Rosalie scrolled through the videos mindlessly and started feeling drowsy. She was about to doze off when she scrolled to a livestream session. The host looked rather familiar.
Wasn''t this the author who wrote that novel? It was all thanks to her that Angie was caught. Why was she on a livestream?
She looked like a natural onscreen.
Many people were tuning in. The author was interacting non-stop with her readers, even leisurely reading through nastyments left by detractors and responding to them.
One of thements read, [The disgusting characters are a reflection of how disgusting the author is. She herself must be promiscuous to be able to write of such a promiscuous character.]
The author responded, "If I wrote a character with a high IQ, does that make me have a high IQ, too? In that case, I''ll write about a character with an IQ of 190 in my next book. But that''s not right. I''ve written so many books with so many characters in them, even criminals. You should call the cops right now, you fool. Tell the police that I, as an author, wrote of criminals in my book and that I must be a criminal myself. I must have murdered someone to be able to write so urately about a murderer."
She went on to read another maliciousment.
"Disgusting, lousy female lead who''s promiscuous and has questionable morals. The author must be sick in the mind, what trashy content... Thisment is too long, but the insults and prejudices in thisment clearlye from some feudalistic mindset."
The author remarked, "Wow, turns out that women who are obsessed over traditional women''s virtues follow my book, too. You hate my book so much and are disgusted by it, yet you continue reading it. Just say out loud that you love me, don''t try to hide it or cover it up with hatred. That''ll only make my heart break. Your love for me is so irrepressible."
Just then, the author saw anotherment that read, [Just reading through yourments gives me an idea of what your book is about. How disgusting! The author is sick in the mind and disgusting.]
The author zoomed in on thisment and said, "Are you even a human? Let''s take it that you are for a moment. Just reading through yourment gives me an idea of the kind of person you are, one with no brains and easily swayed by what other people say. She said that the earth is square and you immediately know for sure that that is true? Can''t you check it up online? You''re so brainless and so easily incited by maliciousments. If you think my book is trash, just don''t read it and leave quietly. No one''s forcing you to read it, but you let yourself get swayed by maliciousments. You hopped on the bandwagon and started scolding me without even reading a word of what I wrote. That makes you a brainless fool!"
The one who left the previousment left another that read, [Why is this trashy book still not ending? The author is beyond disgusting.]
"Ending? I''m telling you, I wanted to
finish it in 800,000 words, but the more you insulted me, the more inspiration I had. I couldn''t bear to part with my detractors, you see, so I kept writing and writing. The more you insult me, the more I write."
The author looked up with a smile, as if telling af her detractors who liked hurling insults at her that they didn''t stand a chance of ruining her writing career, and that the more they scolded her, the more she would write and anger them.
She eventually concluded, "How should I put this? If you''ve read my books and berated me about it, I''ll leave you be as long as you don''t make any personal attacks against me. But some peoplee here criticizing me after reading some maliciousments without even reading what I wrote. I have no idea what you have your brains for. It''s a pity having your brain fail you at such a young age, really."
A flurry ofments bombarded the session, with detractors scolding her non-stop and supporters expressing their admiration.
[Goodness, I feel like I''m watching some drama.]
[The author is my online alter ego.]
[Indeed, many people just jump on the bandwagon without even reading the book.]
[Just read it for yourself and decide if you like it or not. If you don''t, just give up on it and leave. Is there a need to scold the author?]
[Yes, reading a novel is a subjective experience to begin with. People who just listen to others without reading it for themselves don''t have a mind of their own.]
Rosalie was tickled pink by the author''s words.
The author went off like a cannon, speaking so eloquently and sounding so different from what Rosalie imagined her to be when she read her novel. Someone as frank as her was bound to draw detractors, but also fans who adored her, finding her refreshing and attractive. On the other hand, people who hated her hated her with gusto.
Rosalie followed the author as she wanted to ask her for her advice in the future.