In a world where magic reigns supreme and diverse races coexist, this enthralling tale of adventure, mystery, and destiny unfolds. Meet Rupert, a gifted human magician with the unique ability to see mana, the essence of magic that flows through the world. His talents set him apart as the only person who really understands the true nature of magic. Rising from humble beginnings, Rupert embarks on a journey that ends in the establishment of Baani Invictus, a powerful empire determined to challenge the norms and taboos of their magical realm.In another land, we encounter Sierra, a spirited and courageous young woman. As she reaches the pivotal age of twelve, her life takes an unexpected turn when her father takes her to the local temple for her oracular record to be divined. Unfortunately, her fortune leads her astray as Sierra finds herself enslaved, bound to a fate worse than death. Her circumstances mold her into a determined and unwavering leader who seeks to confront the very Gods themselves in an attempt to reshape the course of the world.Meanwhile, Thorn Hangfruit, a carefree and audacious merchant somehow finds himself in the perilous court of Partisita, one of the most powerful and prosperous kingdoms. Armed with his oracular report and uncanny luck, Thorn seeks to strike a profitable trade partnership with the ruler, King Janleva Ringlrebro. However, his past connection to the destroyed nation of Harmonia raises suspicion and questions about his true identity.As the destinies of Rupert, Sierra, and Thorn intertwine, they are united by a common question that echoes throughout the realm - What impending threat to the world has compelled the very Gods to descend and dwell among mortals? As they navigate treacherous paths, these three must confront not only the dangers of their world but also the consequences of their own actions. They learn that unraveling the mysteries of the Gods and the true extent of their influence, they might themselves become the looming peril that threatens their world''s delicate balance.New chapters will be released on Saturday and Sunday.
In a world where magic reigns supreme and diverse races coexist, this enthralling tale of adventure, mystery, and destiny unfolds. Meet Rupert, a gifted human magician with the unique ability to see mana, the essence of magic that flows through the world. His talents set him apart as the only person who really understands the true nature of magic. Rising from humble beginnings, Rupert embarks on a journey that ends in the establishment of Baani Invictus, a powerful empire determined to challenge the norms and taboos of their magical realm.In another land, we encounter Sierra, a spirited and courageous young woman. As she reaches the pivotal age of twelve, her life takes an unexpected turn when her father takes her to the local temple for her oracular record to be divined. Unfortunately, her fortune leads her astray as Sierra finds herself enslaved, bound to a fate worse than death. Her circumstances mold her into a determined and unwavering leader who seeks to confront the very Gods themselves in an attempt to reshape the course of the world.Meanwhile, Thorn Hangfruit, a carefree and audacious merchant somehow finds himself in the perilous court of Partisita, one of the most powerful and prosperous kingdoms. Armed with his oracular report and uncanny luck, Thorn seeks to strike a profitable trade partnership with the ruler, King Janleva Ringlrebro. However, his past connection to the destroyed nation of Harmonia raises suspicion and questions about his true identity.As the destinies of Rupert, Sierra, and Thorn intertwine, they are united by a common question that echoes throughout the realm - What impending threat to the world has compelled the very Gods to descend and dwell among mortals? As they navigate treacherous paths, these three must confront not only the dangers of their world but also the consequences of their own actions. They learn that unraveling the mysteries of the Gods and the true extent of their influence, they might themselves become the looming peril that threatens their world''s delicate balance.New chapters will be released on Saturday and Sunday....