Chapter 179 83%
"I can''t believe that happened," the King says as he fastens my seatbelt into ce. He goes around and takes a moment to put himself together before getting in the car.
"Did you hear his introduction? I told you it was going to be over quickly," I grin. "Sixty-eight fights, sixty-eight victories. Forty-nine knockouts and half were back-to-back. Fuck out of here. That twink stood zero chance against him,"
"Perry, he knocked him out in two hits. Two. That was like a twenty-second fight," he says in disbelief.
"It was twelve seconds. It''s a world record. We just witnessed history. But that second fight is going to live rent-free in my head for the rest of my life,"
Heughs and finally starts the car. It takes us forever to be able to leave the stadium parking.
"That was a great fight," he agrees.
"Do you want anything? I''m going to Uber us some food. It''ll probably be there when we get home,"
"I can make you something if you like," he counters.
"What? No. I''m not going to make you cook right now. We''re hanging out and don''t say it''ll be fun or whatever cheesy thing you''re gonna say. I want to eat something unhealthy right now. It''s almost midnight and if we''re breaking health habits we''re going all the way," "Whatever you get," he smiles and reaches for the dashboard to put some music on.
Throne by Bring Me The Horizon starts. I pull his arm back when he tries to change it.
"Noo," I sing making himugh.
"Why am I not surprised?" he squints his eyes.
"You''re lying if you say you don''t like BMTH. Just like most men lie when they say they don''t think Andy from ck Veil Brides is crazy beautiful,"
"I actually don''t know who that is," he says and I believe him because his face gets bright red.
"He''s a Dhampire. His mother was human and she fell in love with an aristocrat. They created this very American Rock god. What do you listen to?"
"Um," he clears his throat. "Rap?"
"Are you embarrassed about that? What kind of rap?" Iugh. He taps on the screen and Kendric Lamar starts. "Why are you embarrassed about this? I love Kendric and J. Cole. And Tech N9ne," "Really?" heughs.
"Yeah, I discovered him on Falling In Reverse''s new album and I loved him. He has a good backlist,"
"I don''t know. Ss always gives me shit because I was born in a castle,"
"I''ve seen Ss singing to Taylor Swift. He has no right to criticize your taste in music when he''s listening to songs that speak to fourteen-year-old girls. Team Miley Sirus all the way. Party in the USA was my mom''s and I''s favorite song. I''d y it when she was super bummed about my dad being away all the time. She would have loved Wrecking Ball and Flowers,"
"Miley Sirus is my sister''s favorite," heughs.
16:05 Mon, Dec 9 Gx.
My attention snaps outside when I see movement in the darkness. I can''t see through the snow falling but there is definitely something out there. I reach under my seat to retrieve the emergency pack I stashed in here when I did a clean sweep before going into Wondend. I lower the window enough so the re doesn''t blind me and I turn the high-beam shlight
1. on.
I can''t believe what I''m looking at. My stomach shrivels up and tries to take cover in my chest as a really bad shback of getting my ass nearly torn to shreds jumps in my head. My body reacts violently as the fear I didn''t have in my first encounter with one of these things makes itself known.
"Go faster," I say pressing the button and hating that it goes up so fucking slow.
"What is it?" he looks over at me probably sensing my fear.
"A gorgon," I push the seat back and remove my jacket. The King shifts gears. "Whatever you do, do not stop this car. That is a fully grown gorgon out there,"N?velDrama.Org content rights.
"What the fuck is a gorgon doing out in the open like this?" he asks.
"Hunting," I pull my phone out and dial for Mackenzie.
"What up?" she answers immediately.
"We''re entering the border. There''s a gorgon on our ass,"
"Fuck. I''ll scatter the big dogs. What entrance?"
"Go around. Let''s buy them enough time to gear up," I point at an open pathway. "Get them to the west entrance, Kenz. Use deadlies,"
"Yes, ma''am," she sounds like she''s already out of breath. "Hey, Prince boy. We have a Gorgon on the property," she knocks like a mad woman on someone''s door. "Let''s go! Let''s go! This is not a drill,"
"I''ll pay for this," I look over at the King. "We have to keep it on us,"
"Fuck. Okay," he nods.
"Keep it steady. Tell me when you''re going to turn or brake so I can brace myself," I lean in and kiss him. "You''ve got this,"
He nods but doesn''t say a word. I take a deep breath and lower the ss. I turn the shlight back on and stick it to the top of my SMG with the crappy tape I swore he was never going to need. When I try to stick my head out the window a rock flies past my head. I take a deep breath again and let it out slowly. I ce the extra mags on the seat and try again.
As soon as the silver blob crosses the path of my shlight I fire and a high-pitched screech wails in the darkness. It jumps
into the trees around us and it falls behind.
"Brake!" the King shouts. I grip the handle from the inside and reach for the seatbelt.
"Fuck," I growl when the car skids a bit just before mming into a second one. He turns the car as I open fire on it. It jumps
into the trees as well. I pull myself back inside and reach for my phone to call Mack.
"I''m on my way, Mama," she says hurriedly.
"There are two Mackenzie. Take the high ground. We''re going through the centering in through the southwest," I call out as I reload my weapon. "Aim for the stomach. Tell the others to aim for their stomach,"
She starts giving orders and I look over at the King worriedly.
"Are thosemon here?" he asks.
"No, they''re cold climate creatures. They also stick to more crowded areas," I hang up the phone and call the asshole who I just backhanded earlier tonight.
"This better be a good fucking apology," he growls.
"Shut down the pack. We''ve got two gorgons between our territories. Get everyone inside and if you have guns, you better fucking use them. Take a left up here, Jonas,"
"Are fucking kidding me?" he says a little calmer.
"Go, Scofield. This is not a fucking drill. There might be kids outside,"
The line goes dead and in the distance an rm res. I have to get out of this car, but I also don''t want to leave the King alone. These things are deadly and the only reason why I survived my first encounter with one of these was because of Calvin and the fact that it was still a baby. These are two fully grown gorgons.
I adjust the mirror and hold my gun toward the back to see that only one is following us. Lights from the rooftops upe on and as we zoom past them they light up the monster behind us.
"Jonas, I have to get outside,"
"No," he growls shifting gears to go faster.
"They''re here for me. You know they are," I sigh. "The old man knows I''m alive and he''s not happy,"
"You can''t go out there. I''ve seen the scars that one of those things left on you," he shouts.
"Jo, there are a lot of Lycans here, and if these things make out to Nova there a whole lot of pups in those schools,"
"Then we go out there together," he growls. I cup his face and smile.
"Go back around and honk your horn. sh your lights. Head east and go all the way around while we take care of this one. Come back. We do this together. Okay?"
"Don''t jump out of the fucking car," he growls.
"Trust me, Please, trust that I know what I''m doing,"
"Perry," he shakes his head.
"Please. For all of us. Head east take it all the way around to give us enough time to kill this one. Repeat it back to me,"
"Head east go all the way around and then bring it back," he repeats.
"Look at me," I tilt his head. "We''re going to be fine," I slide my ring off my finger and ce it on his hand. "Don''t let go of that. I want it back,"