Chapter 157 4.70%
One-on-one sessions are weird. I always go back to my room wondering who the fuck is crazier. Me or Edmundo Szar who is just stroking my ego in a way that he probably shouldn''t be. The definition in my muscles is starting to show. My abdomen is rock-hard and I feel great. He''s even cut my medication in half. I''m only taking three now.
I have a few days left and I''m finally allowed to join the others for dinner. It was just breakfast and lunch before. Nine pairs of eyes look up at me when I enter the room. Beatris has not answered a single one of my questions. She simply stares back at me amused when I crack a joke or talk her ear off. She guides the to the line where the trays are.N?velDrama.Org exclusive content.
Her eyes stay on me as she takes the tray and starts setting the tes and bowls on each section. When I reach for my own tray she puts her hand out stopping me.
"You''re not allowed to touch the metal weapons you can potentially kill someone with, Your Majesty, she says and motions me to walk up ahead.
I look down at the tray and understand why I wasn''t allowed down here when the moon is up. I point at what I want and she gets it for me. When I spin around to see where I''m going to be sitting, I find three tables. Two are taken and the table in the back the table avable is housing my inws and my inws only.
I snatch my bottle of apple juice before Beatris can react and growl at her when she tries to take it back. I take a seat and she ces my tray in front of me and takes a few steps back. I look back at her wondering if she''s going to breathe down my neck. "You can watch her just fine from the doorway," James growls at her. Her eyes snap to me.
"Not to take his side but he''s right. I''m fine," I reassure her. She takes a deep breath and backwalks to the far wall of the dining room. I turn my attention back to them. "Thanks,"
"Why are you being so guarded?" the Queen asks.
"I''m not. She''s here for your protection," I say annoyed at the stic spoon I was given instead of real silverware like everyone else.
"You look better," she adds after a while. "Rested and ready to get the hell out of here,"
I look up at her and my heart breaks for her a little bit. She doesn''t look well-rested. Her once silky hair is a tangled mess. The dark circles under her eyes are proof of her sleepless nights. Her skin is a little dry, and I can smell the distress she''s going through. James looks well actually. Better than he had thest time I basically called him a bitch. Well rested, his hair is a little longer than it had been and he''s eating a lot more than the Queen and I are. He also looks like he''s been working out.
"You''re notmitted enough," I tell her. Her eyese back up to me.
"Excuse me?"
"You''re not listening to Edmundo. It''s why you can''t sleep. Your skin is dry from sitting under the hot water for long periods.
you do. Your son seems to be on board," Try sitting away from the bed to brush your hair. Fake feeling better until
He smirks at his mother and tosses me his fork when he sees me struggle with my pasta.
"Don''t," I growl at Beatris when she tries toe take it from me. "I''ll use it on you,"
Jamesughs when she goes back to her spot. I look up at the two of them and continue eating. Dammit, I miss Jonas''s food. Everything else tastes nd to me. He did that. He spoiled me. "How long do you have?"
16:57 Thu. Nov 28 BB.
"Three days You? Tahmostugh at the re he shoots me "What have you been working on
the Whyouheon
"I''m not allowed anything in my room I can use to escape. It''s just me, the bed, and the electric firece on the wall for ambiance he clears his throat
"I have a fully stocked library on Lycan education in mine.".
Learn anything?"
"Yeah, how to tell people to fuck off," I say in Lycarian. The two of themugh. "I requested your entire work profile."
"Why the fuck would you do that?"
"Jonas and I decided that I would stay under the radar. The Vampire King is nning a coup against the rest of us. I think we should take him out before he breaks the treaty. Let them battle it out until we get someone who can y well with the rest of us." "The old man wanted him alive," he shakes his head.
"I can give less fucks about what the old man wants anymore. If you haven''t noticed, he''s forgotten about you. That''s how little we all mean to him,"
"He ever show you the game room?"
"I built the game room. Darren and I designed all sixty safe havens and the theater room. You scratched the surface of the KNAVE. Did you even go through conditioning?"
"I didn''t have to,"
"You really are an idiot. He never expected you to get very far. I had training when I joined and I still went through four rounds of conditioning because my father''s training was a little too deep for his liking. Then he set me and Vy up to be trained by the Rogue King. He was setting you up to get to Jonas. He''s noting back for you. He knows Jonas has information he wouldn''t like to be leaked,"
"How old were you when he took you in?"
"Thirteen. What did he want the Vampire King alive for? Reproduction?"
"How do you know that?" he asks.
"Like I said, you just scratched the surface,"
"If he wants to make more Wraiths, what would he need with a vamp? He''s not a shifter,"
"Wrong. He is a shifter. Just not like us. The Vampire King is a rare breed, His bloodline goes back millennia to the first vampires,"
"Gargoyles," the Queen gawks at me. "He''s a gargoyle?"
"A special breed of them," I nod. "He''s been alive a very very long time. Not easy to kill but not impossible. If the old man wants him for breeding purposes it''s not to create more Wraiths. It''s make more gargoyles,"
I sit back mulling over the information I just received. My skin crawls. That fuck is just trying to resurrect something that was eliminated for a reason. The Vampire King and the Wraith are both relics of the past and that''s what they should stay.
"You can''t possibly be thinking of going after him," James growls "You''re the Queen now. Not a fucking soldier. You die and Jonas follows you into that grave. Everything you''ve been praising him for goes to shit when the alphas and the councilmen go to war to take his ce. You need to get this heroplex out of your-"
16:57 Thu, Nov 28 BB.
"I didn''t ask for your opinion," I cut him short. "Do you really think your brother would allow that? You fucked him up and as soon as I step out of here I''m likely to have an entire team of Lycans around me at all times. There are other ways to prevent the old man from getting his way. I just need to get to Nova
"My question is if, you want to help me? You''re a soldier and you seem asmitted to being a little shit as I am. Help me do this for all of us and maybe I can convince your brother to exile you instead of keeping you around like an exotic pet,"