Chapter 170 91%
James is staring down at the cup I handed him. He hasn''t taken a single sip of it. I take it from his hand and take a drink.
"If I wanted to kill you I would have done it in the insane asylum we were trapped in," I hand it back to him. He smirks and takes a heavy drink.
"It never crossed my mind. I was just wondering why you would try to be any kind of hospitable to me,"
"I''m hospitable as fuck," I shrug. "Ask Jordan,"
"Don''t," Jordan rolls his eyes. "Would you like to do the honors or do you want me to take point?"N?velDrama.Org owns this.
"I''ll start so I can make things clear to him," I sit behind my ss desk.
James sits back and waits for me to start. I ce the pearl gun on the table between us and show him the newly improved beads that I will be jamming in our necks before loading them up. I''ve already synced them.
"A tracker implies that I''m going to be able to be out on my own," he says.
"Right," I nod. "And this is much more than that," I say cing his updated identification papers between us and the new wallet I got for him. "As of today, you are an asset of the crown. You belong to me. I say jump you jump as high as you can. When you are required to be somewhere you will be there fifteen minutes before the scheduled time. Failure toply will result in you going back to the ss room. Not the institution. What you do with the rest of your time, is on you,"
"You''re just giving me a job and letting me go?" he asks confused.
"What did you think I was going to do?"
"Keep me in a box until you require my services,"
wanted that, but I didn''t think it would be fair given that I''m not better than you," I admit.
"You''re a very naive woman," he scoffs.
"I can still change my mind. I may not be better than you, but I am the Queen," I remind him. He grins. "With that said, all of ''your assets have been unlocked but will be strictly monitored. This," I tap the gun. "Is a new little device I made just for you, "You shouldn''t have," he smirks.
"You''re not allowed to have paper money. This is the only phone that you are allowed to use and it is registered to this pearl," I tap the gun again. "If you get close to any device that isn''t registered to you, your pearl will send a notification to Jordan with a copy of everything on that device. That''s also for missions and shit.
"This will go into your neck and if you ever find yourself in trouble with nomunications avable you can doublet and it will activate mine. I''ll be able to hear you and get to you wherever you are," "You?" he asks confused.
"Yes, you are my asset. It''s up to me to make sure you are on your best behavior and to keep you alive. Everything you do henceforth will be reflected in me. I took the oath to start to process for your pardon. Your brother made it very clear that if you''re going to be free there is no way in hell you''re going to be exiled. So here we are.
you to
"While you are my asset, you will answer to Jordan. He is your boss for all intended purposes. You are to follow his lead and orders. Jordan will report back to me. The King and I will decide where to go from there. It''ll take some time for prove that you are worthy of being pardoned.
"For the time being, you are not a prince of the crown. You hold no title or position. You are still a criminal and the rest of
the team is likely going to
at you as such. The best I could do was get you out of the box,"
"Why? I tried to kill you and Jonas,"
"Well, for starters, I need your help. You have a particr set of skills I need to help the King gain way with the other Kings. We already know how to work around the system they created. We have the stomach to do what needs to be done. We did it for people who were nothing to us. Why not do it for our family?
"Our family?" he huffs.
"Our family, James. You''re an asshole, but you are Jonas''s brother and Jonas is my family now. He, Andromeda, and your mother are included. We look out for each other. We forgive each other. I mean there''s been lying and maiming but we haven''t killed one another yet. I think that counts for something
"I killed my father,"
"I killed my best friend and her unborn child," I shrug. "We all have problems. No one is perfect. If the crown is willing to forgive me for my indiscretions why not forgive yours? You are still second in line for the throne by birthright. My wolf asked me to take ountability for all the shit I''ve done.
"I''d like to think that we''re not that different. We have very simr circumstances and given the chance, we could make a better impact than what we already have. You have some great ideas. Misguided, they were weaponized against your family. You almost toppled the hierarchy single-handedly. Out of spite. I respect that. A lot more than you think. This shit with the KNAVE, you were never an asset. He didn''t train you properly,"
"I don''t need to be trained. I''m already where I need to be," he scoffs.
"Wrong. The Falcon was using you, James. He never expected you to make it out of it alive. There is a reason why he didn''t send Violetta or me to do what he sent you to do,"
"Because neither of you had the skills," he shakes his head.
"Because you were expendable. He wanted the King to kill you so that you could take the fall for all the shit he''s been doing as ofte. Attacking the Kings directly. The Vampire King in particr. That monster would tear you apart, James.
"Open your eyes. That''s what he does. He did it to all of us. Easily reced everyone who had died for him. He groomed us from a very young age. He was a father figure to each of us before he showed us who he really was. I''m not telling you to humiliate you. It''s the truth. That''s what he does,"
"So what? You''re putting together a task force to what? Kill him? Are you out of your mind? You''re afraid of him. We all are. It can''t be done,"
"It can. We just need to y our cards right. He''s taking too much. The Falcon isn''t a god. He''s an animal that needs to be put down. None of us will be safe until that happens. As long as we have something to lose, he will continue trying to drag us under with him. So are you in or do you want to return to your box?"
He sits back linking his fingers, resting his elbows on the armrests of my ck and red moon chair. He takes a deep breath and nods.
"I''m in. Whatever it takes. Not for any of the shit you said about family. You and Jonas can get fucked for all I care. I''ll follow your stupid rules. So as long as I get to kill someone,"
He leans forward and offers me his hand. Fuck it. I''ll take it. I shake his hand and get up with the pearl gun. I swab his neck and inject him with the device. I then do the same to myself so he sees that I am one hundred percent serious about the terms of our agreement.
"ID, passports, and cards," I hand him the wallet and the file. He takes them and begrudgingly bows his head. "I''m giving you whole week to get reacquainted with the outside again. You wille back here Monday ready to work. Oh, and before
you try it. The thing in your neck will explode as soon as your vitals stop. If at any moment I feel that you are a threat to me,
Jonas, or anyone on our team. I will blow your fucking head off,
"You should have mentioned that sooner," he growls.
"I don''t see why it matters. It wouldn''t have changed the oue," I shrug and hold up my keys. "You can use my car until you''re able to acquire one of your own. And no, you can''t have the Lamborgini back. I gave it to Jordan. It''s his now," "Great," he says through gritted teeth and snatches them out of my hand. "Am I dismissed?"
"Not up to me," I go around my desk to start up myputer. I want tough at the way his nose res when I look up at Jordan. After a very long pause, and James''s hammering rage, he smiles.
"Get out of here. First thing Monday morning," Jordan nods. James growls and storms out like his ass is on fire. "That was intense. He visibly got madder and madder,"
"He''s in for a rude awakening. He thinks very highly of himself. It''s not going to be easy to whip him into shape and he''s not going to take those beatings easily. Someone needs to humble him," "You nning on being the one?" heughs.
"From day one," I smile. "I think we''re going to be great friends once he gets his head out of his ass,"
The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and
continue reading tomorrow, everyone!