Chapter 0747
The look in Enzo''s eyes really was as if he had gone feral. As I stumbled backwards, knocking the chair out from under me, I saw the leather straps straining around his wrists.
"Enzo!" I cried out over the sound of his menacing snarls. "Enzo, why are you doing this?!"
"You bitch," he repeated. "You cheated on me! You''re trying to overthrow me!"
"Enzo "
Before I could finish, the curtain behind me whipped open. The doctor ran in, a bottle of some sort of medicine in hand. A momentter I felt strong hands pull me away, and I looked up to see my father standing there in his pajamas, his eyes wide with worry.
"This is exactly what I feared," he murmured as he pulled me away.
I didn''t resist; I was still in too much shock to even fathom what was happening. I had just woken up to find that my husband, the gentle young man who had neverid a finger on me before, was trying to break out of his restraints ande for me.
Eventually, Enzo''s snarls and curses faded into the distance as my father and I emerged from the infirmary. Once we were in the hallway, my father turned to me, holding me by both shoulders.
"Dad, I—I don''t know what he was saying," I whimpered as my lower lip began to quiver. "He said some awful things"
"Shh, shh. It''s alright." My dad wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a hug. I couldn''t help it; I sobbed into his chest, my tears soaking his shirt.
As I closed my eyes now, I could still see the wild, angry look in Enzo''s eyes. It was as if he really did want to hurt me. But I had never done the things he said; I had never cheated on him. I would have never even dreamed of it.
When we finally pulled apart, I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and looked up at my dad.
"Do you think he''s really been poisoned?" I asked softly.
My dad sighed and went to respond. But before he could, the infirmary door suddenly opened and a voice rang out, causing us both to turn.
"I don''t think so."
"Doctor," I said quietly, taking in the tall, wiry man with a stethoscope around his neck. "Is he..."
The doctor let out a sigh. "He''s sedated now," he said. "But after examining him, I don''t see any signs of poisoning or any sort of magic, either."
My father and I exchanged nces. "You''re sure about that, Doctor?" my father asked. "It seems to me like he''s exhibiting telltale signs."
The doctor, however, shook his head sadly. "I''ll keep him under surveince to make sure. But truly, he''s in excellent health. Although, it is possible..." He paused for a moment, and turned to look at me. "Is it possible that your husband has been suffering from any mental disorders? PTSD? Bipr?"
I frowned. "PTSD, maybe," I said. "But it was such a sudden change."
"That can sometimes happen. I have heard what you both went through-it woulde as no surprise if he''s having shbacks."
"shbacks," I echoed, furrowing my brow. I supposed it made sense, but... shbacks were rarely rooted in the present moment. The way that Enzo had directed his insults very specifically at me and Matt seemed like much more than that.
But I supposed that only time would tell.
Sleep eluded me for the remainder of the night, for obvious reasons. With the bedsidemp softly illuminating my room, Iid on the bed, flipping through the strange book in front of me.
"It just doesn''t make any sense," I whispered both to myself and to my wolf. "I''ve never seen text like this before."
My wolf, who was also at a loss when it came to deciphering the strange journal, hummed in agreement. "Neither have I. Perhaps it was a personal code; and whoever came up with it is long gone."