Chapter 0737
Matt and I stepped back to look down at our handiwork. A small pic nket, situated under a rustling tree, looked back up at us. On it sat a bottle of wine, some choctes, a few flickering candles, and scattered around were pink petals that we had plucked from some of the flowers in the garden.
"This is perfect, Nina," Matt said almost breathlessly as we looked down at the little date we had set up. "I think Daphne will really love it."
I couldn''t help but smile with satisfaction. "I think so, too," I said.
Matt took in a deep breath. "Now I just need to actually get her out here." He scratched his head and looked back up at the mansion, where the golden glow of lights was cast down on the grounds.
Various rooms were illuminated as the others got ready for bed after a long day of training, and Daphne was in one of those rooms.
She wasn''t really training so much as she was watching from various tree branches during the day, but she was still here. It seemed as though the escapade in M''s kingdom had made her somewhat of a permanent installment in the group.
"What are you going to say to her?" I asked, turning to face my friend. "Pretend that I''m Daphne."
Matt nodded and took another deep breath. "Okay, uh... Hey, D-Daphne. Would you, uh..."
His voice trailed off. I smirked and put my hands on my hips. "Why so nervous, Matt?" I asked. "This isn''t normally like you."
I watched as Matt''s shoulders sagged. "Look, it''s been a really long time since I asked anyone out," he replied slowly. "Not like this, at least. I don''t have any problems with talking to girls at the bar or whatever, but when ites to the more romantic stuff..."
I couldn''t help but giggle. "Just be yourself," I said. "You''ll be fine."
Matt almost seemed to growl in frustration. "But I just don''t know Daphne all that well," he said. "Besides, she might not even like me when I''m ''myself''."
For a moment, I almost told Matt how I had already seen the way that Daphne looked at him--but at thest second, I chose not to. Instead, I stepped forward, smirking up at him. "Just pretend like you''re talking to... me when you talk to her," I said. "We know each other well. You don''t get nervous around me."
Matt paused for a moment, thinking, then nodded. "Yeah," he said. "You''re right."
He then took a deep breath, steeling himself, before he stepped forward. A husky gaze almost seemed toe over his eyes as he pictured Daphne in my ce.
"Daphne," he said softly, reaching out to let his fingers brush mine ever so slightly. "Will you go on a walk with me? There''s something I want to show you."
For a moment, as Matt and I looked at each other, I knew he had hit it spot on; I felt the same way I had felt all that time ago when Enzo had first asked me out. The same shiver of excitement ran up my spine, and for a moment, I wished that Enzo was standing in front of me.
Finally, Matt stepped back and let out a shuddering breath. "Well? Do you think she''ll like that?"
I nodded vehemently. "I think she''ll love it."
Matt sighed with tremendous relief. "Thank you, Nina," he said, and before I could stop him, he was suddenly rushing forward and squeezing me into a hug so tight I felt as if my ribs would break.
"Ouch... Matt," I grunted, breathless from his iron grip. "I can''t breathe-"
"Oh. Sorry." Matt chuckled and released me, leaving me gasping. Weughed for a moment before heading back to the house, and I gave him my best wishes before we parted ways.
"Thanks again, Nina!" he called after me.
I grinned back at him. "Go get ''em, tiger."
As I headed back upstairs to mine and Enzo''s room, there was a newfound pep in my step. I felt a stirring inside of me, deep down in the pit of my stomach, at the thought of Enzo.
Something about standing in the moonlight, surrounded by those flickering candles, made me yearn for him. I wanted to feel his skin against mine, to kiss him deeply beneath the soft sheets. And I intended to do just that.
When I pushed open the door to our bedroom, he was already in bed. I smirked a bit as I shut the door and walked up to him, where he wasying beneath the covers with his hand raised, about to turn themp off.
"Oh," he said, lowering his hand. "You''re back."
"I''m back." I grinned and, without another word, I tugged the nkets down to reveal his shirtless, muscr
He wore nothing but a pair of boxer briefs, and the sight of him made me bite my lip as the stirring in my belly grew. I felt my wolf stir with desire inside of me. Without a word, I straddled him and began running my hands along his chest, feeling the familiar bumps and ridges of his chest.
"I know you''re tired from training," I said, my voice soft and husky as I leaned down to him. "But maybe you could justy back, and I''ll handle the rest..."
Enzo let out a soft breath as I leaned down and flicked my tongue across his warm neck. I could feel his muscles tense beneath me, as if he was anticipating my touch, waiting for me to continue.
But as I began peppering soft kisses along the soft, tender skin of his neck, jaw, and earlobe, I didn''t feel the familiar sensation of his hands running along my waist. I didn''t feel him buck his hips into me when I began to grind myself against him.
And when I sat up to look at him, he was just... staring at me.
"Is something wrong?" I whispered.
Enzo blinked at me for a moment, then shrugged. "No. Nothing''s wrong," he said.
But I knew better. I climbed off of him onto the bed and sat cross-legged beside him, feeling worried now. "Talk to me," I said. "You usually jump at the opportunity to
"I think I''m just too tired, Nina."
The words he uttered should have been simple and straightforward, and normally, I wouldn''t think anything of it. But the way he spoke them, the look in his eyes as he couldn''t even meet my gaze, told me that there was so much more to it than that.
"You''re just tired?" I asked. "Enzo, you''re never too tired to make love. You could justy back and rx, and..." As I spoke, I reached out and began stroking along his chest again.
But then I saw it: the way he almost recoiled at my touch. Just seeing it made me pull my hand back as though I had been burned.
"I''m sorry, Nina," he said. "I''m just so tired, and with M still out there... you know..."
I swallowed and quickly stood from the bed, crossing over to the bathroom. "I get it," I said softly. "It''s fine."
with that, I opened the bathroom door and stepped inside. Not once did Enzo call after me. Not once did he get up
toe to me.
And as I shut the door, I just saw his hande up to shut off the bedsidemp.