than hold back anything she put in front of me.
Neither of us was prepared for what''s happened.
As usual, Perry is the one taking the hit. It''s the only reason why I agreed to what she wanted. She deserves better.
Before I can think ofying back my phone rings. I immediately reach for it in case it''s Ed calling to tell me she changed her mind. No such luck. Godrick Savage''s name pops up.
""Prince," I answer.
"Hey, man. Calling to let you know there''s a meeting in the morning. I know shit has been wild after the funeral, but you have to get down here,"
"I''m heading out early in the morning. I was just taking care of a fewst-minute things. What time is the meeting?"
"I''ll be there way before. Thanks for putting everything together for me,"
"No problem. Goodnight, Jonas. Drive safe," he says and hangs up.
A meeting means someone called it. He would have said if it were him. It''s between the Vampires and the witches. My instinct is to call Perry and ask for her opinion. She''d give me a run around about how they all suck only to tell me that it''s most likely the vampires who are trying to start something now that Lycans are on the table.
I sent Lilithian a text to show her I received her gift this afternoon. I look over at the crystalized obsidian I asked for Perry. She immediately texts back. It''s the location of the newly built council hall near Nova. Along with the time the King gave me. I call her. "You were invited?" I ask when she answers.
"Of course, not," she scoffs. "I''m just a baby. I wanted to be sure you made it. My father will be there. He says the King has been locked in his room for a while. Do me a favor. Make sure nothing happens to him,"
"I''ll do my best. Will you be on standby?"
"Always, Lycan King. That''s what I live for," she says and hangs up
"Jonas," Ss knocks on my door. I stand up and pull it open for him. "We''re ready"
"Good," I say pushing past him. "Lily called. She wants us to look out for her dad. He''s the Vampire King''s hand,"
""He''s a traitor?"
"No, the King just isn''t fit to be in his position anymore,"
"Why are we in Perry''s study?"
"Toys," I answer going over to the trunks she keeps her incognito weapons.
"Holy shit," he says as I start cing them on the ss table.
Her scent is everywhere. Not just the wolf, but Perry''s new scent. And as my mate, I''m having a hard time being around it knowing I can''t just go to her when I want. Three months is a long fucking time to wait for what I can have in my arms now. "How are we going to carry all of this? Leave it in the trunk," he says holding up the tiny trackers. I take them from him.
"All of this fits in a belt. This is Perry''s shit. I don''t want to take what I don''t need,"
I pop the bottom and take a stack of hundreds out. I take what I need and put the rest back. I roll out her utility belt and start hiding everything in the little pockets the way she taught me. I stop to take a deep breath just needing her more than ever. "You okay?"
"I''m fucking pissed," I growl. "I have no right to be, but fuck,"
"Jo, she needs this,"
"I know she does. I also need her to be the pain in my ass she''s been since I bought her,"
"She was dead, Jo,"
"And now she''s not," my head swims. "She''s not dead, Ss. I''m going fucking insane. There are times when I don''t even know what is real. I have no one to help me anymore. My mother got in the fucking car like she could give less fucks if I rip her apart and James," my fist breaks through Perry''s ss desk and it all shatters. "She''s all I have left and it''s killing me,"
"You have me, man. And I know that as soon as she gets her shit together, she''s going to be fucking shit up with us. You''re not alone. We just need to take this shit one step at a time," he holds her belt up and smiles. "I can''t believe you fit all that shit in this little thing. That girl is organized as hell,"
I take the belt and look over at the massive Hello Kitty plush she likes toy in.
"Jonas?" we both look up to find Mackenzie standing there. How the hell did she get up here?
"Mackenzie. Perry isn''t here,"
"I know," she smiles and holds up a piece of paper. "She sent me,
"Uh, I''ll have someonee rece her desk. Hope you didn''t break anything important," Ss turns around to pretend he''s busy. I set the belt down on the plush and go over to take the paper.
"A shadow mandate?" I look up at her to see her smirk. "You''re fucking kidding,"
"Nope. I''m not exactly happy about this either, but she signed off on it and my dad says it looks legit to him,"
"Because it is," I groan.
"That makes me your official shadow, Lycan King," she tucks her hands behind her back and rocks back and forth in her boots.
"You''re half my size,"N?velDrama.Org exclusive content.
"I know. That''s why it''s so funny," she grins. "Here is a notebook," she says flicking her hand between us. A little handbook slips into her hand from under her sleeve. I take it. "Just some keywords to get me toe closer or if you feel threatened. You will not see me but I will see everything you do at all times. Also, if you need anything let me know. She included personal assistance in your package,"
18:06 Mon, Nov 2500.
"She''s paying you?"
"Top dor," she reaches into her leather jacket and holds up a small gun.
"What is that?"
"Ourmunications devices. I will inject it here," she taps the spit right above Perry''s mark. "Once our contract is fulfilled, I will remove it. But henceforth we are best pals,"
"And if I refuse?"
"She said you''d be cooperative," she says looking me over skeptically.
"Fine, but if you annoy me I will rip it out and tell you to fuck off
"You won''t even know I''m there. No one ever does," she smiles.
"That got creepy fast," Ss says from behind me.
"I don''t trust you," I inform her.
"That makes two of us. However, Perry is my sister and the only family I have left outside of my father. For whatever reason, she''s in love with you, and as much as it kills me. You''re part of the family now. That means we''re all we''ve got until mama bear tightens those loose screws. Yeah?" she offers me her hand.
"What makes you say that?" I shake her hand. She wipes it on her dress when she pulls back.
"It''s an unspoken rule. Perry and I tear each other up, but that''s who we are. No one else gets to do that to us and live,"
"I got that," I smile. "I mean the part where you think she''s in love with me,"
"Come on, man," she huffs. "It''s obvious. Maybe it started as respect. Which is a really big fucking deal to someone like Pernicious Nelson who literally disrespected society for a living.
"Look, I''ve known her since I was two. The only two people she ever looked at the way she looks at you were my brother and that stupid bitch Morgan. Perry is a provider. She will never ask you for anything in return. It''s why everyone including me takes advantage of her. "I''ve read her reports of her time here. I guess I''m thankful that you''re not using her the way others have. My brother did. Perry thought the sun shined out of his ass, but before he knew she was his. It was all business.
"He wasn''t worthy of the thing he held in his arms and you sure as fuck aren''t any better. People like Perry aren''t meant for this," she waves all around her and at me. "All you suits do is take Bots incapable of knowing what loving someone truly is,"
I growl when she injects me with her little gun. She then does the same thing to herself and tosses me the little gun. She pulls her hoodie over her head and walks away. When I lean forward to see her go into the elevator, she''s gone. I step our and rush over to my room and then Perry''s. Nothing.
"Huh, shees off as a spoiled brat sh lurking weirdo," Ss says from behind me. "She just owned you and then vanished into thin air. Roy is going to have the best fucking time with that thing,"