Chapter 168 Jonas
The rest of the meeting goes uneventful. Perry, Jordan, and I are the only ones left after nothing was solved and a whole lot more of the Vampire King''s bitching.
"You need to control your anger," I scold her. She lets out a loud groan and rolls her eyes at me.
"He started it," she spins around to face me.
"It doesn''t matter. You chose this position. y the part,"
I jump off the podium and head toward the door. Jordan goes up ahead while Perry stays behind me. I hate it. I want her at my side but there are a lot of eyes on us right now and if they see me show any kind of favoritism towards her, these vultures will pounce. "I apologize, my King," she says when we''re outside.
"Just don''t let it happen again," I shrug it off.
My phone begins to ping and Bunny drives up in our car. Lillies climbs out of the passenger seat and opens the back door for me. When I nce back at Perry and Jordan I see they already have their helmets on. Jordan takes the lead and we follow after him. Once we hit the highway back to Viper''s Lane, Perry and Jordan nk the sides of the car.
"take it, it didn''t go well," Bunny breaks the silence.
"Perry broke the Vampire King''s front teeth and almost killed his guard," I shake my head. "He thinks we''re the ones that attacked him,"
"Could you have prevented that?" Lillies scoffs.
"I could have," I admit.
I just didn''t want to. A sick part of me wanted her to do it. That same part wanted to see how far she would be willing to go and I know if I had let her, she would have tried to kill him. Provoked him somehow to make it look like he was at fault and she had no other choice. The p sound her fist made when it collided with his mouth was satisfying. As good as the crunch of teeth cracking. He has been running his mouth for months now and no one dared get in his face like that. I snapped. Perry''s death is a sensitive subject for me. None of them have a right to speak about her in any kind of way. Especially not that fanged fuck.
Then there was that p. I slight tap of her hands. Something that should not have made the impact that it did. She could have leveled the building. Not a single scratch was made. She also used that ability when she hit the Vampire King. He waspletely unprepared for what she did to him."
The look on his face when she rushed him was magical. He went from not having a care in the world to having Perry as a potential life threat all in a split second. As someone who has been on the receiving end of her wrath, for a moment I felt bad for the old bat. He knows she pulled that punch. Had she taken a full swing she might have taken his head clean off his shoulders.
It was beautiful.
When we get back to the main house, Perry is after me like a mad woman. She ms the doors to my study behind her as soon as we''re alone.
"What the fuck was that?" she demands. I smile and take a seat behind my desk. She doesn''t like that. I love how she looks all worked up like this. You fixed that, Chapter 168
I did," I nod. Hurt crosses her features and I''m at her side immediately.
"You hid that from me,"
"It''s new,
"You should have told me," she shoves me hard enough to make me step back.
"I don''t see why it''s relevant. You know now,"
"I tell you everything," she says stopping at the doors. "I thought you did too,"Contentt bel0ngs to N0ve/lDra/ma.O(r)g!
"Perry," I call after her. When she opens the doors, Ss and the twins are already waiting.
"He''s all yours," she scoffs. I reach out for her tapping into the band-like feel of her abilities. She tries to keep going and even goes as far as grabbing the door frame when I pull at it dragging her back in. "Jonas, what the fuck?" "Get," I order the others.
Ssughs and leads the girls away. Perry growls and drops to the floor refusing to give in. I let her go so I could shut the doors before she ran out. She growls and turns around to face me. She''s furious.
"You''re an asshole,"
"It''s not important,"
"It''s important to me," she shouts. "When did it start?"
"Around the same time you started shifting. It was subtle at first. With you this close, it''s getting stronger. I rarely use it,"
She stays seated on the floor with her arms crossed over her chest. I crouch down next to her tucking the few strands of hair in her face behind her ear.
"You mended that podium. That''s not telekinesis," she pushes.
"All I did was fit the pieces back together. Had he gone back to it and applied any kind of pressure it would havee part again,"
"You lied to me,"
"No, I just didn''t tell you,"
"You lied to me," she insists. "You told me that it was dormant because you''re gray,"
"It was true at the time. Things are changing. I just didn''t want to worry you,"
"Why would I be worried?" she pouts and I can''t bring myself from looking away from her lips.
"A lot is going on, Perry. There are things we''re both learning about ourselves and I was going to tell you when you arrived but things didn''t go as nned and after. It felt like I had waited an embarrassingly amount of time and I took a page out of your book. I said fuck it. It is what it is. And now we''re here,"
"What else is there?"
"That''s it, I reach into my shirt to show her my pendant simr to hers. "I learning how to control it just like you are,
"Tell me the truth" she stares at it.
"That is the truth. Perry. I can''t even bring myself to lie to you. I''ve tried. I just don''t want you going out of your way to help 17.13 Tue, Dec J
me with something yourcan''t. That''s like setting you up for failure and it feels wrong. I want you to get it out of your head
"First, it''s too cool to get out of my head. Two, it''s literally my job as your mate to worry about you, even if I wasn''t. You''re still my husband. Death tried to do us part but here we fucking are. Still kicking. Three," I jump back when her hand cracks should spar," me across the forehead. "I think we
"I''m not going to spar with you,"
"Please," she begs. "You can''t hit me if I don''t want you to," she smirks. "And I''ll make it worth your while,"
"Sex promises don''t work on me, Little Wolf. It''s a lot easier for me to get away with shit in that regard," Iugh. ot easier for the to get away with shit in that regard,ugh.
"Spar with me and I''ll let you take me to the one good restaurant here in Nova. And then we spend the night at my loft so I can show you the weapons that can kill the Vampire King," she shrugs. "And then you can make it worth my while on top of the stacks of money I''ve stolen from every royal treasury I''ve evere across. We both get what we want,"
Tiny fucking monster. She''s got me.
"How do you know me so well?" I shake
my head.
"Promise won''t get
mad at me?"
"What did you do?"
"Nothing. I just know it''s going to hurt your ego," she shrugs.
"I destroy Kings and Alphas for a living. I have to admit that the good
"What''s that?" I roll my eyes.
ones always have one thing inmon,"
"They often have to do things alone. All rage and strategies, but at the end of the day. They just want to be loved,"
"All right all knowing, Lycan Queen. How do I deal with you then?" I smile.
"I''m a soldier. Fuck me properly and give me a safe ce toy my head. The rest of that sappy bonus,"
stuff is just a really cool
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continue reading tomorrow, everyone!